public ActionResult UpdateClients(string clientname, int?id, ClientUserViewModel vm) { int? returnId; var selectedId = vm.SelectedClientId; // if user dropdown selected we are editing an existing object so assign its id if (selectedId > -1) id = selectedId; returnId = MergeClient(id, clientname); return Redirect("Index"); }
public ActionResult UpdateUsers(string username, int? id, ClientUserViewModel vm) { int? returnId; int clientid; var selectId = vm.SelectedUserId; // if selected we are editing - assign id if (selectId > -1) id = selectId; clientid = vm.SelectedUserToClientId; returnId = MergeUser(id, clientid, username); return Redirect("Index"); }
public ActionResult Index() { ClientUserViewModel mymodel = new ClientUserViewModel() { Title = "Sample Code Clients and Users" }; var vm = mymodel; vm.Users = uw.GetUsers(); vm.Clients = cw.GetClients(); //populate dropdowns var tmplist = vm.Clients.ToList(); // user and client drop downs will contain a bogus value to allow the option to create tmplist.Insert(0, new Domain.Client { Id = -1, Name = "Select To Edit" }); vm.ClientDropDownList = tmplist.Select(x =>new SelectListItem{Value = x.Id.ToString(),Text = x.Name}); vm.UserToClientDropDownList = tmplist.Where(x=>x.Id > -1).Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.Id.ToString(), Text = x.Name }); var tmpulist = vm.Users.ToList(); tmpulist.Insert(0, new Domain.User { Id = -1, Name = "Select To Edit", ClientId = -1 }); vm.UserDropDownList = tmpulist.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.Id.ToString(), Text = x.Name }); return View(vm); }