/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { IsBot = false; Site = new SiteInfo(Editor.SynchronousEditor); //load version check page if no status set if (Updater.Result == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.None) { Updater.CheckForUpdates(); } //load check page string url = Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; string checkPageText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(url); Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; Variables.CapitalizeFirstLetter = Site.CapitalizeFirstLetter; if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { Variables.LangCode = Site.Language; } Updater.WaitForCompletion(); Updater.AWBEnabledStatus versionStatus = Updater.Result; VersionCheckPage = Updater.GlobalVersionPage; //see if this version is enabled if (versionStatus == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) { return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } CheckPageText = checkPageText; if (!User.IsLoggedIn) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } if (!User.HasRight("writeapi")) { return(WikiStatusResult.NoRights); } // TODO: assess the impact on servers later Editor.Maxlag = /*User.IsBot ? 5 : 20*/ -1; // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach (Match badName in BadName.Matches(Updater.GlobalVersionPage)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(badName.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(User.Name, badName.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } //see if there is a message Match messages = Message.Match(checkPageText); if (messages.Success && messages.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(messages.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //see if there is a version-specific message messages = VersionMessage.Match(checkPageText); if (messages.Success && messages.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0 && messages.Groups[1].Value == AWBVersion) { MessageBox.Show(messages.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } HasTypoLink(checkPageText); List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match underscore in Underscores.Matches(checkPageText)) { if (underscore.Success && underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } // don't require approval if checkpage does not exist. if (checkPageText.Length < 1) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (checkPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } //see if we are allowed to use this software checkPageText = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); string strBotUsers = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); if (checkPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled user mode-->") || (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) || UserNameInText(User.Name, checkPageText)) { // enable bot mode if in bots section IsBot = UserNameInText(User.Name, strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.custom) { string globalUsers = Tools.StringBetween(VersionCheckPage, "<!--globalusers-->", "<!--globalusersend-->"); if (UserNameInText(User.Name, globalUsers)) { return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { IsBot = false; Site = new SiteInfo(Editor.SynchronousEditor); // load version check page if no status set if (Updater.Result == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.None) { Updater.CheckForUpdates(); } // load check page string url = Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; string checkPageText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(url); // remove U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK as on RTL wikis these can get typed in by accident checkPageText = DirectionMarks.Replace(checkPageText, ""); Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; Variables.CapitalizeFirstLetter = Site.CapitalizeFirstLetter; // the wgCategoryCollation list uses wiki rather than wikipedia so convert that string siteName = (Variables.Project.ToString() == "wikipedia" ? "wiki" : Variables.Project.ToString()); Variables.UnicodeCategoryCollation = !Variables.IsCustomProject && Site.UcaCategoryCollation.Contains(Site.Language + siteName); if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { Variables.LangCode = Site.Language; } Variables.TagEdits = Site.IsAWBTagDefined; Updater.WaitForCompletion(); Updater.AWBEnabledStatus versionStatus = Updater.Result; VersionCheckPage = Updater.GlobalVersionPage; // see if this version is enabled if ((versionStatus & Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) { return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } CheckPageText = checkPageText; if (!User.IsLoggedIn) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } if (!User.HasRight("writeapi")) { return(WikiStatusResult.NoRights); } // TODO: assess the impact on servers later Editor.Maxlag = /*User.IsBot ? 5 : 20*/ -1; var versionJson = JObject.Parse(Updater.GlobalVersionPage); // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach (string badName in versionJson["badnames"]) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(User.Name, badName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } // See if there's any messages on the Version page foreach (var message in versionJson["messages"]) { var version = message["version"].ToString(); // TODO: Semver version checking if ((version == "*" || version == AWBVersion) && message["text"] != null) { if (message["enabled"] != null && !(bool)message["enabled"]) { continue; } MessageBox.Show(message["text"].ToString(), "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } // CheckPage Messages per wiki are still in scary HTML comments.... TBC! // see if there is a message foreach (Match m in Message.Matches(checkPageText)) { if (m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { continue; } MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // see if there is a version-specific message foreach (Match m in VersionMessage.Matches(checkPageText)) { if (m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length == 0 || m.Groups[1].Value != AWBVersion) { continue; } MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } HasTypoLink(checkPageText); List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match underscore in Underscores.Matches(checkPageText)) { if (underscore.Success && underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } // don't require approval if checkpage does not exist // Or it has the special text... if (checkPageText.Length < 1 || checkPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } // see if we are allowed to use this software checkPageText = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); // Checkpage option: <!--All users enabled user mode--> will enable all users for user mode, // and enable bots only when in <!--enabledbots--> section if (checkPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled user mode-->") || (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) || UserNameInText(User.Name, checkPageText)) { string botUsers = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); // enable bot mode if in bots section IsBot = UserNameInText(User.Name, botUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.custom) { var globalUsers = versionJson["globalusers"]; foreach (string s in globalUsers) { if (User.Name == s) { return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } } return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { IsBot = false; Site = new SiteInfo(Editor.SynchronousEditor); //load version check page if no status set if (Updater.Result == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.None) { Updater.CheckForUpdates(); } //load check page string url; if (Variables.IsWikia) { url = "http://www.wikia.com/index.php?title=Wikia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; } else if ((Variables.Project == ProjectEnum.wikipedia) && (Variables.LangCode == "ar")) { url = "http://ar.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7:%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1/%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD&action=raw"; } else { url = Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; } string strText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(url); Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { Variables.LangCode = Site.Language; } string typoPostfix = ""; if (Variables.IsWikia) { typoPostfix = "-" + Variables.LangCode; try { //load a local checkpage on Wikia //it cannot be used to approve users, but it could be used to set some settings //such as underscores and pages to ignore string s = Editor.SynchronousEditor.Open("Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage"); // selectively add content of the local checkpage to the global one strText += Message.Match(s).Value /*+ Underscores.Match(s).Value*/ + WikiRegexes.NoGeneralFixes.Match(s); } catch { } } Updater.WaitForCompletion(); Updater.AWBEnabledStatus versionStatus = Updater.Result; VersionCheckPage = Updater.GlobalVersionPage; //see if this version is enabled if (versionStatus == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) { return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } CheckPageText = strText; if (!User.IsLoggedIn) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } if (!User.HasRight("writeapi")) { return(WikiStatusResult.NoRights); } // TODO: assess the impact on servers later Editor.Maxlag = /*User.IsBot ? 5 : 20*/ -1; // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach (Match m3 in BadName.Matches(Updater.GlobalVersionPage)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(User.Name, m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } //see if there is a message Match m = Message.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //see if there is a version-specific message m = VersionMessage.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0 && m.Groups[1].Value == AWBVersion) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } m = Regex.Match(strText, "<!--[Tt]ypos" + typoPostfix + ":(.*?)-->"); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { Variables.RetfPath = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); } List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match m1 in Underscores.Matches(strText)) { if (m1.Success && m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } //don't require approval if checkpage does not exist. if (strText.Length < 1) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (strText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { //see if all users enabled IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } //see if we are allowed to use this software strText = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); string strBotUsers = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); Regex username = new Regex(@"^\*\s*" + Tools.CaseInsensitive(Regex.Escape(User.Name)) + @"\s*$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) { IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (username.IsMatch(strText)) { //enable bot mode IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.custom) { string globalUsers = Tools.StringBetween(VersionCheckPage, "<!--globalusers-->", "<!--globalusersend-->"); if (username.IsMatch(globalUsers)) { return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> public WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { string typoPostfix = ""; string userGroups; Groups.Clear(); //load version check page BackgroundRequest br = new BackgroundRequest(); br.GetHTML( "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage/Version&action=raw"); //load check page if (Variables.IsWikia) { webBrowserLogin.Navigate( "http://www.wikia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Wikia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=edit"); } else if ((Variables.Project == ProjectEnum.wikipedia) && (Variables.LangCode == LangCodeEnum.ar)) { webBrowserLogin.Navigate( //"http://ar.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7:%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%A6%D9%85%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86_%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD_%D9%84%D9%87%D9%85_%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%AE%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%85_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%88_%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1&action=edit"); "http://ar.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7:%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1/%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD&action=edit"); } else { webBrowserLogin.Navigate(Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=edit"); } //wait for both pages to load webBrowserLogin.Wait(); string strText = webBrowserLogin.GetArticleText(); Variables.RTL = HeadRTL.IsMatch(webBrowserLogin.ToString()); if (Variables.IsWikia) { //this object loads a local checkpage on Wikia //it cannot be used to approve users, but it could be used to set some settings //such as underscores and pages to ignore WebControl webBrowserWikia = new WebControl(); webBrowserWikia.Navigate(Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=edit"); webBrowserWikia.Wait(); try { Variables.LangCode = Variables.ParseLanguage(webBrowserWikia.GetScriptingVar("wgContentLanguage")); } catch { // use English if language not recognized Variables.LangCode = LangCodeEnum.en; } typoPostfix = "-" + Variables.ParseLanguage(webBrowserWikia.GetScriptingVar("wgContentLanguage")); string s = webBrowserWikia.GetArticleText(); // selectively add content of the local checkpage to the global one strText += Message.Match(s).Value /*+ Underscores.Match(s).Value*/ + WikiRegexes.NoGeneralFixes.Match(s); userGroups = webBrowserWikia.GetScriptingVar("wgUserGroups"); } else { userGroups = webBrowserLogin.GetScriptingVar("wgUserGroups"); } bLoaded = true; if (Variables.IsCustomProject) { try { Variables.LangCode = Variables.ParseLanguage(webBrowserLogin.GetScriptingVar("wgContentLanguage")); } catch { // use English if language not recognized Variables.LangCode = LangCodeEnum.en; } } br.Wait(); string strVersionPage = (string)br.Result; //see if this version is enabled if (!strVersionPage.Contains(AWBVersion + " enabled")) { IsBot = IsAdmin = WikiStatus = false; return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } // else if (!WeAskedAboutUpdate && strVersionPage.Contains(AWBVersion + " enabled (old)")) { WeAskedAboutUpdate = true; if ( MessageBox.Show( "This version has been superceeded by a new version. You may continue to use this version or update to the newest version.\r\n\r\nWould you like to automatically upgrade to the newest version?", "Upgrade?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Match m_version = Regex.Match(strVersionPage, @"<!-- Current version: (.*?) -->"); if (m_version.Success && m_version.Groups[1].Value.Length == 4) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\AWBUpdater.exe"); } else if ( MessageBox.Show("Error automatically updating AWB. Load the download page instead?", "Load download page?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Tools.OpenURLInBrowser("http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=158332"); } } } CheckPageText = strText; //AWB does not support any skin other than Monobook if (webBrowserLogin.GetScriptingVar("skin") == "cologneblue") { MessageBox.Show("This software does not support the Cologne Blue skin." + "\r\nPlease choose another skin in your preferences and relogin.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return(WikiStatusResult.Null); } //see if we are logged in Name = webBrowserLogin.UserName; // don't run GetInLogInStatus if we don't have the username, we sometimes get 2 error message boxes otherwise LoggedIn = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && webBrowserLogin.GetLogInStatus(); if (!LoggedIn) { IsBot = IsAdmin = WikiStatus = false; return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach ( Match m3 in Regex.Matches(strVersionPage, @"badname:\s*(.*)\s*(:?|#.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && Regex.IsMatch(Name, m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } //see if there is a message Match m = Message.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //see if there is a version-specific message m = VersionMessage.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0 && m.Groups[1].Value == AWBVersion) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } m = Regex.Match(strText, "<!--[Tt]ypos" + typoPostfix + ":(.*?)-->"); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { Variables.RetfPath = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); } List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match m1 in Underscores.Matches(strText)) { if (m1.Success && m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } Regex r = new Regex("\"([a-z]*)\"[,\\]]"); foreach (Match m1 in r.Matches(userGroups)) { Groups.Add(m1.Groups[1].Value); } //don't require approval if checkpage does not exist. if (strText.Length < 1) { WikiStatus = true; IsBot = true; IsAdmin = Groups.Contains("sysop") || Groups.Contains("staff"); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (strText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { //see if all users enabled WikiStatus = true; IsBot = true; IsAdmin = Groups.Contains("sysop"); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } //see if we are allowed to use this softare strText = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); string strBotUsers = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); string strAdmins = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--adminsbegins-->", "<!--adminsends-->"); Regex username = new Regex(@"^\*\s*" + Tools.CaseInsensitive(Variables.User.Name) + @"\s*$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (Groups.Contains("sysop") || Groups.Contains("staff")) { WikiStatus = IsAdmin = true; IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) && username.IsMatch(strText)) { //enable botmode IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); //enable admin features IsAdmin = username.IsMatch(strAdmins); WikiStatus = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } IsBot = IsAdmin = WikiStatus = false; return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = IsAdmin = WikiStatus = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { IsBot = false; Site = new SiteInfo(Editor.SynchronousEditor); // load version check page if no status set if (Updater.Result == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.None) { Updater.CheckForUpdates(); } Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; Variables.CapitalizeFirstLetter = Site.CapitalizeFirstLetter; Variables.UnicodeCategoryCollation = !Variables.IsCustomProject && Regex.IsMatch(Site.CategoryCollation, "[a-z-]*uca-"); if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { Variables.LangCode = Site.Language; } Variables.TagEdits = Site.IsAWBTagDefined; Updater.WaitForCompletion(); Updater.AWBEnabledStatus versionStatus = Updater.Result; VersionCheckPage = Updater.GlobalVersionPage; // see if this version is enabled if ((versionStatus & Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) { return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } bool usingJSON = false; // Attempt to load the JSON CheckPage from the wiki string JSONCheckPageText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPageJSON&action=raw"); // HttpGet returns "" for 404 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JSONCheckPageText)) { usingJSON = true; CheckPageJSONText = JSONCheckPageText; } else { // load non JSON check page string nonJSONCheckPageText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"); // TODO: Some error handling // remove U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK as on RTL wikis these can get typed in by accident nonJSONCheckPageText = DirectionMarks.Replace(nonJSONCheckPageText, ""); CheckPageText = nonJSONCheckPageText; } if (!User.IsLoggedIn) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } if (!User.HasRight("writeapi")) { return(WikiStatusResult.NoRights); } // TODO: assess the impact on servers later Editor.Maxlag = /*User.IsBot ? 5 : 20*/ -1; var versionJson = JObject.Parse(Updater.GlobalVersionPage); // check if username is globally blacklisted based on the enwiki version page foreach (string badName in versionJson["badnames"]) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(User.Name, badName, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } // See if there's any global messages on the enwiki json version page JSONMessages(versionJson["messages"]); if (usingJSON) { string configJSONText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/Config&action=raw"); // TODO: 404 ConfigJSONText = configJSONText; var configJson = JObject.Parse(configJSONText); // See if there's any messages on the local wikis config page JSONMessages(configJson["messages"]); Variables.RetfPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configJson["typolink"].ToString()) ? configJson["typolink"].ToString() : ""; List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (var underscore in configJson["underscoretitles"]) { if (underscore.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(underscore.ToString().Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } // don't require approval if CheckPage does not exist // Or it has the special config option... if (CheckPageJSONText.Length < 1 || (bool)configJson["allusersenabled"]) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } var checkPageJson = JObject.Parse(CheckPageJSONText); var enabledUsers = checkPageJson["enabledusers"].Select(u => u.ToString()).ToList(); var enabledBots = checkPageJson["enabledbots"].Select(u => u.ToString()).ToList(); // CheckPage option: 'allusersenabledusermode' will enable all users for user mode, // and enable bots only when in 'enabledbots' section if ( (bool)configJson["allusersenabledusermode"] || (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) || enabledUsers.Contains(User.Name) || enabledBots.Contains(User.Name) ) { // enable bot mode if in bots section IsBot = enabledBots.Contains(User.Name); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } else { // THIS IS ALL BASICALLY DEPRECATED... // CheckPage Messages per wiki are still in scary HTML comments.... TBC! // see if there is a message foreach (Match m in Message.Matches(CheckPageText)) { if (m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length == 0) { continue; } MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } // see if there is a version-specific message foreach (Match m in VersionMessage.Matches(CheckPageText)) { if (m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length == 0 || m.Groups[1].Value != AWBVersion) { continue; } MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[2].Value.Trim(), "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } HasTypoLink(CheckPageText); List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match underscore in Underscores.Matches(CheckPageText)) { if (underscore.Success && underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } // don't require approval if checkpage does not exist // Or it has the special text... if (CheckPageText.Length < 1 || CheckPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } // see if we are allowed to use this software CheckPageText = Tools.StringBetween(CheckPageText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); // Checkpage option: <!--All users enabled user mode--> will enable all users for user mode, // and enable bots only when in <!--enabledbots--> section if (CheckPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled user mode-->") || (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) || UserNameInText(User.Name, CheckPageText)) { string botUsers = Tools.StringBetween(CheckPageText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); // enable bot mode if in bots section IsBot = UserNameInText(User.Name, botUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } if (Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.custom) { var globalUsers = versionJson["globalusers"]; foreach (string s in globalUsers) { if (User.Name == s) { return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } } } return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { IsBot = false; Site = new SiteInfo(Editor.SynchronousEditor); //load version check page if no status set if (Updater.Result == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.None) Updater.CheckForUpdates(); //load check page string url; if (Variables.IsWikia) url = "http://community.wikia.com/index.php?title=Wikia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; else url = Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=raw"; string checkPageText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(url); Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; Variables.CapitalizeFirstLetter = Site.CapitalizeFirstLetter; if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { Variables.LangCode = Site.Language; } string typoPostfix = "", localCheckPage = ""; if (Variables.IsWikia) { typoPostfix = "-" + Variables.LangCode; try { //load a local checkpage on Wikia //it cannot be used to approve users, but it could be used to set some settings //such as underscores and pages to ignore localCheckPage = Editor.SynchronousEditor.Open("Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage", true); // selectively add content of the local checkpage to the global one checkPageText += Message.Match(localCheckPage).Value /*+ Underscores.Match(s).Value*/ + WikiRegexes.NoGeneralFixes.Match(localCheckPage); } catch { } } Updater.WaitForCompletion(); Updater.AWBEnabledStatus versionStatus = Updater.Result; VersionCheckPage = Updater.GlobalVersionPage; //see if this version is enabled if (versionStatus == Updater.AWBEnabledStatus.Disabled) return WikiStatusResult.OldVersion; CheckPageText = checkPageText; if (!User.IsLoggedIn) return WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn; if (!User.HasRight("writeapi")) return WikiStatusResult.NoRights; // TODO: assess the impact on servers later Editor.Maxlag = /*User.IsBot ? 5 : 20*/ -1; // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach (Match badName in BadName.Matches(Updater.GlobalVersionPage)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(badName.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(User.Name, badName.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) return WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered; } //see if there is a message Match messages = Message.Match(checkPageText); if (messages.Success && messages.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(messages.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //see if there is a version-specific message messages = VersionMessage.Match(checkPageText); if (messages.Success && messages.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0 && messages.Groups[1].Value == AWBVersion) { MessageBox.Show(messages.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } bool foundTypoLink = false; if (Variables.IsWikia && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(localCheckPage)) { foundTypoLink = HasTypoLink(localCheckPage, typoPostfix); } if (!foundTypoLink) { HasTypoLink(checkPageText, typoPostfix); } List<string> us = new List<string>(); foreach (Match underscore in Underscores.Matches(checkPageText)) { if (underscore.Success && underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) us.Add(underscore.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } if (us.Count > 0) Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); //don't require approval if checkpage does not exist. if (checkPageText.Length < 1) { IsBot = true; return WikiStatusResult.Registered; } if (checkPageText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { //see if all users enabled IsBot = true; return WikiStatusResult.Registered; } //see if we are allowed to use this software checkPageText = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); string strBotUsers = Tools.StringBetween(checkPageText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); Regex username = new Regex(@"^\*\s*" + Tools.CaseInsensitive(Regex.Escape(User.Name)) + @"\s*$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (IsSysop && Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.wikia) { IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return WikiStatusResult.Registered; } if (username.IsMatch(checkPageText)) { //enable bot mode IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return WikiStatusResult.Registered; } if (Variables.Project != ProjectEnum.custom) { string globalUsers = Tools.StringBetween(VersionCheckPage, "<!--globalusers-->", "<!--globalusersend-->"); if (username.IsMatch(globalUsers)) return WikiStatusResult.Registered; } return WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered; } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return WikiStatusResult.Error; } }
/// <summary> /// Checks log in status, registered and version. /// </summary> private WikiStatusResult UpdateWikiStatus() { try { string typoPostfix = ""; IsBot = false; //TODO: login? Site = new SiteInfo(Editor); //load version check page BackgroundRequest versionRequest = new BackgroundRequest(); versionRequest.GetHTML( "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage/Version&action=raw"); //load check page string url; if (Variables.IsWikia) { url = "http://www.wikia.com/wiki/index.php?title=Wikia:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=edit"; } else if ((Variables.Project == ProjectEnum.wikipedia) && (Variables.LangCode == LangCodeEnum.ar)) { url = "http://ar.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7:%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B1/%D9%85%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AD&action=edit"; } else { url = Variables.URLIndex + "?title=Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage&action=edit"; } string strText = Editor.SynchronousEditor.HttpGet(url); Variables.RTL = Site.IsRightToLeft; if (Variables.IsCustomProject || Variables.IsWikia) { try { Variables.LangCode = Variables.ParseLanguage(Site.Language); } catch { // use English if language not recognized Variables.LangCode = LangCodeEnum.en; } } if (Variables.IsWikia) { //this object loads a local checkpage on Wikia //it cannot be used to approve users, but it could be used to set some settings //such as underscores and pages to ignore AsyncApiEdit editWikia = (AsyncApiEdit)Editor.Clone(); SiteInfo wikiaInfo = new SiteInfo(); string s = editWikia.SynchronousEditor.Open("Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage"); typoPostfix = "-" + Variables.LangCode; // selectively add content of the local checkpage to the global one strText += Message.Match(s).Value /*+ Underscores.Match(s).Value*/ + WikiRegexes.NoGeneralFixes.Match(s); } versionRequest.Wait(); string strVersionPage = (string)versionRequest.Result; //see if this version is enabled if (!strVersionPage.Contains(AWBVersion + " enabled")) { return(WikiStatusResult.OldVersion); } //TODO: // else //if (!WeAskedAboutUpdate && strVersionPage.Contains(AWBVersion + " enabled (old)")) //{ // WeAskedAboutUpdate = true; // if ( // MessageBox.Show( // "This version has been superceeded by a new version. You may continue to use this version or update to the newest version.\r\n\r\nWould you like to automatically upgrade to the newest version?", // "Upgrade?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) // { // Match version = Regex.Match(strVersionPage, @"<!-- Current version: (.*?) -->"); // if (version.Success && version.Groups[1].Value.Length == 4) // { // System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + // "\\AWBUpdater.exe"); // } // else if ( // MessageBox.Show("Error automatically updating AWB. Load the download page instead?", // "Load download page?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) // { // Tools.OpenURLInBrowser("http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=158332"); // } // } //} CheckPageText = strText; // don't run GetInLogInStatus if we don't have the username, we sometimes get 2 error message boxes otherwise bool loggedIn = Editor.User.IsRegistered; if (!loggedIn) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotLoggedIn); } // check if username is globally blacklisted foreach ( Match m3 in Regex.Matches(strVersionPage, @"badname:\s*(.*)\s*(:?|#.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Editor.User.Name) && Regex.IsMatch(Editor.User.Name, m3.Groups[1].Value.Trim(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } } //see if there is a message Match m = Message.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[1].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } //see if there is a version-specific message m = VersionMessage.Match(strText); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0 && m.Groups[1].Value == AWBVersion) { MessageBox.Show(m.Groups[2].Value, "Automated message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } m = Regex.Match(strText, "<!--[Tt]ypos" + typoPostfix + ":(.*?)-->"); if (m.Success && m.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { Variables.RetfPath = m.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); } List <string> us = new List <string>(); foreach (Match m1 in Underscores.Matches(strText)) { if (m1.Success && m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim().Length > 0) { us.Add(m1.Groups[1].Value.Trim()); } } if (us.Count > 0) { Variables.LoadUnderscores(us.ToArray()); } //don't require approval if checkpage does not exist. if (strText.Length < 1) { IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (strText.Contains("<!--All users enabled-->")) { //see if all users enabled IsBot = true; return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } //see if we are allowed to use this softare strText = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledusersbegins-->", "<!--enabledusersends-->"); string strBotUsers = Tools.StringBetween(strText, "<!--enabledbots-->", "<!--enabledbotsends-->"); Regex username = new Regex(@"^\*\s*" + Tools.CaseInsensitive(Editor.User.Name) + @"\s*$", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (IsSysop) { IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Editor.User.Name) && username.IsMatch(strText)) { //enable bot mode IsBot = username.IsMatch(strBotUsers); return(WikiStatusResult.Registered); } return(WikiStatusResult.NotRegistered); } catch (Exception ex) { Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.Message); Tools.WriteDebug(ToString(), ex.StackTrace); IsBot = false; return(WikiStatusResult.Error); } }