public static KeyWord EditKeyWord(KeyWord keyWord, out string errorMessage) { KeyWord newKeyWord = null; bool foundKeyWord = false; StringBuilder sb; List <KeyWord> listWithKeyWords; int i; try { errorMessage = null; listWithKeyWords = GetKeyWords(); if (keyWord.Id == listWithKeyWords[0].Id) { listWithKeyWords[0].Note = keyWord.Note; foundKeyWord = true; newKeyWord = listWithKeyWords[0]; } sb = new StringBuilder(SerializeKeyWord(listWithKeyWords[0])); for (i = 1; i < listWithKeyWords.Count; i++) { if (keyWord.Id == listWithKeyWords[i].Id) { listWithKeyWords[i].Note = keyWord.Note; foundKeyWord = true; newKeyWord = listWithKeyWords[i]; } sb.Append(string.Format("\r\n\r\n---------- New key word ----------\r\n\r\n{0}", SerializeKeyWord(listWithKeyWords[i]))); } if (!foundKeyWord) { errorMessage = "Error! Can not find the key word!"; } else { Utility.CreateNewFile(_fileNameFullPathKeyWords, sb.ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage = string.Format("ERROR!! An Exception occured in method UpdateKeyWord! e.Message:\r\n{0}", e.Message); return(null); } return(newKeyWord); }
public static KeyWord AddKeyWord(KeyWord keyWord, out string errorMessage) //keyWord not complete. newKeyWord will be complete { KeyWord newKeyWord = null; string keyWordSerialized, fileContents; List <KeyWord> listWithKeyWords; ArrayList arrayListWithPhrases; int i; try { errorMessage = null; listWithKeyWords = GetKeyWords(); arrayListWithPhrases = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < listWithKeyWords.Count; i++) { arrayListWithPhrases.Add(listWithKeyWords[i].Phrase.ToLower()); } if (arrayListWithPhrases.IndexOf(keyWord.Phrase.ToLower()) >= 0) { errorMessage = "The phrase exists already!"; return(null); } newKeyWord = new KeyWord(1 + arrayListWithPhrases.Count, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), keyWord.Phrase, keyWord.Note); keyWordSerialized = SerializeKeyWord(newKeyWord); fileContents = Utility.ReturnFileContents(_fileNameFullPathKeyWords); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContents)) { Utility.AppendToFile(_fileNameFullPathKeyWords, keyWordSerialized); } else { Utility.AppendToFile(_fileNameFullPathKeyWords, string.Format("\r\n\r\n---------- New key word ----------\r\n\r\n{0}", keyWordSerialized)); } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage = string.Format("ERROR!! An Exception occured in method AddKeyWord! e.Message:\r\n{0}", e.Message); return(null); } return(newKeyWord); }
private static string SerializeKeyWord(KeyWord keyWord) { return(string.Format("{0}\r\n\r\n----- New property -----\r\n\r\n{1}\r\n\r\n----- New property -----\r\n\r\n{2}\r\n\r\n----- New property -----\r\n\r\n{3}", keyWord.Id.Value.ToString(), keyWord.Created, keyWord.Phrase, keyWord.Note)); }