private Scheme getScheme(string rootID) { //TODO - check every , see getSchemes comments HttpResponseMessage resp = null; bool bo = true; while (bo) { try { resp = _client.Get("manager/api?operation=getThesaurus&thesaurus=" + rootID); bo = false; } catch (HttpStageProcessingException e) { continue; } } _checkAndThrowsExceptions(resp.StatusCode, "getSchemeFromServer"); Stream s = resp.Content.ReadAsStream(); // TODO - validate xml answer. XDocument classifications = XDocument.Load(s); XElement rootElement = classifications.Root; //TODO - check to see if this will return always the value we want for the root. XElement raiz = rootElement.Element(_getSkoName("ConceptScheme")); Tag rootTag = new Tag(raiz.Value, raiz.Value, "Q2W1C42bT6"); Scheme scheme = new Scheme("Q2W1C42bT6", rootTag); //<id,label> IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> lista = _getFirstLevelChilds(rootElement); foreach (Tuple<String, String> tup in lista) { string myPath = rootTag.Path + "\\" + tup.Item2; Tag t = new Tag(tup.Item2, myPath, tup.Item1); scheme.arvore.add(t, rootTag.Path, t.Path); scheme.arvoreByWeeboxIds.add(t, rootTag.WeeId, t.WeeId); _buildSubTree(rootElement, t, scheme); } return scheme; }
private void _buildSubTree(XElement rootElement, Tag parent, Scheme scheme) { IEnumerable<Tuple<string, string>> childs = _getChilds(rootElement, parent.WeeId); foreach (Tuple<String, String> tuplo in childs) { string path = parent.Path + "\\" + tuplo.Item2; // children path Tag children = new Tag(tuplo.Item2, path, tuplo.Item1); scheme.arvore.add(children, parent.Path, children.Path); scheme.arvoreByWeeboxIds.add(children, parent.WeeId, children.WeeId); _buildSubTree(rootElement, children, scheme); } }
public Scheme(Scheme sc) { this.arvore = sc.arvore; this.arvore = sc.arvoreByWeeboxIds; =; }
private void _createFolderForTag(Tag node, Scheme scheme){ Directory.CreateDirectory(this.path_schemes + "\\" + node.Path + "\\"); IEnumerable<Tag> filhos = scheme.arvore.findChilds(node.Path); if (filhos != null){ foreach (Tag t in filhos){ _createFolderForTag(t, scheme); } } }
private void SaveTag(Tag t, Scheme scheme, SqlConnection con) { foreach (Tag tFilho in scheme.arvore.findChilds(t.Path)) { SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand( "INSERT INTO plano_classificacao (parent_name, parent_weeID, parent_path, child_name, child_weeID, child_path) VALUES ('" + t.Name + "', '" + t.WeeId + "', '" + t.Path + "', '" + tFilho.Name + "', '" + tFilho.WeeId + "', '" + tFilho.Path + "')", con); query.ExecuteNonQuery(); SaveTag(tFilho, scheme, con); } }
private Scheme GetChildTags(Tag parent, Scheme scheme, SqlConnection con) { SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand(string.Format( "select child_name, child_weeID, child_path from plano_classificacao where parent_weeID = '{0}'", parent.WeeId), con); SqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader(); List<Tag> childs = new List<Tag>(); while (reader.Read()) { Tag tempTag = new Tag(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(1)); childs.Add(tempTag); scheme.arvore.add(tempTag, parent.Path, tempTag.Path); scheme.arvoreByWeeboxIds.add(tempTag, parent.WeeId, tempTag.WeeId); } reader.Close(); foreach (var child in childs) { scheme = GetChildTags(child, scheme, con); } return scheme; }
//private static string connectionString = "Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=True"; //TODO - tocha - change return on error to ArgumentNullException() /** * retrieves the classification scheme of this weebox server instance */ public List<Scheme> GetClassificationScheme() { List<Scheme> lista = new List<Scheme>(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { con.Open(); //fetch the parents of each scheme List<Scheme> parentList = new List<Scheme>(); SqlCommand query = new SqlCommand(string.Format( "select child_name, child_weeID, child_path, parent_path from plano_classificacao where parent_weeID = '{0}'", ROOT_TAG), con); SqlDataReader reader = query.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Tag tempTag = new Tag(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(2), reader.GetString(1)); Scheme tempScheme = new Scheme(reader.GetString(3), tempTag); parentList.Add(tempScheme); } reader.Close(); foreach (Scheme parent in parentList) { lista.Add(GetChildTags(parent.arvore.getRoot(), parent, con)); } con.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } if (lista.Count == 0) lista = null; return lista; }