/// <summary> /// 读取数据 URLX为确定的 /// 1 内容 /// 2 标题 /// 3图 /// 4 url /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="PathFile"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static NewsMsgData GetMySetData(string PathFile, string UrlX) { string[] myData = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(PathFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData(); List<NewsItem> Items = new List<NewsItem>(); //响应3条新闻信息 for (int i = 0; i < myData.Length; i += 4) { NewsItem Xone = new NewsItem { Description = myData[i], // "new1", Title = myData[i + 1],// "EN了", PicUrl = myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = UrlX// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(Xone); } C.Items = Items; return C; }
/// <summary> /// html /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetHtml(string word ,string title ) { try { string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine( Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\IMG\\"+ word+".dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录); NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); string TableTxt = ""; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title.Trim() == title.Trim()) { TableTxt = CMsgData.Items[i].Description; break; } } return TableTxt; } catch { return ""; } }
/// <summary> /// 模板 /// </summary> /// <param name="N"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetXML_MODEL(int N) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { NewsItem cN = new NewsItem(); cN.Title = "项目 " + i.ToString() + " 标题"; cN.Description = "项目 " + i.ToString() + " 具体内容描述"; cN.PicUrl = "http://xxxx.com/img/a.jpg "; cN.Url = "http://xxxx.com/img/a.aspx"; CMsgData.Items.Add(cN); } return CMsgData.Getdata(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; //读取 HttpCookie cookie2 = context.Request.Cookies["weiweixing08"]; if (cookie2 == null) { context.Response.Redirect("help.aspx"); } else { TIME_MID = cookie2.Values["UserIDTime"]; if (TIME_MID == null) { context.Response.Redirect("help.aspx"); } else { //正确读取 RID = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), TIME_MID); if (RID == "") { context.Response.Redirect("help.aspx"); } } } context.Response.Write("<!DOCTYPE html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' /><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,height=device-height,inital-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no;' /><meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-capable' content='yes' /><meta name='apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' content='blac'/><meta name='format-detection' content='telephone=no' /><title></title><link href= 'Styles/Style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head><body>\r\n"); //获得数据 并且 返回回去 string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\news.dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录); NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); string TableTxt = ""; string S = "..\\USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\"; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { string DATA = "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='border:0'><tr style='border:0'><td width='50' style='border:0'><a href='" + S + CMsgData.Items[i].Url + "'> <img src='" + CMsgData.Items[i].PicUrl + "' width='50px' height='50px'> </a> </td><td style='border:0'> <a href='" + S + CMsgData.Items[i].Url + "'>" + CMsgData.Items[i].Title + "</a></td></tr></table>"; TableTxt += " <tr><td>"+ DATA+"</td></tr>"; } TableTxt = "<div class=\"cardexplain\"><ul class=\"round\"><li class='title'>图文消息</li><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%' class='cpbiaoge'>" + TableTxt + "</table></ul></div></body></html>"; context.Response.Write(TableTxt); }
/// <summary> /// 获取图文响应消息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public RepNewsMessage GetNewsResponse(IEnumerable<NewsItem> data = null) { var ret = new RepNewsMessage(); FillRepMsg(ret); if (data != null) { var msgData = new NewsMsgData(); msgData.Items.AddRange(data); ret.Data = msgData; } return ret; }
protected void Button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Label2.Text == "") return; NewsItem myItem = new NewsItem(); myItem.Title = TextBoxTitle.Text ; myItem.PicUrl= txt0.Text ; myItem.Url=TextBoxUrl.Text ; string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"),"USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\"+ myItem.Url); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(PathFile, TextBoxEDIT.Text, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); myItem.Description = "";// NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == Label2.Text) { CMsgData.Items[i] = myItem; break; } } WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); TreeView1.Nodes.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(CMsgData.Items[i].Title)); } TextBoxTitle.Text = ""; txt0.Text = ""; TextBoxUrl.Text = ""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = ""; Label2.Text = ""; Button24_Click(null, null); }
protected void FileManager1_ExecuteCommand(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e) { if (Page.IsCallback) { e.ClientScript = "alert('Use ExecuteCommand event to handle your custom command.\\nCommandName=" + e.CommandName + "\\nItem=" + e.Items[0].VirtualPath + "')"; } else { if (e.CommandName == "EditText") { if (e.Items.Count == 0) return; FileManagerItemInfo item = e.Items[0]; ViewState["EditDocumentPath"] = item.PhysicalPath; WeTextBoxFive.Text = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetFileName(item.PhysicalPath); // string text = File.ReadAllText(item.PhysicalPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("新图文消息", "")); TreeView1.Nodes.Clear(); NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(item.PhysicalPath); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title != "") { TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(CMsgData.Items[i].Title)); } } for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == "") { CMsgData.Items.RemoveAt(i); } } TextBoxTitle.Text =""; txt0.Text =""; TextBoxUrl.Text =""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = ""; Label2.Text = ""; Image1.ImageUrl = ""; WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); Label1.Text = ""; FileManager1.Visible = false; TextEditor.Visible = true; } } }
protected void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label2.Text = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == Label2.Text) { TextBoxTitle.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].Title; txt0.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].PicUrl; TextBoxUrl.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].Url; TextBoxEDIT.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].Description; Image1.ImageUrl = CMsgData.Items[i].PicUrl; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 全新处理程序 主要作用 /// 1 记录用户所有的输入 /// 2 关键词匹配返回 /// 3 不匹配的所有的输入 均返回 带 ID时间戳 的 Start /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { string httpMethod = context.Request.HttpMethod.ToUpper(); if (httpMethod == "GET") { ProcessRequest2(context); //如果 是 验证 则 直接 退出 return; } context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; var m = ReceiveMessage.ParseFromContext(); if (m == null) return; //获得当前 url 完整路径 string host = context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] + context.Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"]; host = host.Replace("v.ashx", ""); string PathDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\USER\\" + ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassServerCOM.GetMasterPasswordBytes(m.FromUserName)); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(PathDir) == false) { //建立用户目录 System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(PathDir); string PathUser = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, "USER_NAME.TXT"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(PathUser, m.FromUserName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); } //被关注 if (m.MsgType == MessageType.Event && m.InnerToXmlText().IndexOf("subscribe") >= 0) { string AXNUMPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\sysuser\\usernum.txt"); string AXNUM = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(AXNUMPath); int LLNUM = 500; try { LLNUM = Int32.Parse(AXNUM) + 1;// 147091; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(AXNUMPath, LLNUM.ToString()); } catch { } //系统目录 存放目录 string PathFileOne = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\SYSSET\\WeiXinBasicConfigManagement\\WeiXinBasicConfigManagement.dll"); String[] TXTSET = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(PathFileOne, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // TXTSET[0]; 微信名称 //TXTSET[1]; 微信号码 //TXTSET[2]; 关注后回复的 字符串模板 格式: 欢迎关注【{0}】,您是我们第{1}关注者,输入 HELP 查看更多内容 // 系统自动 寻找和匹配 start 关键字设置文件 如果找到 则自动返回 if (true) { TypeMsg = 0; string UserID = m.FromUserName; string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); RepMsgData myData = GetMySetDataG(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "start", host, ID_TIME); if (myData != null) { string nn = myData.ToXmlText().ToLower(); if (TypeMsg == 1) { var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 2) { var r = m.GetTextResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 3) { var r = m.GetMusicResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } } } //当没有 start 图文回复关注的时候 自动 返回文本消息 //发送关注返回数据 var r2 = m.GetTextResponse(); string result = string.Format(TXTSET[2], TXTSET[0], LLNUM); r2.Data = (TextMsgData)result; r2.Response(); return; } //数据解析 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(m.ToXmlText());//"<xml><description><![CDATA[木子屋:http://www.mzwu.com/]]></description></xml>"); //本地 地点 LBS if (m.MsgType == MessageType.Location) { string X = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Location_X").FirstChild.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); string Y = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Location_Y").FirstChild.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); string Scale = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Scale").FirstChild.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); long nX = (long )(double.Parse(X) * 100000 ); long nY = (long)(double.Parse(Y) * 100000); string NameX1000 = X.Replace(".","V") +"_"+Y.Replace(".","V"); string NameX1001 = X.Replace(".", "V")+"0" + "_" + Y.Replace(".", "V"); string NameX1002 = X.Replace(".", "V") + "0" + "_" + Y.Replace(".", "V")+"0"; string NameX1003 = X.Replace(".", "V") + "_" + Y.Replace(".", "V") + "0"; string NameX2 = nX.ToString() + "_" + nY.ToString(); string PathFile00 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location1\\" + NameX1000 + ".dll"); //高精度地址 string PathFile01 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location1\\" + NameX1001 + ".dll"); //高精度地址 string PathFile02 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location1\\" + NameX1002 + ".dll"); //高精度地址 string PathFile03 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location1\\" + NameX1003 + ".dll"); //高精度地址 string PathFile2 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location2\\" + NameX2 + ".dll"); //模糊地址 //精确地址匹配 if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile00) == true) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile00); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { var XONE = CMsgData.Items[i]; XONE.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.PicUrl, host); XONE.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.Url, host); CMsgData.Items[i] = XONE; } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgData; r.Response(); return; } //精确地址匹配 if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile01) == true) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile01); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { var XONE = CMsgData.Items[i]; XONE.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.PicUrl, host); XONE.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.Url, host); CMsgData.Items[i] = XONE; } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgData; r.Response(); return; } //精确地址匹配 if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile02) == true) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile02); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { var XONE = CMsgData.Items[i]; XONE.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.PicUrl, host); XONE.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.Url, host); CMsgData.Items[i] = XONE; } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgData; r.Response(); return; } //精确地址匹配 if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile03) == true) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile03); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { var XONE = CMsgData.Items[i]; XONE.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.PicUrl, host); XONE.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.Url, host); CMsgData.Items[i] = XONE; } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgData; r.Response(); return; } //模糊地址匹配 if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile2) == true) { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile2); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { var XONE = CMsgData.Items[i]; XONE.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.PicUrl, host); XONE.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(XONE.Url, host); CMsgData.Items[i] = XONE; } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgData; r.Response(); return; } //寻找地址匹配文件 //GetX = GetLocationBox( X,Y,NameX ); //返回值 //发送关注返回数据 var r2 = m.GetTextResponse(); string result = "您发送了位置信息 X:" + X + " Y:" + Y + " 缩放:" + Scale; r2.Data = (TextMsgData)result; r2.Response(); return; } //菜单 或者 用户文本输入 if (m.MsgType == MessageType.Text || (m.MsgType == MessageType.Event && m.InnerToXmlText().IndexOf("subscribe") < 0)) { //读取 string rr = ""; if (m.MsgType == MessageType.Text) { rr = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Content").FirstChild.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); } else { rr = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//EventKey").FirstChild.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); } //用户日志文件 string Nsame = DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(":", "_").Replace("-", "_").Replace("\\", "_").Replace("/", "_").Replace(" ", "_") + ".txt"; string PathUserData = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, Nsame); //记录用户输入到用户文件 StreamWriter sws = new StreamWriter(PathUserData, true, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); sws.WriteLine(rr.Replace("\n", " ")); sws.Close(); //首先判断转义 遇到转义直接替换 string ZhuanYi = GetZhuanYi(context.Server.MapPath("~"), rr); if (ZhuanYi.Length > 0) rr = ZhuanYi; //微墙查询 if (rr.ToLower() == "q"|| rr.ToLower() == "wq" ) { string PathDirRSWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\WEIQIANG\\"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(PathDirRSWQ) == false) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(PathDirRSWQ); } DateTime QDVVVV = DateTime.Now; string QAXNUMPathWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDirRSWQ, QDVVVV.Year + "_" + QDVVVV.Month.ToString("D2") + "_" + (QDVVVV.Day).ToString("D2") + "_WQ.txt"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(QAXNUMPathWQ) == false) System.IO.File.WriteAllText(QAXNUMPathWQ, DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2") + " " + "小萌: 今天,开始新的一天!\r\n"); string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = GetMySetDataGW(host, QAXNUMPathWQ, ID_TIME); r.Response(); return; } //微墙输入 if (rr.ToLower().IndexOf("q@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("墙@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("信息@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("微信墙@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("微信@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("微墙@") == 0 || rr.ToLower().IndexOf("wq@") == 0) { string PathDirRSWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\WEIQIANG\\"); DateTime QDVVVV = DateTime.Now; string QAXNUMPathWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDirRSWQ, QDVVVV.Year + "_" + QDVVVV.Month.ToString("D2") + "_" + (QDVVVV.Day).ToString("D2") + "_WQ.txt"); string[] XWQ = rr.Split('@'); if (XWQ[1].Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Length > 0) { string DATAR = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString("D2") + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString("D2") + " " + XWQ[1].Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace(" ", " "); StreamWriter sws2 = new StreamWriter(QAXNUMPathWQ, true, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); sws2.WriteLine(DATAR); sws2.Close(); } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); //load read txt show 9 string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); r.Data = GetMySetDataGW(host, QAXNUMPathWQ, ID_TIME); r.Response(); return; } if (rr == "@") //用户签到 { cmd_qiandao myQD = new cmd_qiandao(); myQD.RID = m.FromUserName; //发送关注返回数据 var r2 = m.GetTextResponse(); r2.Data = (TextMsgData)myQD.GetDATA_ONE(); ; r2.Response(); return; } if (rr.ToLower() == "ft") //照片墙 { string PathDirRSWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\PHOTO\\"); var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); r.Data = GetMySetDataFT(host, PathDirRSWQ, ID_TIME); r.Response(); return; } // 积分 if (rr.ToLower() == "jf") { cmd_jifen myJF = new cmd_jifen(); myJF.RID = m.FromUserName; var r2 = m.GetTextResponse(); r2.Data = (TextMsgData)myJF.GetDATA(); ; r2.Response(); return; } ////me 我的应用 出现 我的积分 我的订单 优惠劵 私信 等等各项的信息内容 //if (rr.ToLower() == "me") //{ // cmd_jifen myJF = new cmd_jifen(); // myJF.RID = m.FromUserName; // var r2 = m.GetTextResponse(); // r2.Data = (TextMsgData)myJF.GetDATA(); ; // r2.Response(); // return; //} // 购物 出现 出现 微商店中的 前 8个商品信息 用户直接点击即可购买 第二行显示我的订单状况 if (rr.ToLower() == "gw") { //获得 订单数量 和 商品列表 //订单目录 string PathDirSYS = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\DINGDAN\\"); string RID = m.FromUserName; ; string[] XXXX = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(PathDirSYS, "*" + RID + "*"); //订单数量 string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\goods.dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录) NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); int LL=CMsgData.Items.Count; string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); if(LL >9 )LL=9; NewsMsgData CMsgDataRT = new NewsMsgData(); NewsItem titleItem = new NewsItem(); titleItem.Title = "微商店 我的订单:"+XXXX.Length.ToString()+"个 点击进入" ; titleItem.Description = "微商店 我的订单:" + XXXX.Length.ToString() + "个 点击进入"; titleItem.Url = "http://" + (host + "/cmd/shangcheng.aspx?id=").Replace("//", "/").Replace("\\", "\\") + ID_TIME; CMsgDataRT.Items.Add(titleItem); for (int i = 0; i < LL; i++) { CMsgData.Items[i].Url = titleItem.Url; CMsgDataRT.Items.Add(CMsgData.Items[i]); } var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = CMsgDataRT; r.Response(); } // 优惠劵 出现我的优惠劵 信息 if (rr.ToLower() == "yhj") { //var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); //string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID ////使用时间戳加密 //string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); //string Url2 = "http://" + (host +"").Replace("//", "/"); //string PicUrl2 = "http://" + (host +"").Replace("//", "/"); //r.Data = GetStartDataNewOne( "优惠劵说明", "优惠劵标题", PicUrl2, Url2); //r.Response(); //return; rr = "优惠劵"; } // 大转盘 出现大转盘 if (rr.ToLower() == "dzp") { rr = "大转盘"; } // 刮刮卡 出现刮刮卡 if (rr.ToLower() == "ggk") { rr = "刮刮卡"; } // 游戏频道 出现游戏 if (rr.ToLower() == "yx") { rr = "游戏"; } // 听歌 if (rr.ToLower() == "tg") { string PathDirMp3 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MP3"); string PathDirMp32 = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MP32"); string[] ASONG = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(PathDirMp3); Random nmn = new Random(Environment.TickCount); double nmn1 = nmn.NextDouble(); int xx_int = (int)((double)ASONG.Length * nmn1); string URLMP3 = ""; string URLMP3_TXT = ""; if (ASONG.Length > 0) { System.IO.FileInfo xxfile = new System.IO.FileInfo(ASONG[xx_int]); URLMP3_TXT = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetFileName(xxfile); string PathDirRS2zMp3URL = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDirMp32, GetMasterPasswordBytes(xxfile.Name) + ".mp3"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathDirRS2zMp3URL) == false) { System.IO.File.Copy(ASONG[xx_int], PathDirRS2zMp3URL); } URLMP3 = "http://" + host + "USER_DIR/SYSUSER/MP32/" + GetMasterPasswordBytes(xxfile.Name) + ".mp3";// JD[0].Replace("/", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\\", "/"); } //音乐响应! var rx = m.GetMusicResponse(); rx.Data = new MusicMsgData { Description = "输入TG可以换歌", Title = "微信音乐台:\n" + URLMP3_TXT,//+ URLMP3, MusicUrl = URLMP3,// @"http://news.iciba.com//admin//tts//2014-03-18.mp3", HQMusicUrl = URLMP3//"http://www.0951uc.com/%E9%9D%92%E6%98%A5%E6%A0%A1%E5%9B%AD" }; rx.Response(); return; } // //音乐响应 if (rr == "音乐测试") { var rx = m.GetMusicResponse(); rx.Data = new MusicMsgData { Description = "音乐描述", Title = "音乐标题", MusicUrl = "http://音乐url", HQMusicUrl = "http://高品质url" }; rx.Response(); return; } if (true) { //查找匹配文件 TypeMsg = 0; string UserID = m.FromUserName; string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); RepMsgData myData = GetMySetDataG(context.Server.MapPath("~"), rr, host, ID_TIME); if (myData != null) { string nn = myData.ToXmlText().ToLower(); if (TypeMsg == 1) { var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 2) { var r = m.GetTextResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 3) { var r = m.GetMusicResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } } } } if (m.MsgType == MessageType.Image) // 用户上传了图片 { //读取 并且保存用户数据 到用户文件夹 string rrUrl = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//PicUrl").FirstChild.InnerText; System.Net.WebClient web = new System.Net.WebClient(); DateTime tv = DateTime.Now; string name = tv.Year + "_" + tv.Month.ToString("D2") + "_" + (tv.Day).ToString("D2") + "_" + (tv.Hour).ToString("D2"); string name_full = ""; //微信照片墙 图片记录 string my_name_full = ""; //用户自己的目录图片 //判断扩展名 string IMG_EXT = ".png"; string NewURLTest = rrUrl.ToLower() + "Z"; if (NewURLTest.IndexOf(".jpgZ") > 0) IMG_EXT = ".jpg"; if (NewURLTest.IndexOf(".pngZ") > 0) IMG_EXT = ".png"; if (NewURLTest.IndexOf(".gifZ") > 0) IMG_EXT = ".gif"; if (NewURLTest.IndexOf(".bmpZ") > 0) IMG_EXT = ".bmp"; for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++) { name_full = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\PHOTO\\" + name) + "_" + i.ToString("D3") + IMG_EXT; // my_name_full = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\PHOTO\\" + name) + "_" + i.ToString("D3") + IMG_EXT; my_name_full = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, name) + "_" + i.ToString("D3") + IMG_EXT; if (System.IO.File.Exists(name_full) == false && System.IO.File.Exists(my_name_full) == false) break; } //下载和复制 try { web.DownloadFile(rrUrl, name_full); System.IO.File.Copy(name_full, my_name_full); } catch { } //返回微信墙 string PathDirRSWQ = System.IO.Path.Combine(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\PHOTO\\"); var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); r.Data = GetMySetDataFT(host, PathDirRSWQ, ID_TIME); r.Response(); return; } if (true) { //查找help 文件 系统 匹配不到任何数据时 自动返回 TypeMsg = 0; string UserID = m.FromUserName; string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); RepMsgData myData = GetMySetDataG(context.Server.MapPath("~"), "help", host, ID_TIME); if (myData != null) { string nn = myData.ToXmlText().ToLower(); if (TypeMsg == 1) { var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 2) { var r = m.GetTextResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } if (TypeMsg == 3) { var r = m.GetMusicResponse(); r.Data = myData; r.Response(); return; } } } //用户默认输入 均返回 start里面的值 { var r = m.GetNewsResponse(); string UserID = m.FromUserName; //用户 ID //使用时间戳加密 string ID_TIME = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassTimeEncryptionAlgorithm.GetTimeID(context.Server.MapPath("~"), UserID); //string host = context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] + context.Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"]; r.Data = GetStartData2(context.Server.MapPath("~"), host, ID_TIME); // GetMySetData(fff, URLX); r.Response(); return; } }
protected void Button23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (TreeView1.Nodes.Count >= 10) return; for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) { string Name = "新图文消息" + j.ToString("D2"); bool IsOK=true ; for(int i=0;i<TreeView1.Nodes.Count;i++) { if (TreeView1.Nodes[i].Text == Name) { IsOK = false; break; } } if (IsOK == true) { TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(Name)); Label2.Text = Name; TextBoxTitle.Text =Name; txt0.Text =""; TextBoxUrl.Text =""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = "内容描述"; NewsItem myItem = new NewsItem(); myItem.Title = Name; myItem.PicUrl =""; myItem.Url = ""; myItem.Description = "内容描述"; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); CMsgData.Items.Add(myItem); WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); Image1.ImageUrl = ""; return; } } }
public static NewsMsgData GetMySetDataGW3(string PathFile) { string[] myData = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(PathFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData(); List<NewsItem> Items = new List<NewsItem>(); NewsItem XoneX = new NewsItem { Description = "微信吐槽墙 - 【吐槽@昵称:内容】", // "new1", Title = "微信吐槽墙 - 【吐槽@昵称:内容】",// "EN了", PicUrl = "",//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = "http://www.0951uc.com/user_dir/tupdate.ashx"// myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(XoneX); //响应3条新闻信息 for (int i = myData.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string MD = myData[i]; if (MD.Trim().Length > 0) { if (MD.Length >= 22) MD = MD.Substring(0, 22); NewsItem Xone = new NewsItem { Description = MD, // "new1", Title = MD,// "EN了", PicUrl = "",//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = "http://www.0951uc.com/user_dir/tupdate.ashx"// myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(Xone); if (Items.Count >= 9) break; } } NewsItem XoneX2 = new NewsItem { Description = "微信微信墙【微墙@昵称:内容】", // "new1", Title = "点击查看更多..",// "EN了", PicUrl = "",//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = "http://www.0951uc.com/user_dir/tupdate.ashx"// myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(XoneX2); C.Items = Items; return C; }
protected void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label2.Text = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == Label2.Text) { TextBoxTitle.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].Title; txt0.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].PicUrl; TextBoxUrl.Text = CMsgData.Items[i].Url; string DataHTML = ""; try { //读取文件 string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"),"USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\"+ CMsgData.Items[i].Url); DataHTML= System.IO.File.ReadAllText(PathFile, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); } catch { } TextBoxEDIT.Text = DataHTML;// CMsgData.Items[i].Description; break; } } }
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WeTextBoxOne.Text.Trim().Length < 5 || WeTextBoxOne.Text == "地址和联系方式:") { Label1.Text = "请正确填写地址和联系方式"; return; } string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\goods.dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录) NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); Hashtable MMM = GetGouwuChe(); int WUNUM = 0; string GetDingDan = ""; foreach (DictionaryEntry one in MMM) { WUNUM += (int)one.Value; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title.Trim() == one.Key.ToString().Trim()) { GetDingDan += " 名称:" + CMsgData.Items[i].Title + "\t单价:" + CMsgData.Items[i].Description + "\t数量:" + one.Value.ToString() + "\r\n"; } } } if (WUNUM < 0.1) { Label1.Text = "购物车为空"; return; } try { //发送 购物车里的数据 到 采购清单 //订单目录 string PathDirSYS = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\SHANGCHENG\\DINGDAN"); DateTime PP = DateTime.Now; string TXTXX = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDirSYS, PP.Year.ToString("D2") + PP.Month.ToString("D2") + PP.Day.ToString("D2") + PP.Hour.ToString("D2") + PP.Minute.ToString("D2") + "_" + RID + ".dll"); string PathDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\USER\\" + ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassServerCOM.GetMasterPasswordBytes(RID)); string PathSHangcheng = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, "SHANGCHENG.TXT"); string PathLiuYan = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, "liuyan.TXT"); string PathDizHI = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathDir, "dizhi.TXT"); //保存地址 string dizhi = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(PathDizHI, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8).Trim().Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\t", " "); GetDingDan += "=======================\r\n"; GetDingDan += "下单时间:" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\r\n"; GetDingDan += "=======================\r\n"; GetDingDan += "卖家:" + RID+"\r\n"; GetDingDan += "=======================\r\n"; GetDingDan += "地址:" + dizhi+"\r\n"; GetDingDan += "=======================\r\n"; GetDingDan += "留言:" + WeTextBoxOne.Text.Trim().Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\t", " ").Replace("\r", " ")+"\r\n"; //写入订单 System.IO.File.WriteAllText(TXTXX, GetDingDan); //发送购物清单 到系统 MMM.Clear(); //清空购物车 System.IO.File.WriteAllText(PathSHangcheng, "", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //清除留言 WeTextBoxOne.Text = ""; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(PathLiuYan, "", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); LinkButton1.PostBackUrl = "dingdan.aspx?id=" + TIME_MID; LinkButton1.Visible = true; Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - 订单提交成功"; } catch { Label1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - 订单提交失败"; } }
protected void Button24_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WeTextBoxFive.Text.Trim() == "") { Label1.Text = "请输入关键字"; return; } NewsItem myItem = new NewsItem(); myItem.Title = TextBoxTitle.Text; myItem.PicUrl = txt0.Text; myItem.Url = TextBoxUrl.Text; myItem.Description = TextBoxEDIT.Text; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); bool IsSave = false; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { CMsgData.Items[i] = myItem; IsSave = true; break; } if (IsSave == false) CMsgData.Items.Add(myItem); WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); try { long nX = (int)(double.Parse(WeTextBoxFive.Text) * 100000); long nY = (int)(double.Parse(WeTextBoxSix.Text) * 100000); string NAME2 = nX.ToString() + "_" + nY.ToString(); //模糊地址 //long nX1 = (int)(double.Parse(WeTextBoxFive.Text) * 10000000); //long nY1 = (int)(double.Parse(WeTextBoxSix.Text) * 10000000); string NAME1 = WeTextBoxFive.Text.Replace(".", "V") + "_" + WeTextBoxSix.Text.Replace(".", "V"); //高精度地址 string PathFile1 = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location1\\" + NAME1 + ".dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录); File.WriteAllText(PathFile1, WeTextBoxOne.Text, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string PathFile2 = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\location2\\" + NAME2 + ".dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录); File.WriteAllText(PathFile2, WeTextBoxOne.Text, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); FileManager1.Visible = true; TextEditor.Visible = false; Label1.Text = "保存成功!"; FileManager1.FileViewMode = IZ.WebFileManager.Components.FileViewRenderMode.Details; } catch { Label1.Text = "保存失败,关键字中不能有特殊字符"; } }
/// <summary> /// 返回总的数量 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /* public string GetCount() { try { // string FF= "function demo04x() { jBox.open(\"iframe:http://www.baidu.com\", \"微信助手\", $(window).width() * 0.96, $(window).height()*0.6); }"; string PathDirRSQD = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\"); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(PathDirRSQD) == false) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(PathDirRSQD); } string[] MyLIST = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(PathDirRSQD, "*.png"); return MyLIST.Length.ToString(); } catch { return "0"; } } */ /// <summary> /// 获取 当前商品信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="a">商品编号</param> /// <param name="ty"></param> public static string GetLIST() { //获得购物车 Hashtable MMM = GetGouwuChe(); string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\goods.dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录) /* <table width='100%' border='1' align='left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='4' id='myTable'> <tr class='goodshead'><td height='24'> </td></tr> <tr class='goodsline'><td height='24'><table width='100%' border='0' align='left' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='4' id='myTable2'><tr class='goodsline'><td width='50' rowspan='2'> <img src='' alt='欢迎选购' name='AAA' width='50' height='50' id='AAA' style='background-color: #99CC99' /></td> <td width='1179' height='24'><h5>商品名称 商品价格</h5></td></tr> <tr class='goodsline'><td height='24'><h5>商品 购买</h5></td></tr></table></td></tr> </table> */ try { NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); string RT = "<tr><td height='24'>" + GetAllQian(CMsgData, MMM) + "</td></tr>"; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { int WuNum = 0; if (MMM.Contains(CMsgData.Items[i].Title) == true) { WuNum = (int)MMM[CMsgData.Items[i].Title]; } string XXX1 = "javascript:AddProduct('" + CMsgData.Items[i].Title + "','+','0');void(0);"; string XXX2 = "javascript:AddProduct('" + CMsgData.Items[i].Title + "','-','0');void(0);"; string NOW = " 当前数量【" + WuNum.ToString() + "】<a href=\"" + XXX1 + "\">[+]</a> " + " <a href=\"" + XXX2 + "\"> [-]</a>"; string url = "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\Shangcheng\\goods\\" + CMsgData.Items[i].Url; RT += "<tr><td height='24'><table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='myTable2' class='cpbiaoge'><tr><td width='50' rowspan='2'>"; RT += "<a href='" + url + "'><img src='" + CMsgData.Items[i].PicUrl + "' alt='欢迎选购' name='AAA' width='50' height='50' id='AAA' style='background-color: #99CC99' /></a></td>"; RT += "<td><h5>" + CMsgData.Items[i].Title + " 售价:" + CMsgData.Items[i].Description + "</h5></td></tr>"; RT += "<tr><td height='24'><h5>" + NOW + "</h5></td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } RT = "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='myTable' class='cpbiaoge'>" + RT + "</table>\r\n"; return RT; } catch { return "数据配置错误"; } }
/// <summary> /// 获得 购物车中所有物品 的数量 和 金钱总数 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static String GetAllQian(NewsMsgData CMsgData, Hashtable MMM) { int WUNUM = 0; double QIAM = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry one in MMM) { for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title.Trim() == one.Key.ToString().Trim()) { double AONEQAIN = double.Parse(CMsgData.Items[i].Description); QIAM += (int)one.Value * AONEQAIN; WUNUM += (int)one.Value; } } } return "物品总数:" + WUNUM + " 总价格:" + QIAM; }
/// <summary> /// 获取 Start数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static NewsMsgData GetStartData2(string apppath, string host, string id) { //host = host.Replace("v.ashx", ""); ;// "http://" + host + "user_dir/sysuser/img/start.jpg"; string url2 = "http://" + host + "Web.aspx?id=" + id; //标题 string PathFileT6 = System.IO.Path.Combine(apppath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\SYSSET\\WeiXinBasicConfigManagement\\Main01T6.dll"); string TextBox6_text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(PathFileT6, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //内容 string PathFileT7 = System.IO.Path.Combine(apppath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\SYSSET\\WeiXinBasicConfigManagement\\Main01T7.dll"); string TextBox7_Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(PathFileT7, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string PathFileT8 = System.IO.Path.Combine(apppath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\SYSSET\\WeiXinBasicConfigManagement\\Main01T8.dll"); string TextBox8_Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(PathFileT8, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); string url1 = "http://" + (host + TextBox8_Text).Replace("//", "/"); //微社区入口 NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData { Items = new List<NewsItem> { new NewsItem { Description = TextBox7_Text,//" Start,这是一个极速用户交互程序来帮助您在微信学习、社交和生活,点击进入", Title =TextBox6_text,// " Start应用服务", PicUrl =url1, Url = url2 } } }; return C; }
protected void Button23_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int j = 0; j < 10000; j++) { string Name = "新图文消息" + j.ToString("D2"); bool IsOK=true ; string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\page"+j.ToString()+".htm" ); if (System.IO.File.Exists(PathFile) == true) { IsOK = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < TreeView1.Nodes.Count; i++) { //节点名称 已经存在 或者 文件名已经存在 if (TreeView1.Nodes[i].Text == Name) { IsOK = false; break; } } } if (IsOK == true) { string filename ="page"+ j.ToString() + ".htm"; //自动生产一个文件名 TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(Name)); Label2.Text = Name; TextBoxTitle.Text =Name; txt0.Text =""; TextBoxUrl.Text = filename; TextBoxEDIT.Text = "内容描述"; NewsItem myItem = new NewsItem(); myItem.Title = Name; myItem.PicUrl =""; myItem.Url = filename; myItem.Description = "内容描述"; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); CMsgData.Items.Add(myItem); WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); return; } } }
/// <summary> /// 从 3个 系统关键词路径中寻找关键词匹配 /// </summary> /// <param name="SysPath">系统路径</param> /// <param name="KeyWord">关键字</param> /// <param name="host">url基地址</param> /// <param name="timestr"> 时间戳</param> /// <returns></returns> public static RepMsgData GetMySetDataG(string SysPath, string KeyWord, string host , string timestr) { string NP_IMG = System.IO.Path.Combine(SysPath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\IMG\\" + KeyWord + ".dll"); string NP_TXT = System.IO.Path.Combine(SysPath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\TXT\\" + KeyWord + ".dll"); string NP_VOC = System.IO.Path.Combine(SysPath, "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\MyPost\\VOC\\" + KeyWord + ".dll"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(NP_IMG)) { TypeMsg = 1; NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData(); C.LoadFile(NP_IMG); if (C.Items.Count == 1) { var X = C.Items[0]; X.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(X.PicUrl, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); if (X.Url.Trim() == "") { //生成一个指向 本关键词中设置的url string URL = "cmd/tuwen.aspx?w=" + KeyWord + "&t=" + X.Title.Trim(); X.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(URL, host); } else { X.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(X.Url, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); } X.Description = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.NoHTML(X.Description); } else { for (int i = 0; i < C.Items.Count; i++) { var X = C.Items[i]; X.PicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(X.PicUrl, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); if (X.Url.Trim() == "") { //生成一个指向 本关键词中设置的url string URL = "cmd/tuwen.aspx?w=" + KeyWord + "&t=" + X.Title.Trim(); X.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(URL, host); } else { X.Url = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(X.Url, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); } X.Description = ""; } } return C; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(NP_TXT)) { TypeMsg = 2; TextMsgData C = new TextMsgData(); C.LoadFile(NP_TXT); return C; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(NP_VOC)) { TypeMsg = 3; MusicMsgData C = new MusicMsgData(); C.LoadFile(NP_VOC); C.HQMusicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(C.HQMusicUrl, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); C.MusicUrl = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetUrlPath(C.MusicUrl, host).Replace("<%ID%>", timestr).Replace("<%id%>", timestr); return C; } // TextMsgData XC = new TextMsgData(); //XC.Content = "请输入正确关键字"; return null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack) return; //读取的时候 HttpCookie cookie2 = Request.Cookies["weiweixing"]; if (cookie2 == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); return; } string name = cookie2.Values["name"]; if (name == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); return; } string md5 = cookie2.Values["md5"]; if (md5 == null) { Response.Redirect("login.aspx"); return; } string PathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~"), "USER_DIR\\SYSUSER\\NEWS\\news.dll"); //图文 关键词回复目录); TreeView1.Nodes.Clear(); NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(PathFile); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(CMsgData.Items[i].Title)); } WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); TextBoxTitle.Text = ""; txt0.Text = ""; TextBoxUrl.Text = ""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = ""; Label2.Text = ""; }
protected void Button22_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < TreeView1.Nodes.Count; i++) { if (TreeView1.Nodes[i].Text == Label2.Text) { TreeView1.Nodes.RemoveAt(i); break; } } NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == Label2.Text) { CMsgData.Items.RemoveAt(i); break; } } WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); TextBoxTitle.Text =""; txt0.Text =""; TextBoxUrl.Text =""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = ""; Label2.Text = ""; Button24_Click(null, null); }
protected void FileManager1_ExecuteCommand(object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e) { if (Page.IsCallback) { e.ClientScript = "alert('Use ExecuteCommand event to handle your custom command.\\nCommandName=" + e.CommandName + "\\nItem=" + e.Items[0].VirtualPath + "')"; } else { if (e.CommandName == "EditText") { if (e.Items.Count == 0) return; FileManagerItemInfo item = e.Items[0]; ViewState["EditDocumentPath"] = item.PhysicalPath; char[] x={'_','.'}; string[] Name2= ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetFileName(item.PhysicalPath).Split(x); WeTextBoxFive.Text= Name2[0].Replace("V",".") ; WeTextBoxSix.Text = Name2[1].Replace("V", "."); // string text = File.ReadAllText(item.PhysicalPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); // TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("新图文消息", "")); NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadFile(item.PhysicalPath); TextBoxTitle.Text = CMsgData.Items[0].Title; txt0.Text = CMsgData.Items[0].PicUrl; TextBoxUrl.Text = CMsgData.Items[0].Url; TextBoxEDIT.Text = CMsgData.Items[0].Description; WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); Label1.Text = ""; FileManager1.Visible = false; TextEditor.Visible = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取 单图文消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static NewsMsgData GetStartDataNewOne(string Description2, string Title2, string PicUrl2, string Url2) { //微社区入口 NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData { Items = new List<NewsItem> { new NewsItem { Description = Description2,//" Start,这是一个极速用户交互程序来帮助您在微信学习、社交和生活,点击进入", Title =Title2,// " Start应用服务", PicUrl =PicUrl2, Url = Url2 } } }; return C; }
protected void Button21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { NewsItem myItem = new NewsItem(); myItem.Title = TextBoxTitle.Text ; myItem.PicUrl= txt0.Text ; myItem.Url=TextBoxUrl.Text ; myItem.Description= TextBoxEDIT.Text ; NewsMsgData CMsgData = new NewsMsgData(); CMsgData.LoadSet(WeTextBoxOne.Text); bool IsSave = false; for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { if (CMsgData.Items[i].Title == Label2.Text) { CMsgData.Items[i] = myItem; IsSave = true; break; } } if (IsSave == false) CMsgData.Items.Add(myItem); TreeView1.Nodes.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < CMsgData.Items.Count; i++) { TreeView1.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(CMsgData.Items[i].Title)); } TextBoxTitle.Text = ""; txt0.Text = ""; TextBoxUrl.Text = ""; TextBoxEDIT.Text = ""; Label2.Text = ""; WeTextBoxOne.Text = CMsgData.Getdata(); Image1.ImageUrl = ""; Button24_Click(null ,null ); }
/// <summary> /// 照片墙 /// </summary> /// <param name="PathFile"></param> /// <param name="host">当前url地址 </param> /// <returns></returns> public static NewsMsgData GetMySetDataFT(string host, string PathFile, string ID_TIME) { string url2 = "http://" + host + "Web.aspx?id=" + ID_TIME; string[] myData = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(PathFile); int st = 0; int end = 0; if (myData.Length > 9) { st = myData.Length; end = myData.Length - 9; } else { st = myData.Length; end = 0; } NewsMsgData C = new NewsMsgData(); List<NewsItem> Items = new List<NewsItem>(); NewsItem XoneX = new NewsItem { Description = "微信照片墙【发送照片到订阅号】", // "new1", Title = "微信照片墙【发送照片到订阅号】",// "EN了", PicUrl = "",//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = url2// myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(XoneX); for (int i = st - 1; i >= end; i--) { string MD = myData[i]; System.IO.FileInfo xx = new System.IO.FileInfo(MD); String Name = ClassLibraryWeiBao.ClassWeiWeiXin.GetFileName(MD); string URLX = "http://" + host + "user_dir/sysuser/photo/" + xx.Name; NewsItem Xone = new NewsItem { Description = "照片:" + Name, // "new1", Title = "照片:" + Name,// "EN了", PicUrl = URLX,//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = "http://" + host + "ft.ashx?img=" + xx.Name + "&id=" + ID_TIME // myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(Xone); if (Items.Count >= 9) break; } NewsItem XoneX2 = new NewsItem { Description = "微信照片墙 ", // "new1", Title = "点击进入微网站",// "EN了", PicUrl = "",//myData[i + 2],// "http://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/ting/pic/item/b8014a90f603738d538032bfb21bb051f919ec61.jpg", Url = url2 // "http://" + host + "/Web.aspx?id=" + ID_TIME// myData[i + 3]// "http://baidu.com" }; Items.Add(XoneX2); C.Items = Items; return C; }