public static void UpdateCursorInfo() { // TODO - make sure everything here is cleaned up properly? // I'm pretty sure it is but it is good to check //int x = 0, y = 0; //return CaptureCursor (ref x, ref y); Win32Types.CursorInfo ci = new Win32Types.CursorInfo(); ci.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Win32Types.CursorInfo)); if (!Win32Funcs.GetCursorInfo(ref ci)) { return; } // Todo: this will change if cursor icon changes (via, // So then we can make more expensive and accurate cursor things and only update as needed IntPtr cursorPointer = ci.hCursor; cursorHandle = cursorPointer; int iconWidth = Win32Funcs.GetSystemMetrics(Win32Consts.SystemMetric.SM_CXICON) + 1; int iconHeight = Win32Funcs.GetSystemMetrics(Win32Consts.SystemMetric.SM_CYICON) + 1; iconDims = new System.Drawing.Point(iconWidth, iconHeight); Win32Types.IconInfo hotSpotInfo = new Win32Types.IconInfo(); Win32Funcs.GetIconInfo(cursorPointer, out hotSpotInfo); //Win32funcs.DrawIcon(hdcBitmap, 1, 1, cursorPointer); hotspot = new System.Drawing.Point(hotSpotInfo.xHotspot + 1, hotSpotInfo.yHotspot + 1); if (hotSpotInfo.hbmColor != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Funcs.DeleteObject(hotSpotInfo.hbmColor); } if (hotSpotInfo.hbmMask != IntPtr.Zero) { Win32Funcs.DeleteObject(hotSpotInfo.hbmMask); } Win32Types.PointL cursorPos; Win32Funcs.GetCursorPos(out cursorPos); int cursorX = cursorPos.x - hotspot.X; int cursorY = cursorPos.y - hotspot.Y; cursorRect = new Win32Types.RECT(cursorX, cursorY, cursorX + iconDims.X, cursorY + iconDims.Y); }