public bool AddBug(Bug bug, int key) { try { using (var db = new AdmirAngularSignalREntities()) { var b = db.Bugs.Create(); b.Problem = bug.Problem; b.Response = bug.Response; b.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; db.Bugs.Add(b); db.SaveChanges(); int id = b.Id; Clients.Others.AddBug(b); Clients.Caller.AddMeBug(b, key); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Clients.Caller.reportError("Unable to create bug."); return false; } }
public void DeleteBug(Bug bug, int key) { using (var db = new AdmirAngularSignalREntities()) { try { Bug b = db.Bugs.Find(bug.Id); db.Bugs.Remove(b); db.SaveChanges(); Clients.All.DeleteBug(key); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public bool UpdateBug(Bug bug, int key) { try { using (var db = new AdmirAngularSignalREntities()) { // Find by other means than the id if required. ///var b = db.Bugs.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == bug.Id); var b = db.Bugs.Find(bug.Id); b.Problem = (b.Problem != bug.Problem) ? bug.Problem : b.Problem; if (b.Response != bug.Response) { b.Response = bug.Response; b.DateResolved = DateTime.Now; } //b.DateCreated = (b.DateCreated != bug.DateCreated) ? bug.DateCreated : b.DateCreated; db.SaveChanges(); Clients.All.UpdateBug(b, key); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Clients.Caller.reportError("Unable to create bug."); return false; } }
public bool EditAllowBug(Bug bug, int key) { try { using (var db = new AdmirAngularSignalREntities()) { Clients.Others.EditAllowBug(bug, key); //Clients.All.EditNotifyBug(bug, key); return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Clients.Caller.reportError("Unable to notify bug."); return false; } }