private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SelectChangedSource = UiSelectChangedSource.SelectChangeFinished; if (IsRecording == false) { MouseKeyboardEventHandler.Init(); btnRecord.Content = "Pause"; textBoxRecording.Text = "Recording"; gridTextRecording.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0)); IsRecording = true; AppInsights.LogEvent("Record"); } else { IsRecording = false; MouseKeyboardEventHandler.UnInit(); btnRecord.Content = "Record"; textBoxRecording.Text = ""; gridTextRecording.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); AddInspectUi(null); // remove last Inspect node AppInsights.LogEvent("Pause"); } }
private void SetSessionRoot_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var selectedItem = treeUiPath.SelectedItem as UiTreeNode; if (selectedItem == null) { return; } int nNodeCount = 1; var pParent = selectedItem.Parent; while (pParent != null) { nNodeCount++; pParent = pParent.Parent; } string sessionRootPath = HighlightPath(nNodeCount, false); var textPath = new TextRange(rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart, rtbXPath.Document.ContentEnd).Text; var pos1 = rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(1, LogicalDirection.Forward); int nPos2 = textPath.IndexOf(sessionRootPath) + sessionRootPath.Length; RootSessionPath = textPath.Substring(0, nPos2); var pos2 = rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(nPos2 + 2, LogicalDirection.Forward); var textRange = new TextRange(pos1, pos2); textRange.ClearAllProperties(); textRange.ApplyPropertyValue(TextElement.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightGray); AppInsights.LogEvent("SetSessionRoot_Click"); }
private void Window_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { MouseKeyboardEventHandler.UnInit(); MouseKeyboardHook.StopHook(); s_mainWin = null; System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.FromHwnd(s_windowHandle).RemoveHook(RunOnUiThread); AppInsights.LogEvent("Window_Closed"); }
private void MenuCopyFullPath(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var tr = new TextRange(rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart, rtbXPath.Document.ContentEnd); if (tr != null) { Clipboard.SetText(tr.Text); } AppInsights.LogEvent("Copy full xpath"); }
private void btnWinAppDriverCode_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); lock (RecordedUiTask.s_lockRecordedUi) { if (RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Count == 0) { return; } // Stop recording if (btnRecord.IsChecked == true) { btnRecord_Click(null, null); } string focusedLeftElementName = ""; foreach (var uiTask in RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi) { if (uiTask.UiTaskName != EnumUiTaskName.Inspect) { if (uiTask.UiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.LeftClick) { focusedLeftElementName = uiTask.VariableName; } sb.AppendLine(uiTask.GetCSCode(focusedLeftElementName)); } } } if (sb.Length > 0) { Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { this.toolTipText.Text = "WinAppDriver client code copied to clipboard"; ((ToolTip)btnWinAppDriverCode.ToolTip).IsOpen = true; timer = new System.Timers.Timer(2000) { Enabled = true, AutoReset = false }; timer.Elapsed += ResetToolTip; timer.Start(); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle); } AppInsights.LogEvent("Recorded UI Count", $"{RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Count}"); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { s_windowHandle = new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow).Handle; System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.FromHwnd(s_windowHandle).AddHook(RunOnUiThread); s_mainWin = this; this.comboBoxRecordedUi.ItemsSource = RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi; this.treeUiPath.ItemsSource = UiTreeNode.s_uiTreeNodes; ConstVariables.InitVk2StringMap(); AppInsights.LogEvent("Window_Loaded"); }
private void EditAttribute_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AppInsights.LogEvent("EditAttribute_Click"); var uiTreeNode = treeUiPath.SelectedItem as UiTreeNode; if (uiTreeNode == null) { return; } RecordedUiTask leafUiTask = uiTreeNode.UiTask; if (leafUiTask == null) { if (treeUiPath.Items != null && treeUiPath.Items.Count > 0) { var x = (TreeViewItem)treeUiPath.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(treeUiPath.Items[0]); if (x != null) { TreeViewItem tvi = UiTreeNode2TreeViewItem(x, UiTreeNode.s_uiTreeNodes.First(), uiTreeNode); if (tvi != null) { leafUiTask = GetExpandedLeafNode(tvi, uiTreeNode, selectedTreeViewItem); if (leafUiTask == null) { leafUiTask = GetExpandedLeafNode(tvi, uiTreeNode, null); selectedTreeViewItem = leafUiTask; } } } } } if (leafUiTask == null) { return; } string oldNodePath = uiTreeNode.NodePath; var winEditAttr = new WindowEditNodeAttribute(uiTreeNode); if (true == winEditAttr.ShowDialog()) { var xpath = leafUiTask.GetXPath(false).Replace(oldNodePath, uiTreeNode.NodePath); var tr = new TextRange(rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart, rtbXPath.Document.ContentEnd); tr.Text = leafUiTask.UpdateXPath(xpath); } }
private void Highlight_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AppInsights.LogEvent("Highlight_Click"); var selectedItem = treeUiPath.SelectedItem as UiTreeNode; if (selectedItem == null) { return; } RECT rect = new RECT(); NativeMethods.HighlightCachedUI(selectedItem.RuntimeId, ref rect); }
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { lock (RecordedUiTask.s_lockRecordedUi) { RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Clear(); UiTreeNode.s_uiTreeNodes.Clear(); } this.comboBoxRecordedUi.Items.Refresh(); treeUiPath.Items.Refresh(); TextRange tr = new TextRange(rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart, rtbXPath.Document.ContentEnd); tr.Text = ""; textBoxCode.Text = ""; RootSessionPath = null; AppInsights.LogEvent("btnClear_Click"); }
private void btnRecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SelectChangedSource = UiSelectChangedSource.SelectChangeFinished; if (IsRecording == false) { try { //Start Application Under Test var app = new Winium.Cruciatus.Application(txtAppAddress.Text); app.Start(); //****** MouseKeyboardEventHandler.Init(); btnRecord.Content = "Pause"; textBoxRecording.Text = "Recording"; gridTextRecording.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0)); IsRecording = true; AppInsights.LogEvent("Record"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("The application under test does not exists"); } } else { IsRecording = false; MouseKeyboardEventHandler.UnInit(); btnRecord.Content = "Start"; textBoxRecording.Text = ""; gridTextRecording.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); AddInspectUi(null); // remove last Inspect node AppInsights.LogEvent("Pause"); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (comboBoxRecordedUi.Items == null || comboBoxRecordedUi.Items.Count == 0 || comboBoxRecordedUi.SelectedItem == null) { return; } var uiTask = (RecordedUiTask)comboBoxRecordedUi.SelectedItem; if (uiTask == null) { return; } DeleteRecordedUiTask(uiTask); AppInsights.LogEvent("btnDelete_Click"); }
private void MenuCopyPathWithoutSessionPath(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var tr = new TextRange(rtbXPath.Document.ContentStart, rtbXPath.Document.ContentEnd); if (tr != null && RootSessionPath != null) { int nPos = tr.Text.IndexOf(RootSessionPath); if (nPos > -1) { string xpath = "\"" + tr.Text.Substring(nPos + RootSessionPath.Length); Clipboard.SetText(xpath); } else { Clipboard.SetText(tr.Text); } } AppInsights.LogEvent("Copy relative xpath"); }
private void ComboBoxRecordedUi_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { AppInsights.LogEvent("ComboBoxRecordedUi_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown"); }
private void treeUiPath_SelectedItemChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <object> e) { if (SelectChangedSource == UiSelectChangedSource.TreeViewItemSelected) { return; } var selectedItem = treeUiPath.SelectedItem as UiTreeNode; if (selectedItem == null) { return; } if (SelectChangedSource != UiSelectChangedSource.ComboBoxSelected) { SelectChangedSource = UiSelectChangedSource.TreeViewItemSelected; } RecordedUiTask leafUiTask = selectedItem.UiTask; if (leafUiTask == null) { if (treeUiPath.Items != null && treeUiPath.Items.Count > 0) { var x = (TreeViewItem)treeUiPath.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(treeUiPath.Items[0]); if (x != null) { TreeViewItem tvi = UiTreeNode2TreeViewItem(x, UiTreeNode.s_uiTreeNodes.First(), selectedItem); if (tvi != null) { // sync xpath with last selected tree view leaf if a parent node is selected // and the selected parent has more than 1 expanded leaf children leafUiTask = GetExpandedLeafNode(tvi, selectedItem, selectedTreeViewItem); { leafUiTask = GetExpandedLeafNode(tvi, selectedItem, null); selectedTreeViewItem = leafUiTask; } } } } } if (leafUiTask == null) { if (SelectChangedSource != UiSelectChangedSource.ComboBoxSelected) { SelectChangedSource = UiSelectChangedSource.SelectChangeFinished; } return; } else { selectedTreeViewItem = leafUiTask; } if (leafUiTask != comboBoxRecordedUi.SelectedItem) { comboBoxRecordedUi.SelectedItem = leafUiTask; } int childCount = selectedItem.Items.Count; if (childCount > 0) { treeUiPath.ContextMenu = treeUiPath.Resources["UiNode"] as System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu; } else { treeUiPath.ContextMenu = treeUiPath.Resources["LeafNode"] as System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu; } int nNodeCount = 1; var pParent = selectedItem.Parent; while (pParent != null) { nNodeCount++; pParent = pParent.Parent; } HighlightPath(nNodeCount, true); if (SelectChangedSource != UiSelectChangedSource.ComboBoxSelected) { SelectChangedSource = UiSelectChangedSource.SelectChangeFinished; } AppInsights.LogEvent("treeUiPath_SelectedItemChanged"); }
private void btnWinAppDriverCode_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); lock (RecordedUiTask.s_lockRecordedUi) { if (RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Count == 0) { return; } // Stop recording if (btnRecord.IsChecked == true) { btnRecord_Click(null, null); } string focusedLeftElementName = ""; foreach (var uiTask in RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi) { if (uiTask.UiTaskName != EnumUiTaskName.Inspect) { if (uiTask.UiTaskName != EnumUiTaskName.KeyboardInput) { sb1.AppendLine(string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", uiTask.UiTaskName, uiTask.Tag, uiTask.GetXPath(true))); } else { sb1.AppendLine(string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", uiTask.UiTaskName, uiTask.Tag, string.Empty)); } if (uiTask.UiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.LeftClick) { focusedLeftElementName = uiTask.VariableName; } sb.AppendLine(uiTask.GetCSCode(focusedLeftElementName)); } } } if (sb.Length > 0) { Clipboard.SetText(sb.ToString()); if (sb1.Length > 0) { string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".ksrpa"; using (var tw = new StreamWriter(path, true)) { tw.WriteLine(sb1.ToString()); } } this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { this.toolTipText.Text = "WinAppDriver client code copied to clipboard"; ((ToolTip)btnWinAppDriverCode.ToolTip).IsOpen = true; timer = new System.Timers.Timer(2000) { Enabled = true, AutoReset = false }; timer.Elapsed += ResetToolTip; timer.Start(); }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle); } AppInsights.LogEvent("Recorded UI Count", $"{RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Count}"); }
public static void HandleUiEvent(ref string strXml, EnumUiTaskName uiTaskName, int deltaX, int deltaY) { List <string> nodesRootToLeaf = null; if (uiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.Inspect) { nodesRootToLeaf = GetRootToLeafNodes(strXml); if (nodesRootToLeaf != null && nodesRootToLeaf.Count > 0) { MainWindow.AddInspectUi(new RecordedUiTask(nodesRootToLeaf, uiTaskName)); } return; } if (uiTaskName != EnumUiTaskName.KeyboardInput) { nodesRootToLeaf = GetRootToLeafNodes(strXml); strXml = null; } RecordedUiTask lastRecordedUi = null; lock (RecordedUiTask.s_lockRecordedUi) { if (RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Count > 0) { lastRecordedUi = RecordedUiTask.s_listRecordedUi.Last(); } } bool bAddNewTask = true; // Completing last UI if (uiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.LeftDblClick && lastRecordedUi != null) { lastRecordedUi.ChangeClickToDoubleClick(); bAddNewTask = false; } else if (uiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.MouseWheel) { if (lastRecordedUi == null || lastRecordedUi.UiTaskName != EnumUiTaskName.MouseWheel) { if (nodesRootToLeaf != null && nodesRootToLeaf.Count > 0) { lastRecordedUi = new RecordedUiTask(nodesRootToLeaf, uiTaskName); MainWindow.AddRecordedUi(lastRecordedUi); } } if (lastRecordedUi != null && lastRecordedUi.UiTaskName == EnumUiTaskName.MouseWheel) { lastRecordedUi.UpdateWheelData(deltaX); } bAddNewTask = false; } if (bAddNewTask) { if (nodesRootToLeaf != null && nodesRootToLeaf.Count > 0) { MainWindow.AddRecordedUi(new RecordedUiTask(nodesRootToLeaf, uiTaskName)); } } else if (lastRecordedUi != null) { //MouseWheel, DoubleClick MainWindow.UpdateLastUi(lastRecordedUi); } NativeMethods.PostMessage(MainWindow.s_windowHandle, (int)MainWindow.UiThreadTask.ActionAdded, 0, 0); AppInsights.LogEvent("HandleUiEvent", uiTaskName.ToString()); }