static public Quartus GetInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new Quartus(); } return(_instance); }
public override void AddRemoteControlling(PeerConnection Connection) { // Creating instance of system component to manipulate of equipment FirmwareLoader = Quartus.GetInstance(); InputEmulator = Microcontroller.Create(); // Adding data channel for loading firmware and controling equipment Connection.DataChannelAdded += DataChannelAddedHandler; //Console.WriteLine("End of GetMedia which initialized UserCell in Thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); }
public void Dispose() { // it means that cmd proccess was created if (_instance != null) { // Kill created process. cmd.Kill(); // Free associated process. cmd.Close(); // Set _instance null, to say GetInstance that to call lazy initialization _instance = null; } }
static private async Task StartStend() { var autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); bool video_translator = true; bool file_created = false; FileStream file = null; Quartus quartus = Quartus.GetInstance(); Microcontroller arduino = Microcontroller.Create(); if (video_translator) { // Asynchronously retrieve a list of available video capture devices (webcams). var deviceList = await DeviceVideoTrackSource.GetCaptureDevicesAsync(); // For example, print them to the standard output foreach (var device in deviceList) { Console.WriteLine($"Found webcam {} (id: {})"); } } // Create a new peer connection automatically disposed at the end of the program var pc = new PeerConnection(); // Initialize the connection with a STUN server to allow remote access var config = SystemConfiguration.PeerConnectionSettings; await pc.InitializeAsync(config); Console.WriteLine("Peer connection initialized."); //var chen = await pc.AddDataChannelAsync("sendDataChannel", true, true, cancellationToken: default); Console.WriteLine("Opening local webcam..."); // pc - PeerConnection object Transceiver videoTransceiver = null; VideoTrackSource videoTrackSource = null; LocalVideoTrack localVideoTrack = null; LocalVideoDeviceInitConfig c = new LocalVideoDeviceInitConfig(); await VideoDeviceSelection(); videoTrackSource = await Camera.CreateAsync(SystemConfiguration.VideoDeviceSettings); WebSocketSharp.WebSocket signaling = new WebSocketSharp.WebSocket(CreateSignalingServerUrl(), "id_token", "alpine"); pc.LocalSdpReadytoSend += (SdpMessage message) => { //Console.WriteLine(SdpMessage.TypeToString(message.Type)); Console.WriteLine(message.Content); //Console.WriteLine(HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(message.Content)); Console.WriteLine("Sdp offer to send: {\"data\":{\"description\":{\"type\":\"" + SdpMessage.TypeToString(message.Type) + "\",\"sdp\":\"" + HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(message.Content) + "\"}}}"); signaling.Send(message.ToABJson()); }; pc.RenegotiationNeeded += () => { Console.WriteLine("Regotiation needed"); bool OfferCreated = pc.CreateOffer(); Console.WriteLine("OfferCreated? {0}", OfferCreated); }; pc.DataChannelAdded += (DataChannel channel) => { Console.WriteLine("Added data channel ID: {0}, Label: {1}; Reliable: {2}, Ordered: {3}", channel.ID, channel.Label, channel.Reliable, channel.Ordered); if (channel.Label == "sendDataChannel") { channel.MessageReceived += (byte[] mess) => { try { CTP_packet command = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <CTP_packet>(mess); Console.WriteLine(arduino.SendCTP_Command(command)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }; } else { if (file_created == false) { file = new FileStream(channel.Label, FileMode.Append); file_created = true; } channel.MessageReceived += async(byte[] mess) => { // Console.WriteLine(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(mess)); if (mess.Length == 3 && System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(mess) == "EOF") { string file_name = file.Name; file.Close(); string t = await quartus.RunQuartusCommandAsync($"quartus_pgm -m jtag –o \"p;{file_name}@1\""); File.Delete(file_name); file_created = false; } else { WriteFileSegment(mess, file); } }; } channel.StateChanged += () => { Console.WriteLine("State change: {0}", channel.State); }; }; pc.IceCandidateReadytoSend += (IceCandidate candidate) => { //Console.WriteLine("Content: {0}, SdpMid: {1}, SdpMlineIndex: {2}", candidate.Content, candidate.SdpMid, candidate.SdpMlineIndex); try { Console.WriteLine("Candidate to send: Content: {0}, SdpMid: {1}, SdpMlineIndex: {2}", candidate.Content, candidate.SdpMid, candidate.SdpMlineIndex); signaling.Send(candidate.ToABJson()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error to send local ice candidate"); } }; //videoTrackSource.I420AVideoFrameReady += (frame) => //{ // Console.WriteLine("Argb32 frame ready. {0} : {1}", frame.width, frame.height); // Console.WriteLine("DataA: {0}, DataU: {1}, DataV: {2}, DataY: {3}", Marshal.SizeOf(frame.dataA), // Marshal.SizeOf(frame.dataU), // Marshal.SizeOf(frame.dataV), // Marshal.SizeOf(frame.dataY)); //}; signaling.OnMessage += async(sender, message) => { (string header, string correct_message) = message.Data.DivideHeaderAndOriginalJSON(); Console.WriteLine("Correct message: {0}", correct_message); Console.WriteLine("Header: {0}", header); if (header == "{\"data\":{\"getRemoteMedia\":" && correct_message == "true") { Console.WriteLine("Create local video track..."); var trackSettings = new LocalVideoTrackInitConfig { trackName = "webcam_track" }; localVideoTrack = LocalVideoTrack.CreateFromSource(videoTrackSource, new LocalVideoTrackInitConfig { trackName = "webcam_track" }); Console.WriteLine("Create video transceiver and add webcam track..."); TransceiverInitSettings option = new TransceiverInitSettings(); option.Name = "webcam_track"; option.StreamIDs = new List <string> { "webcam_name" }; videoTransceiver = pc.AddTransceiver(MediaKind.Video, option); videoTransceiver.DesiredDirection = Transceiver.Direction.SendOnly; videoTransceiver.LocalVideoTrack = localVideoTrack; bool OfferCreated = pc.CreateOffer(); Console.WriteLine("OfferCreated? {0}", OfferCreated); } //Console.WriteLine(message.Data); if (header.IndexOf("candidate") != -1 && correct_message != "null") { try { var candidate = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ICEJavaScriptNotation>(correct_message); Console.WriteLine("Content of ice: {0}, SdpMid: {1}, SdpMLineIndex: {2}", candidate.candidate, candidate.sdpMid, candidate.sdpMLineIndex); pc.AddIceCandidate(candidate.ToMRNetCoreNotation()); Console.WriteLine("Deserialized by ice_candidate"); //return; } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Could not deserialize as ice candidate"); } } if (header.IndexOf("description") != -1) { try { SdpMessage received_description = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <SDPJavaScriptNotation>(correct_message).ToMRNetCoreNotation(); await pc.SetRemoteDescriptionAsync(received_description); if (received_description.Type == SdpMessageType.Offer) { bool res = pc.CreateAnswer(); Console.WriteLine("Answer created? {0}", res); } Console.WriteLine("Deserialized by sdp_message"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Could not deserialize as sdp message"); } } }; pc.Connected += () => { Console.WriteLine("Connected"); }; pc.IceStateChanged += (IceConnectionState newState) => { if (newState == IceConnectionState.Disconnected) { Console.WriteLine("Disconected"); } }; signaling.Connect(); if (!video_translator) { signaling.Send("{\"data\":{\"getRemoteMedia\":true}}"); } //Console.WriteLine("Press a key to terminate the application..."); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.WriteLine("Program termined."); file?.Close(); pc?.Close(); signaling?.Close(); //arduino?.Close(); //(var a, var b) = ConvertString("{\"data\":{\"candidate\":null}}"); //Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", a, b); }