public IList<LoadtestViewModel> ConvertToViewModels(IEnumerable<Loadtest> domains)
            LoadTestingContext context = new LoadTestingContext();
            List<LoadtestViewModel> viewModels = new List<LoadtestViewModel>();
            foreach (Loadtest lt in domains)
                LoadtestViewModel vm = new LoadtestViewModel();
                vm.Id = lt.Id;
                Agent agent = (from a in context.Agents where a.Id == lt.AgentId select a).FirstOrDefault();
                if (agent == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no load test agent with the given ID.");
                vm.AgentCountry = agent.Location.Country;
                vm.AgentCity = agent.Location.City;

                Customer customer = (from c in context.Customers where c.Id == lt.CustomerId select c).FirstOrDefault();
                if (customer == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no customer with the given ID.");
                vm.CustomerName = customer.Name;

                if (lt.EngineerId.HasValue)
                    Engineer engineer = (from e in context.Engineers where e.Id == lt.EngineerId.Value select e).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (engineer == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no engineer with the given ID.");
                    vm.EngineerName = engineer.Name;

                LoadtestType loadtestType = (from t in context.LoadtestTypes where t.Id == lt.LoadtestTypeId select t).FirstOrDefault();
                if (loadtestType == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no load test type with the given ID.");
                vm.LoadtestTypeShortDescription = loadtestType.Description.ShortDescription;

                Project project = (from p in context.Projects where p.Id == lt.ProjectId select p).FirstOrDefault();
                if (project == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no project with the given ID.");
                vm.ProjectName = project.Description.ShortDescription;

                Scenario scenario = (from s in context.Scenarios where s.Id == lt.ScenarioId select s).FirstOrDefault();
                if (scenario == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no scenario with the given ID.");
                vm.ScenarioUriOne = scenario.UriOne;
                vm.ScenarioUriTwo = scenario.UriTwo;
                vm.ScenarioUriThree = scenario.UriThree;

                vm.UserCount = lt.Parameters.UserCount;
                vm.StartDateUtc = lt.Parameters.StartDateUtc;
                vm.DurationSec = lt.Parameters.DurationSec;

            return viewModels;
        public void TestLoadtestingContext()
            ITimetableRepository timetableRepo = new TimetableRepository();
            IList<Loadtest> loadtests = timetableRepo.GetLoadtestsForTimePeriod(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-10),

            Timetable tt = new Timetable(loadtests);
            Loadtest newLoadtest = new Loadtest(Guid.Parse("8c928a5e-d038-44f3-a8ff-70f64a651155"),
                new LoadtestParameters(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(3), 120, 900), Guid.Parse("751ec485-437d-4bae-9ff1-1923203a87b1")
                , Guid.Parse("99f4dc94-718c-450d-87b6-3153bb8db622"), Guid.Parse("471119e2-2b3c-4545-97a2-5f52d1fa7954")
                , Guid.Parse("a868a7c5-2f4a-43f7-9a8c-a597793fdc56"), Guid.Parse("96877388-ce4d-4ea8-ae93-438a696386b9")
                , Guid.Parse("73e25716-7622-4af6-99a0-0638efb1c8cc"));
            List<Loadtest> allChanges = new List<Loadtest>() { newLoadtest };
            AddOrUpdateLoadtestsValidationResult res = tt.AddOrUpdateLoadtests(allChanges);


            ITimetableRepository timetableRepo = new TimetableRepository();
            ITimetableViewModelRepository viewModelRepo = new TimetableViewModelRepository();
            IList<Loadtest> loadtests = timetableRepo.GetLoadtestsForTimePeriod(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-10),
            IList<LoadtestViewModel> vms = viewModelRepo.ConvertToViewModels(loadtests);*/

            LoadtestViewModel vm = new LoadtestViewModel();
            vm.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            vm.AgentCity = "Tokyo";
            vm.AgentCountry = "Japan";
            vm.CustomerName = "Great customer";
            vm.DurationSec = 300;
            vm.EngineerName = "Fred";
            vm.LoadtestTypeShortDescription = "stress test";
            vm.ProjectName = "Second project";
            vm.ScenarioUriOne = "";
            vm.ScenarioUriTwo = "";
            vm.StartDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(2);
            vm.UserCount = 60;
            IList<LoadtestViewModel> vms = new List<LoadtestViewModel>() { vm };
            IList<Loadtest> loadtests = viewModelRepo.ConvertToDomain(vms);
        public IList<LoadtestViewModel> ConvertToViewModels(IEnumerable<Loadtest> domains)
            List<LoadtestViewModel> viewModels = new List<LoadtestViewModel>();
            LoadTestingContext context = LoadTestingContext.Create(base.ConnectionStringRepository);
            foreach (Loadtest lt in domains)
                LoadtestViewModel vm = new LoadtestViewModel();
                vm.Id = lt.Id;
                AgentMongoDb agentDb = context.Agents.Find<AgentMongoDb>(a => a.DomainId == lt.AgentId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (agentDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no load test agent with the given ID.");
                vm.AgentCountry = agentDb.Location.Country;
                vm.AgentCity = agentDb.Location.City;

                CustomerMongoDb custDb = context.Customers.Find<CustomerMongoDb>(c => c.DomainId == lt.CustomerId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (custDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no customer with the given ID.");
                vm.CustomerName = custDb.Name;

                if (lt.EngineerId.HasValue)
                    EngineerMongoDb engDb = context.Engineers.Find<EngineerMongoDb>(e => e.DomainId == lt.EngineerId.Value).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (engDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no engineer with the given ID.");
                    vm.EngineerName = engDb.Name;

                LoadtestTypeMongoDb loadtestTypeDb = context.LoadtestTypes.Find(l => l.DomainId == lt.LoadtestTypeId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (loadtestTypeDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no load test type with the given ID.");
                vm.LoadtestTypeShortDescription = loadtestTypeDb.Description.ShortDescription;

                ProjectMongoDb projectDb = context.Projects.Find(p => p.DomainId == lt.ProjectId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (projectDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no project with the given ID.");
                vm.ProjectName = projectDb.Description.ShortDescription;

                ScenarioMongoDb scenarioDb = context.Scenarios.Find(s => s.DomainId == lt.ScenarioId).SingleOrDefault();
                if (scenarioDb == null) throw new ArgumentException("There is no scenario with the given ID.");
                vm.ScenarioUriOne = scenarioDb.UriOne;
                vm.ScenarioUriTwo = scenarioDb.UriTwo;
                vm.ScenarioUriThree = scenarioDb.UriThree;

                vm.UserCount = lt.Parameters.UserCount;
                vm.StartDateUtc = lt.Parameters.StartDateUtc;
                vm.DurationSec = lt.Parameters.DurationSec;

            return viewModels;