ClearEndOfLine() public method

reads up to end of line and returns nothing
public ClearEndOfLine ( ) : void
return void
		/// <summary>
		/// This method loads the data from cache into a Hashtable.
		/// Pass a SockIO object which is ready to receive data and a Hashtable
		/// to store the results.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sock">socket waiting to pass back data</param>
		/// <param name="hm">hashmap to store data into</param>
		/// <param name="asString">if true, and if we are using NativehHandler, return string val</param>
		private void LoadItems(SockIO sock, Hashtable hm, bool asString) 
				string line = sock.ReadLine();
                //    log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("loaditems line").Replace("$$Line$$", line));

					string[] info = line.Split(' ');
					string key    = info[1];
					int flag      = int.Parse(info[2], new NumberFormatInfo());
					int length    = int.Parse(info[3], new NumberFormatInfo());

                    //    log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("loaditems header").Replace("$$Key$$", key).Replace("$$Flags$$", flag.ToString(new NumberFormatInfo())).Replace("$$Length$$", length.ToString(new NumberFormatInfo())));
					// read obj into buffer
					byte[] buf = new byte[length];

					// ready object
					object o;
					// check for compression
                    //if((flag & F_COMPRESSED) != 0) 
                    //    try 
                    //    {
                    //        // read the input stream, and write to a byte array output stream since
                    //        // we have to read into a byte array, but we don't know how large it
                    //        // will need to be, and we don't want to resize it a bunch
                    //        GZipInputStream gzi = new GZipInputStream(new MemoryStream(buf));
                    //        MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(buf.Length);
                    //        int count;
                    //        byte[] tmp = new byte[2048];
                    //        while((count = gzi.Read(tmp, 0, tmp.Length)) > 0)
                    //        {
                    //            bos.Write(tmp, 0, count);
                    //        }
                    //        // store uncompressed back to buffer
                    //        buf = bos.ToArray();
                    //        gzi.Close();
                    //    }
                    //    catch(IOException e) 
                    //    {
                    //        if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                    //        {
                    //            log.Error(GetLocalizedString("loaditems uncompression IOException").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);
                    //        }
                    //        throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString("loaditems uncompression IOException").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);
                    //    }

					// we can only take out serialized objects
					if((flag & F_SERIALIZED) == 0) 
						if(_primitiveAsString || asString) 
							// pulling out string value
                            //    log.Info(GetLocalizedString("loaditems retrieve as string"));
							o = Encoding.GetEncoding(_defaultEncoding).GetString(buf);
							// decoding object
								o = NativeHandler.Decode(buf);    
							catch(Exception e) 
                                //    log.Error(GetLocalizedString("loaditems deserialize error").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);
								throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString("loaditems deserialize error").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);
						// deserialize if the data is serialized
							MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(buf);
							o = new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(memStream);
                            //    log.Info(GetLocalizedString("loaditems deserializing").Replace("$$Class$$", o.GetType().Name));
						catch(SerializationException e) 
                            //    log.Error(GetLocalizedString("loaditems SerializationException").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);
							throw new IOException(GetLocalizedString("loaditems SerializationException").Replace("$$Key$$", key), e);

					// store the object into the cache
					hm[ key ] =  o ;
				else if(END == line) 
                    //    log.Debug(GetLocalizedString("loaditems finished"));