/// <summary>
        /// Returns a fully normalized list of resources that contains the most specific
        /// locale version for the culture provided.
        /// This means that this routine walks the resource hierarchy and returns
        /// the most specific value in this order: de-ch, de, invariant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cultureName"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceSet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<string, object> GetResourceSetNormalizedForLocaleId(string cultureName, string resourceSet)
            if (cultureName == null)
                cultureName = string.Empty;

            Dictionary<string, object> resDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            SqlDataAccess data = new SqlDataAccess(DbResourceConfiguration.Current.ConnectionString);
            DbDataReader reader = null;

            string sql =
            @"select resourceId, LocaleId, Value, Type, BinFile, TextFile, FileName
    from " + DbResourceConfiguration.Current.ResourceTableName + @"
	where ResourceSet=@ResourceSet and (LocaleId = '' {0} )
    order by ResourceId, LocaleId DESC";

            // use like parameter or '' if culture is empty/invariant
            string localeFilter = string.Empty;

            List<DbParameter> parameters = new List<DbParameter>();
            parameters.Add(data.CreateParameter("@ResourceSet", resourceSet));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureName))
                localeFilter += " OR LocaleId = @LocaleId";
                parameters.Add(data.CreateParameter("@LocaleId", cultureName));

                // *** grab shorter version
                if (cultureName.Contains("-"))
                    localeFilter += " OR LocaleId = @LocaleId1";
                    parameters.Add(data.CreateParameter("@LocaleId1", cultureName.Split('-')[0]));

            sql = string.Format(sql, localeFilter);

            reader = data.ExecuteReader(sql, parameters.ToArray());

            if (reader == null)
                return resDictionary;

                string lastResourceId = "xxxyyy";

                while (reader.Read())
                    // only pick up the first ID returned - the most specific locale
                    string resourceId = reader["ResourceId"].ToString();
                    if (resourceId == lastResourceId)
                    lastResourceId = resourceId;

                    // Read the value into this
                    object resourceValue = null;
                    resourceValue = reader["Value"] as string;

                    string resourceType = reader["Type"] as string;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resourceType))
                        // FileResource is a special type that is raw file data stored
                        // in the BinFile or TextFile data. Value contains
                        // filename and type data which is used to create: String, Bitmap or Byte[]
                        if (resourceType == "FileResource")
                            resourceValue = LoadFileResource(reader);
                            LosFormatter Formatter = new LosFormatter();
                            resourceValue = Formatter.Deserialize(resourceValue as string);
                        if (resourceValue == null)
                            resourceValue = string.Empty;

                    resDictionary.Add(resourceId, resourceValue);
            catch { }
                // close reader and connection

            return resDictionary;