        public DBTable(string tableName)
            // this base constructor was very expensive
            // we now cache the result for all objects : dbtable and only redo it if an alter table occured (this drastically cut down the number of sql statements)
            // this piece of code alone took over 30% of the time on my machine when entering config and newing up all the episodes

            Dictionary<string, DBFieldType> cachedForTable;
            m_tableName = tableName;
            //m_fields = new Dictionary<string, DBField>();
            if (fields.TryGetValue(tableName, out cachedForTable)) // good, cached, this happens 99% of the time
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DBFieldType> entry in cachedForTable)
                    if (!m_fields.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                        m_fields.Add(entry.Key, new DBField(entry.Value));

            else // we have to get it, happens when the first object is created or after an alter table
                cachedForTable = new Dictionary<string, DBFieldType>();
                // load up fields from the table
                SQLiteResultSet results = DBTVSeries.Execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='" + m_tableName + "'");
                if (results != null && results.Rows.Count > 0)
                    // we have the table definition, parse it for names/types
                    String sCreateTable = results.Rows[0].fields[0];
                    String RegExp = @"CREATE TABLE .*?\((.*?)\)";
                    Regex Engine = new Regex(RegExp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    Match tablematch = Engine.Match(sCreateTable);
                    if (tablematch.Success)
                        String sParameters = tablematch.Groups[1].Value + ','; //trailng comma make the regex below find the last column
                        // we have the list of parameters, parse them
                        // group 1: fieldname, group2: type, group3: test for primary key, group4: any thing else until a comma (not null, Default value etc.)
                        RegExp = @"([^\s]+)\s+([^\s,]+)(\s+primary key)?([^,]+)?,";
                        Engine = new Regex(RegExp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        MatchCollection matches = Engine.Matches(sParameters);
                        foreach (Match parammatch in matches)
                            String sName = parammatch.Groups[1].Value;
                            // could be either "int" or "integer"
                            bool bIntType = parammatch.Groups[2].Value.StartsWith("int", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            bool bPrimary = parammatch.Groups[3].Success;
                            // In Sqlite an "integer" (but not "int") Primary Key is an alias for the sqlite rowid, and therefore auto increments
                            bool bAutoIncrement = (bPrimary && parammatch.Groups[2].Value.Equals("integer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ||
                                // or a column can be set as autoincrement

                            DBFieldType cachedInfo = new DBFieldType
                                Primary = bPrimary,
                                Type = (bIntType ? DBField.cTypeInt : DBField.cType.String),
                                AutoIncrement = bAutoIncrement

                            if (!m_fields.ContainsKey(sName))
                                m_fields.Add(sName, new DBField(cachedInfo));

                            cachedForTable.Add(sName, cachedInfo);
                        lock (fields)
                            fields.Add(tableName, cachedForTable);

                        MPTVSeriesLog.Write("parsing of CREATE TABLE failed!!!");

                    // no tables, assume it's going to be created later (using AddColumn)
        public DBTable(string tableName)
            // this base constructor was very expensive
            // we now cache the result for all objects : dbtable and only redo it if an alter table occured (this drastically cut down the number of sql statements)
            // this piece of code alone took over 30% of the time on my machine when entering config and newing up all the episodes

            Dictionary <string, DBFieldType> cachedForTable;

            m_tableName = tableName;
            //m_fields = new Dictionary<string, DBField>();
            if (fields.TryGetValue(tableName, out cachedForTable)) // good, cached, this happens 99% of the time
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DBFieldType> entry in cachedForTable)
                    if (!m_fields.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                        m_fields.Add(entry.Key, new DBField(entry.Value));
            else // we have to get it, happens when the first object is created or after an alter table
                cachedForTable = new Dictionary <string, DBFieldType>();
                // load up fields from the table
                SQLiteResultSet results = DBTVSeries.Execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='" + m_tableName + "'");
                if (results != null && results.Rows.Count > 0)
                    // we have the table definition, parse it for names/types
                    String sCreateTable = results.Rows[0].fields[0];
                    String RegExp       = @"CREATE TABLE .*?\((.*?)\)";
                    Regex  Engine       = new Regex(RegExp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    Match  tablematch   = Engine.Match(sCreateTable);
                    if (tablematch.Success)
                        String sParameters = tablematch.Groups[1].Value + ','; //trailng comma make the regex below find the last column
                        // we have the list of parameters, parse them
                        // group 1: fieldname, group2: type, group3: test for primary key, group4: any thing else until a comma (not null, Default value etc.)
                        RegExp = @"([^\s]+)\s+([^\s,]+)(\s+primary key)?([^,]+)?,";
                        Engine = new Regex(RegExp, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                        MatchCollection matches = Engine.Matches(sParameters);
                        foreach (Match parammatch in matches)
                            String sName = parammatch.Groups[1].Value;
                            // could be either "int" or "integer"
                            bool bIntType = parammatch.Groups[2].Value.StartsWith("int", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                            bool bPrimary = parammatch.Groups[3].Success;
                            // In Sqlite an "integer" (but not "int") Primary Key is an alias for the sqlite rowid, and therefore auto increments
                            bool bAutoIncrement = (bPrimary && parammatch.Groups[2].Value.Equals("integer", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ||
                                                  // or a column can be set as autoincrement

                            DBFieldType cachedInfo = new DBFieldType
                                Primary       = bPrimary,
                                Type          = (bIntType ? DBField.cTypeInt : DBField.cType.String),
                                AutoIncrement = bAutoIncrement

                            if (!m_fields.ContainsKey(sName))
                                m_fields.Add(sName, new DBField(cachedInfo));

                            cachedForTable.Add(sName, cachedInfo);
                        lock (fields)
                            fields.Add(tableName, cachedForTable);
                        MPTVSeriesLog.Write("parsing of CREATE TABLE failed!!!");
                    // no tables, assume it's going to be created later (using AddColumn)