Collection of Reflection and type conversion related utility functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Routine that can be used read Form Variables into an object if the
        /// object name and form variable names match either exactly or with a specific
        /// prefix.
        /// The method loops through all *public* members of the object and tries to
        /// find a matching form variable by the same name in Request.Form.
        /// The routine returns false if any value failed to parse (ie. invalid
        /// formatting etc.). However parsing is not aborted on errors so all
        /// other convertable values are set on the object.
        /// You can pass in a Dictionary<string,string> for the Errors parameter
        /// to optionally retrieve unbinding errors. The dictionary key holds the
        /// simple form varname for the field (ie. txtName), the value the actual
        /// exception error message
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method can have unexpected side-effects if multiple naming
        /// containers share common variable names. This routine is not recommended
        /// for those types of pages.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="Target"></param>
        /// <param name="FormVarPrefix">empty or one or more prefixes spearated by |</param>
        /// <param name="errors">Allows passing in a string dictionary that receives error messages. returns key as field name, value as error message</param>
        /// <returns>true or false if an unbinding error occurs</returns>
        public static bool FormVarsToObject(object target, string formvarPrefixes = null, Dictionary <string, string> errors = null)
            bool          isError   = false;
            List <string> ErrorList = new List <string>();

            if (formvarPrefixes == null)
                formvarPrefixes = "";

            if (HttpContext.Current == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("FormVarsToObject can only be called from a Web Request");

            HttpRequest Request = HttpContext.Current.Request;

            // try to get a generic reference to a page for recursive find control
            // This value will be null if not dealing with a page (ie. in JSON Web Service)
            Page page = HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as Page;

            MemberInfo[] miT = target.GetType().FindMembers(
                MemberTypes.Field | MemberTypes.Property,
                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance,
                null, null);

            // Look through all prefixes separated by |
            string[] prefixes = formvarPrefixes.Split('|');

            foreach (string prefix in prefixes)
                // Loop through all members of the Object
                foreach (MemberInfo Field in miT)
                    string Name = Field.Name;

                    FieldInfo    fi        = null;
                    PropertyInfo pi        = null;
                    Type         FieldType = null;

                    if (Field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                        fi        = (FieldInfo)Field;
                        FieldType = fi.FieldType;
                        pi        = (PropertyInfo)Field;
                        FieldType = pi.PropertyType;

                    // Lookup key will be field plus the prefix
                    string formvarKey = prefix + Name;

                    // Try a simple lookup at the root first
                    var strValue = Request.Form[formvarKey];

                    // if not found try to find the control and then
                    // use its UniqueID for lookup instead
                    if (strValue == null && page != null)
                        Control ctl = WebUtils.FindControlRecursive(page, formvarKey);
                        if (ctl != null)
                            strValue = Request.Form[ctl.UniqueID];

                    // Bool values and checkboxes might require special handling
                    if (strValue == null)
                        // Must handle checkboxes/radios
                        if (FieldType == typeof(bool))
                            strValue = "false";
                        // other values that are null are not updated

                        // Convert the value to it target type
                        object Value = ReflectionUtils.StringToTypedValue(strValue, FieldType);

                        // Assign it to the object property/field
                        if (Field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
                            fi.SetValue(target, Value);
                            pi.SetValue(target, Value, null);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        isError = true;
                        if (errors != null)
                            errors.Add(Field.Name, ex.Message);
