private void DFoX_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string urlexe = Properties.Settings.Default["urlexe"].ToString().Trim(); string url1337 = Properties.Settings.Default["url1337"].ToString().Trim(); cfileoffsett.Checked = (bool)Properties.Settings.Default["fixoffset"]; controlloBackup.Checked = (bool)Properties.Settings.Default["backup"]; if (urlexe != "") { texe.Text = Ellipsis.Compact(Path.GetFileName(urlexe), texe, EllipsisFormat.Path); toolTip1.SetToolTip(texe, urlexe); exe = urlexe; } else { texe.Text = "Select the Exe/Dll to Patch..."; } if (url1337 != "" && urlexe != "") { t1337.Text = Ellipsis.Compact(url1337, t1337, EllipsisFormat.Path); toolTip1.SetToolTip(t1337, url1337); f1337 = url1337; } else { t1337.Text = "Select a .1337 File..."; } }
private void set() { t1337.Text = Ellipsis.Compact(f1337, t1337, EllipsisFormat.Path); toolTip1.SetToolTip(t1337, f1337); Properties.Settings.Default["url1337"] = f1337; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(f1337); if (!check_Symbol(lines[0])) { return; } string unf = lines[0].Substring(1).ToLower().Trim(); string nf = Path.GetFileName(unf); string ext = Path.GetExtension(unf); OpenFileDialog apriDialogoFile1 = new OpenFileDialog(); apriDialogoFile1.FileName = nf; apriDialogoFile1.Filter = "File " + ext + "|" + nf; apriDialogoFile1.FilterIndex = 0; apriDialogoFile1.Title = "Select the file \"" + nf + "\" File..."; if (apriDialogoFile1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { exe = apriDialogoFile1.FileName; texe.Text = Ellipsis.Compact(Path.GetFileName(exe), texe, EllipsisFormat.Path); toolTip1.SetToolTip(texe, exe); Properties.Settings.Default["urlexe"] = exe; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { t1337.Text = "Select a .1337 File..."; texe.Text = "Select the Exe/Dll to Patch..."; f1337 = String.Empty; exe = String.Empty; } }