public static void Show(Form mdiParent, PurOrderId orderId) { PurLineForm existingForm = FindOrder(orderId); if (existingForm != null) { existingForm.Activate(); if (existingForm.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { existingForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } return; } PurLineForm newForm = new PurLineForm(); PurOrder order; using (Ambient.DbSession.Activate()) { order = OrderingRepositories.PurOrder.Get(orderId); newForm.VendorId = order.VendorId; Vendor vendor = OrderingRepositories.Vendor.Get(order.VendorId); newForm.Text = "Order: " + vendor.VendorName + " " + order.OrderDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } newForm.OrderId = orderId; newForm.Order = order; newForm.MdiParent = mdiParent; mInstances.Add(newForm); newForm.Show(); }
private void btnShowOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PurOrder order = mHelper.CurrentEntity; if (order.IsPersisted) { PurLineForm.Show(this.MdiParent, mHelper.CurrentEntity.Id); } else { MessageBox.Show("You cannot show order details for an order which has not been saved. " + "Click on another line in the order list to save the current order.", "Cannot Show Details"); } }
private void btnSetCategories_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PurOrder order = mHelper.CurrentEntity; int notRemoved = 0; if (order.IsPersisted) { using (ITranScope tran = Ambient.DbSession.CreateTranScope()) { using (Ambient.DbSession.Activate()) { for (int index = 0; index < lstCategories.Items.Count; index++) { ProductCategory category = (ProductCategory)lstCategories.Items[index]; if (lstCategories.GetSelected(index)) { OrderingRepositories.PurLine.AddCategory(order.Id, category.Id, chkIncludeInactive.Checked); } else { notRemoved += OrderingRepositories.PurLine.RemoveCategory(order.Id, category.Id); } } tran.Complete(); } } ShowOrderCategories(order.Id); PurLineForm purLineForm = PurLineForm.FindOrder(order.Id); if (purLineForm != null) { purLineForm.ShowLines(); } if (notRemoved > 0) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format( "Unable to remove {0} lines from order because you have used those items.", notRemoved), "Order Updated"); } MessageBox.Show("Product categories updated for order.", "Order Updated"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You cannot set categories on an order which has not been saved. " + "Click on another line in the order list to save the current order.", "Order Not Updated"); } }