        protected ConnectionCloseEventArgs GetConnectionCloseEventArgsFromPayload(byte[] payload)
            if (payload.Length >= 2)
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(payload))
                    ushort code = BinaryReaderWriter.ReadUShortExactly(stream, false);

                        WebSocketCloseCode closeCode = (WebSocketCloseCode)code;

                        if (payload.Length > 2)
                            string reason = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload, 2, payload.Length - 2);
                            return(new ConnectionCloseEventArgs(closeCode, reason));
                            return(new ConnectionCloseEventArgs(closeCode, null));
                    catch (InvalidCastException)
                        _logger.Warning(this.GetType(), "Close code {0} not recognised", code);
                        return(new ConnectionCloseEventArgs(WebSocketCloseCode.Normal, null));

            return(new ConnectionCloseEventArgs(WebSocketCloseCode.Normal, null));
        private static uint ReadLength(byte byte2, Stream stream)
            byte payloadLenFlag = 0x7F;
            uint len            = (uint)(byte2 & payloadLenFlag);

            // read a short length or a long length depending on the value of len
            if (len == 126)
                len = BinaryReaderWriter.ReadUShortExactly(stream, false);
            else if (len == 127)
                len = (uint)BinaryReaderWriter.ReadULongExactly(stream, false);
                const uint maxLen = 2147483648; // 2GB

                // protect ourselves against bad data
                if (len > maxLen || len < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("Payload length out of range. Min 0 max 2GB. Actual {0:#,##0} bytes.", len));
