private void Awake() { Transform[] childTransforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); drawerPulls = new List <Transform>(); foreach (Transform t in childTransforms) { if ( == "SlidingPart") { slidingPart = t; } else if ("DrawerPull") && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>()) { drawerPulls.Add(t); } else if ("OpenHitHelper") && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { openHitHelper = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } else if ("CloseHitHelper") && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { closeHitHelper = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } else if ( == "SafeZone") { safeZone = t; } } if (!slidingPart || drawerPulls.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("FPEDrawer:: Drawer '" + + "' was missing key component(s). Attempting to fix.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR if (slidingPart == null) { GameObject slidingPartFix = new GameObject("SlidingPart"); slidingPartFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; slidingPartFix.transform.localPosition =; slidingPart = slidingPartFix.transform; } if (drawerPulls.Count == 0) { GameObject drawerPullFix = new GameObject("DrawerPull"); drawerPullFix.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); drawerPullFix.AddComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>(); drawerPullFix.transform.parent = slidingPart; drawerPullFix.transform.localPosition =; drawerPulls.Add(drawerPullFix.transform); Debug.LogWarning("FPEDrawer:: Drawer '" + + "' DrawerPull has no Activation Event. Drawer Pull interaction will do nothing until assigned. Also remember to make the Event Fire Type be 'EVERYTIME'.", gameObject); } #endif } drawerSlideDistancePerSecond = Mathf.Abs(slideDistance / slideOpenTimeInSeconds); closedPosition = slidingPart.localPosition; closedPosition.z = 0f; openedPosition = closedPosition + new Vector3(0f, 0f, slideDistance); if (startOpened) { currentDrawerState = eDrawerState.OPEN; setDrawerPullInteractionStrings(closeDrawerString); } else { setDrawerPullInteractionStrings(openDrawerString); } if (startExternallyLocked) { externallyLocked = true; } if (startInternallyLocked) { internallyLocked = true; } drawerSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // Error Checking // if (stopIfDrawerHitsSomething && (openHitHelper == null || closeHitHelper == null)) { Debug.LogError("FPEDrawer:: Drawer '" + + "' is configured to stop if drawer hits something, but it is missing child 'OpenHitHelper' or 'CloseHitHelper' FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper objects. Drawer will not stop when it hits something.", gameObject); } // Safe zone is optional, but is required if you've set the flag to auto move the player if (autoMovePlayerToSafeZone && !safeZone) { Debug.Log("FPEDrawer:: Drawer '" + + "' is configured to automatically move the player into safe zone, but has no safe zone defined. Attempting to fix"); // Attempt some automatic fixes (assumes slide distance is 0.45, which is the default, which is likely // the value since these fixes really only happen if you just add this script to an empty game object) #if UNITY_EDITOR GameObject safeZoneFix = new GameObject("SafeZone"); safeZoneFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; safeZoneFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.3f); safeZone = safeZoneFix.transform; #endif } if (playSounds && drawerSpeaker == null) { Debug.Log("FPEDrawer:: Drawer '" + + "' was configured to play sounds but had no AudioSource. Adding AudioSource.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); drawerSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); #endif } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); Transform[] childTransforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); doorHandles = new List <Transform>(); myHitHelpers = new FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper[2]; foreach (Transform t in childTransforms) { if ( == "SwingingPart") { swingingPart = t; } else if ("DoorHandle") && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>()) { doorHandles.Add(t); } else if ( == "SwingInSide") { swingInSide = t; } else if ( == "SwingOutSide") { swingOutSide = t; } else if ( == "SafeZoneSwingIn") { safeZoneSwingIn = t; } else if ( == "SafeZoneSwingOut") { safeZoneSwingOut = t; } else if ( == "DoorActionLookTarget") { doorActionLookTarget = t; } else if ( == "HitHelperOpen" && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorActionType.OPEN] = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } else if ( == "HitHelperClose" && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorActionType.CLOSE] = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } } maxSwingDegreesPerSecond = Mathf.Abs(swingAngle / swingOpenTimeInSeconds); closedRotation = Quaternion.identity; openRotation = closedRotation * Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, swingAngle, 0f)); if (startOpened) { currentDoorState = eDoorState.OPEN; setDoorHandleInteractionStrings(closeDoorString); } else { setDoorHandleInteractionStrings(openDoorString); } doorSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // Error Checking // // Doors must have swinging parts and at least one door handle if (!swingingPart || doorHandles.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "' is missing a required part. Attempting to fix.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR if (swingingPart == null) { GameObject swingingPartFix = new GameObject("SwingingPart"); swingingPartFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; swingingPartFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.5f, -0.251f); swingingPart = swingingPartFix.transform; } if (doorHandles.Count == 0) { GameObject doorHandleFix = new GameObject("DoorHandle"); doorHandleFix.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); doorHandleFix.AddComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>(); doorHandleFix.transform.parent = swingingPart; doorHandleFix.transform.localPosition =; doorHandles.Add(doorHandleFix.transform); Debug.LogWarning("FPEDoor:: Door '" + + "' DoorHandle child has no Activation Event assigned. Door Handle interaction will do nothing until it is assigned. Also remember to make the Event Fire Type be 'EVERYTIME'.", gameObject); } #endif } // Some angles are not valid and will result in weird first time swings if (swingAngle == 0f) { Debug.LogWarning("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "' has a swingAngle of zero. This door will not work.", gameObject); } else { float deltaA = Quaternion.Angle(swingingPart.localRotation, openRotation); float deltaB = Quaternion.Angle(swingingPart.localRotation, closedRotation); if (Mathf.Abs(deltaA) > Mathf.Abs(swingAngle) || Mathf.Abs(deltaB) > Mathf.Abs(swingAngle)) { Debug.LogWarning("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "''s 'SwingingPart' starting rotation is outside defined swingAngle's range. First open/close actions will not behave as expected.", gameObject); } } if (stopIfDoorHitsSomething && (myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorActionType.OPEN] == null || myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorActionType.CLOSE] == null)) { Debug.LogWarning("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "' is configured to stop if door hits something, but it is missing child FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper objects 'HitHelperOpen' and/or 'HitHelperClose'. Door will not stop when it hits something.", gameObject); } // Safe zones are optional, but are required if you've set the flag to auto move the player if (autoMovePlayerToSafeZones && (!swingInSide || !swingOutSide || !safeZoneSwingIn || !safeZoneSwingOut || !doorActionLookTarget)) { Debug.Log("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "' is configured to automatically move the player into safe zones, but has no safe zones defined. Attempting to fix"); // Attempt some automatic fixes (these assume swingAngle is 135, which is the default, which is likely // the value since these fixes really only happen if you just add this script to an empty game object) #if UNITY_EDITOR GameObject interactionZoneFix = new GameObject("PlayerInteractionZones"); interactionZoneFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; interactionZoneFix.transform.localPosition =; if (swingInSide == null) { GameObject swingInsideFix = new GameObject("SwingInSide"); swingInsideFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; swingInsideFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.345f, 0.474f, 0.054f); swingInSide = swingInsideFix.transform; } if (swingOutSide == null) { GameObject swingOutSideFix = new GameObject("SwingOutSide"); swingOutSideFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; swingOutSideFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.345f, 0.474f, -1.219f); swingOutSide = swingOutSideFix.transform; } if (safeZoneSwingIn == null) { GameObject safeZoneSwingInFix = new GameObject("SafeZoneSwingIn"); safeZoneSwingInFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; safeZoneSwingInFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.07f, 0.98f, 0.92f); safeZoneSwingIn = safeZoneSwingInFix.transform; } if (safeZoneSwingOut == null) { GameObject safeZoneSwingOutFix = new GameObject("SafeZoneSwingOut"); safeZoneSwingOutFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; safeZoneSwingOutFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.98f, -1.66f); safeZoneSwingOut = safeZoneSwingOutFix.transform; } if (doorActionLookTarget == null) { GameObject lookTargetFix = new GameObject("DoorActionLookTarget"); lookTargetFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; lookTargetFix.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.741f, 1.568f, -0.161f); doorActionLookTarget = lookTargetFix.transform; } #endif } if (playSounds && doorSpeaker == null) { Debug.Log("FPESwingingDoor:: Door '" + + "' is configured to play sounds but has no AudioSource. Attempting to fix.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); doorSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); #endif } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); Transform[] childTransforms = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); doorHandles = new List <Transform>(); myHitHelpers = new FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper[2]; foreach (Transform t in childTransforms) { if ( == "SwingingPart") { swingingPart = t; } else if ("DoorHandle") && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>()) { doorHandles.Add(t); } else if ( == "LeftHandSide") { leftHandSide = t; } else if ( == "RightHandSide") { rightHandSide = t; } else if ( == "HitHelperLeft" && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorSide.LEFT] = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } else if ( == "HitHelperRight" && t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>()) { myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorSide.RIGHT] = t.gameObject.GetComponent <FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper>(); } } maxSwingDegreesPerSecond = Mathf.Abs(swingAngle / swingOpenTimeInSeconds); closedRotation = Quaternion.identity; openRotationLeft = closedRotation * Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, swingAngle, 0f)); openRotationRight = closedRotation * Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, -swingAngle, 0f)); currentSwingOpenRotation = openRotationLeft; if (startOpened) { currentDoorState = eDoorState.OPEN; setDoorHandleInteractionStrings(closeDoorString); } else { setDoorHandleInteractionStrings(openDoorString); } doorSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // Error Checking // if (stopIfDoorHitsSomething && (myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorSide.LEFT] == null || myHitHelpers[(int)eDoorSide.RIGHT] == null)) { Debug.LogWarning("FPEAlwaysSwingOutDoor:: Door '" + + "' is configured to stop if door hits something, but it is missing its no child FPEDoorAndDrawerHitHelper objects 'HitHelperLeft' and/or 'HitHelperRight'. Door will not stop when it hits something.", gameObject); } // Doors must have swinging parts and at least one door handle if (!swingingPart || doorHandles.Count == 0 || !leftHandSide || !rightHandSide) { Debug.Log("FPEAlwaysSwingOutDoor:: Door '" + + "' is missing a required parts. Attempting to fix.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR if (swingingPart == null) { GameObject swingingPartFix = new GameObject("SwingingPart"); swingingPartFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; swingingPartFix.transform.localPosition =; swingingPart = swingingPartFix.transform; } if (doorHandles.Count == 0) { GameObject doorHandleFix = new GameObject("DoorHandle"); doorHandleFix.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); doorHandleFix.AddComponent <FPEInteractableActivateScript>(); doorHandleFix.transform.parent = swingingPart; doorHandleFix.transform.localPosition =; doorHandles.Add(doorHandleFix.transform); Debug.LogWarning("FPEDoor:: Door '" + + "' DoorHandle child has no Activation Event assigned. Door Handle interaction will do nothing until it is assigned. Also remember to make the Event Fire Type be 'EVERYTIME'.", gameObject); } if (leftHandSide == null || rightHandSide == null) { GameObject interactionZoneFix = new GameObject("PlayerInteractionZones"); interactionZoneFix.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; interactionZoneFix.transform.localPosition =; if (leftHandSide == null) { GameObject lhsFix = new GameObject("LeftHandSide"); lhsFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; lhsFix.transform.localPosition = - (transform.forward * 1f); leftHandSide = lhsFix.transform; } if (rightHandSide == null) { GameObject rhsFix = new GameObject("RightHandSide"); rhsFix.transform.parent = interactionZoneFix.transform; rhsFix.transform.localPosition = + (transform.forward * 1f); rightHandSide = rhsFix.transform; } } #endif } // Some angles are not valid and will result in weird first time swings if (swingAngle == 0f) { Debug.LogWarning("FPEAlwaysSwingOutDoor:: Door '" + + "' has a swingAngle of zero. This door will not work.", gameObject); } else { float deltaA1 = Quaternion.Angle(swingingPart.localRotation, openRotationLeft); float deltaA2 = Quaternion.Angle(swingingPart.localRotation, openRotationRight); float deltaB = Quaternion.Angle(swingingPart.localRotation, closedRotation); if ((Mathf.Abs(deltaA1) > Mathf.Abs(swingAngle) && Mathf.Abs(deltaA2) > Mathf.Abs(swingAngle)) || Mathf.Abs(deltaB) > Mathf.Abs(swingAngle)) { Debug.LogWarning("FPEAlwaysSwingOutDoor:: Door '" + + "''s 'SwingingPart' starting rotation is outside defined swingAngle's range. First open/close actions will not behave as expected.", gameObject); } } if (playSounds && doorSpeaker == null) { Debug.Log("FPEAlwaysSwingOutDoor:: Door '" + + "' is configured to play sounds but has no AudioSource. Attempting to fix.", gameObject); // Attempt some automatic fixes #if UNITY_EDITOR gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); doorSpeaker = gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); #endif } }