private async void LoadUserList(string connectionString, ListBox listbox) { listbox.Items.Clear(); listbox.Items.Add("Loading..."); try { using (var model = new WintotalModel(connectionString)) { var users = await (from n in model.QuickListNames join q in model.QuickLists on n.QLNameID equals q.QLNameID into qlstats orderby n.Name select new WintotalUser { QLNameID = n.QLNameID, Name = n.Name + " - " + qlstats.Count() + " list(s)" }).ToListAsync(); listbox.Items.Clear(); listbox.SelectedValuePath = "QLNameID"; listbox.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; foreach (var user in users.Distinct()) { listbox.Items.Add(user); } } } catch (Exception e) { UiUtilities.ShowErrorMessage("An error occurred loading data: " + e.Message); } }
public static void CopyQuickLists(int sourceQlNameID, int destQlNameID, string sourceConnStr, string destConnStr) { // The technique used to copy the quick lists came from try { using (var sourceModel = new WintotalModel(sourceConnStr)) { using (var destinationModel = new WintotalModel(destConnStr)) { var quickLists = sourceModel.QuickLists .Where(q => q.QLNameID == sourceQlNameID) .Include("QuickListEntries") .AsNoTracking(); foreach (var quickList in quickLists.ToList()) { // Assign the quick list to the destination user quickList.QLNameID = destQlNameID; // The PK value will be recreated quickList.QLID = 0; destinationModel.QuickLists.Add(quickList); } destinationModel.SaveChanges(); } } } catch (Exception e) { UiUtilities.ShowErrorMessage("An error occurred while copying the quick lists: " + e.Message); } }
public static void DeleteQuickListsOfUser(int qlNameID, string connectionString) { try { using (var model = new WintotalModel(connectionString)) { var quickLists = from q in model.QuickLists where q.QLNameID == qlNameID select q; foreach (var quickList in quickLists.ToList()) { model.QuickLists.Remove(quickList); } model.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { UiUtilities.ShowErrorMessage("An error occurred while attempting to delete the destination " + "user's quick lists: " + e.Message); } }