        public List <Aemp1_Aido1> Get_Aemp1WithAido1_List(Aemp_Aido request)
            List <Aemp1_Aido1> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("TMS"))
                    string strSql        = "";
                    string strAemp1Where = "Where CONVERT(varchar(20),PickupDateTime ,112)=(select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112))  and Driver1Code ='" + request.DriverCode + "'";
                    string strAido1Where = "Where  CONVERT(varchar(20),DeliveryDate ,112)=(select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112))  and DriverCode ='" + request.DriverCode + "'";
                    strSql = "  select cast(TrxNo as varchar(20)) as 'Key','Aemp1' as TableName, 'Collect' as DCFlag ,'' as UpdatedFlag ,isnull((cast(pcs as nvarchar(20))+' ' +UomCode),'') as PcsUom ," +
                             "  PickupDateTime as TimeFrom  ,  CollectFromName as DeliveryToName, CollectFromAddress1 as DeliveryToAddress1 , " +
                             "  CollectFromAddress2 as DeliveryToAddress2 ,CollectFromAddress3 as DeliveryToAddress3 ,CollectFromAddress4 as DeliveryToAddress4 , " +
                             "  GrossWeight as Weight,Volume ,isnull(DeliveryInstruction1,'') as DeliveryInstruction1, isnull(DeliveryInstruction2,'') as DeliveryInstruction2, " +
                             "  isnull(DeliveryInstruction3, '') as DeliveryInstruction3,Remark as Remark,AttachmentFlag as AttachmentFlag ,isnull(JobNo,'') as JobNo,Case StatusCode When 'POD' then 'POD' Else (Case (Select Top 1 StatusCode from jmjm3 Where JobNo = Aemp1.JobNo Order By LineItemNo DESC) When 'CANCEL' then 'CANCEL' else Aemp1.StatusCode END) END AS StatusCode,'' AS CancelDescription  , " +
                             "  Driver1Code as  DriverCode , CONVERT(varchar(20),PickupDateTime ,112) as FilterTime , " +
                             "  isnull((select top 1 case isnull(Rcbp1.Handphone1, '') when '' then isnull(Rcbp1.Telephone, '')  else Rcbp1.Handphone1 end   from rcbp1 where rcbp1.BusinessPartyCode = aemp1.CollectFromCode ), '')  AS PhoneNumber" +
                             "  from Aemp1 " + strAemp1Where + "" +
                             "  UNION all " +
                             "  select DeliveryOrderNo as 'Key','Aido1' as TableName, 'Deliver' as DCFlag ,'' as UpdatedFlag ,isnull((cast(OriginalPcs as nvarchar(20)) + ' ' + OriginCode),'') as PcsUom , " +
                             "  DeliveryDate as TimeFrom  ,  DeliveryToName as DeliveryToName, DeliveryToAddress1 as DeliveryToAddress1 ,  " +
                             "  DeliveryToAddress2 as DeliveryToAddress2 ,DeliveryToAddress3 as DeliveryToAddress3 ,DeliveryToAddress4 as DeliveryToAddress4 , " +
                             "  Weight as Weight,0.0 as Volume ,isnull(DeliveryInstruction1,'') as DeliveryInstruction1, isnull(DeliveryInstruction2,'') as DeliveryInstruction2, " +
                             "  isnull(DeliveryInstruction3,'') as DeliveryInstruction3,Remark as Remark,AttachmentFlag as AttachmentFlag,isnull(JobNo,'') as JobNo,Case StatusCode When 'POD' then 'POD' Else (Select Top 1 StatusCode from jmjm3 Where JobNo = Aido1.JobNo Order By LineItemNo DESC) END AS StatusCode,'' AS CancelDescription  , " +
                             "  DriverCode as DriverCode , CONVERT(varchar(20),DeliveryDate ,112) as FilterTime , " +
                             "  isnull((select top 1 case isnull(Rcbp1.Handphone1, '') when '' then isnull(Rcbp1.Telephone, '')  else Rcbp1.Handphone1 end   from rcbp1 where rcbp1.BusinessPartyCode = aido1.DeliveryToCode ), '')  AS PhoneNumber" +
                             "  from Aido1   " + strAido1Where + "";
                    Result = db.Select <Aemp1_Aido1>(strSql);
            catch { throw; }
        public int confirm_Aemp1WithAido1(Aemp_Aido request)
            int Result = -1;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    if (request.TableName == "Aemp1")
                                  " Remark = '" + request.Remark + "',StatusCode = 'POD',ActualPickUpDateTime=getdate(),SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                  " TrxNo='" + request.Key + "'");
                    else if (request.TableName == "Sido1")
                                  " Remark = '" + request.Remark + "',StatusCode = 'POD',SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                  " TrxNo='" + request.Key + "'");
                                  "  Remark = '" + request.Remark + "',StatusCode = 'POD',ActualDeliveryDateTime=getdate(),SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                  "  DeliveryOrderNo='" + request.Key + "'");
            catch { throw; }
        public int confirm_Aemp1WithAido1(Aemp_Aido request)
            int Result = -1;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    if (request.TableName == "Aemp1")
                                  " Remark = '" + request.Remark + "',StatusCode = 'POD'",
                                  " TrxNo='" + request.Key + "'");
                                  "  Remark = '" + request.Remark + "',StatusCode = 'POD'",
                                  "  DeliveryOrderNo='" + request.Key + "'");
            catch { throw; }
        public List <Aemp1_Aido1> Get_Aemp1WithAido1_List(Aemp_Aido request)
            List <Aemp1_Aido1> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("TMS"))
                    string strSql          = "";
                    string strRefreshAemp1 = "";
                    string strRefreshSido1 = "";
                    string strRefreshAido1 = "";
                    if (request.TableName == "Aemp1")   // Refresh for Table
                        strRefreshAemp1 = " And TrxNo ='" + request.Key + "'";
                        strRefreshSido1 = " And TrxNo =0 ";
                        strRefreshAido1 = " And DeliveryOrderNo = 0 ";
                    else if (request.TableName == "Aido1")
                        strRefreshAido1 = " And DeliveryOrderNo ='" + request.Key + "'";
                        strRefreshAemp1 = " And TrxNo =0 ";
                        strRefreshSido1 = " And TrxNo =0 ";
                    else if (request.TableName == "Sido1")
                        strRefreshSido1 = " And TrxNo ='" + request.Key + "'";
                        strRefreshAemp1 = " And TrxNo =0 ";
                        strRefreshAido1 = " And DeliveryOrderNo =0 ";
                    string strAemp1Where = "Where CONVERT(varchar(20),PickupDateTime ,112)=(select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112))  and Driver1Code ='" + request.DriverCode + "' " + strRefreshAemp1;
                    string strAido1Where = "Where CONVERT(varchar(20),DeliveryDate ,112)=(select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112))  and DriverCode ='" + request.DriverCode + "'" + strRefreshAido1;
                    string strSido1Where = "Where CONVERT(varchar(20),CollectDateTime ,112)=(select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),112))  and DriverCode ='" + request.DriverCode + "'" + strRefreshSido1;

                    strSql = "  select cast(TrxNo as varchar(20)) as 'Key','Aemp1' as TableName, 'Collect' as DCFlag ,'' as UpdatedFlag ,isnull((cast(pcs as nvarchar(20))+' ' +ISNULL(UomCode,'')),'') as PcsUom ," +
                             "  PickupDateTime as TimeFrom  ,  CollectFromName as DeliveryToName, CollectFromAddress1 as DeliveryToAddress1 , " +
                             "  CollectFromAddress2 as DeliveryToAddress2 ,CollectFromAddress3 as DeliveryToAddress3 ,CollectFromAddress4 as DeliveryToAddress4 , " +
                             "  GrossWeight as Weight,Volume ,(Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription,'') From Aiaw1 Where Aiaw1.JobNo=Aemp1.JobNo )  as DeliveryInstruction1, (Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription01,'') From Aiaw1 Where Aiaw1.JobNo=Aemp1.JobNo ) as DeliveryInstruction2, " +
                             "  '' as DeliveryInstruction3,Remark as Remark,AttachmentFlag as AttachmentFlag ,isnull(JobNo,'') as JobNo,Case StatusCode When 'POD' then 'POD' Else (Case (Select Top 1 StatusCode from jmjm3 Where JobNo = Aemp1.JobNo Order By LineItemNo DESC) When 'CANCEL' then 'CANCEL' else Aemp1.StatusCode END) END AS StatusCode,'' AS CancelDescription  , " +
                             "  Driver1Code as  DriverCode , CONVERT(varchar(20),PickupDateTime ,112) as FilterTime , " +
                             "  (Select ISNULL(consigneetelephone,'')  From Aiaw1 Where  Aiaw1.JobNo = Aemp1.JobNo) AS  PhoneNumber," +
                             "  ISNULL(SignBy,'') AS SignBy " +
                             "  from Aemp1 " + strAemp1Where + "" +
                             "  UNION all " +
                             "  select DeliveryOrderNo as 'Key','Aido1' as TableName, 'Deliver' as DCFlag ,'' as UpdatedFlag ,isnull((cast(OriginalPcs as nvarchar(20)) + ' ' + ISNULL(OriginCode,'')),'') as PcsUom , " +
                             "  DeliveryDate as TimeFrom  ,  DeliveryToName as DeliveryToName, DeliveryToAddress1 as DeliveryToAddress1 ,  " +
                             "  DeliveryToAddress2 as DeliveryToAddress2 ,DeliveryToAddress3 as DeliveryToAddress3 ,DeliveryToAddress4 as DeliveryToAddress4 , " +
                             "  Weight as Weight,0.0 as Volume ,(Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription,'') From Aiaw1 Where Aiaw1.JobNo=Aido1.JobNo )  as DeliveryInstruction1, (Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription01,'') From Aiaw1 Where Aiaw1.JobNo=Aido1.JobNo ) as DeliveryInstruction2, " +
                             "  '' as DeliveryInstruction3,Remark as Remark,AttachmentFlag as AttachmentFlag,isnull(JobNo,'') as JobNo,Case StatusCode When 'POD' then 'POD' Else (Select Top 1 StatusCode from jmjm3 Where JobNo = Aido1.JobNo Order By LineItemNo DESC) END AS StatusCode,'' AS CancelDescription  , " +
                             "  DriverCode as DriverCode , CONVERT(varchar(20),DeliveryDate ,112) as FilterTime , " +
                             "  (Select ISNULL(consigneetelephone,'')  From Aiaw1 Where  Aiaw1.JobNo = Aido1.JobNo) AS  PhoneNumber ," +
                             "  ISNULL(SignBy,'') AS SignBy " +
                             "  from Aido1   " + strAido1Where +
                             "  UNION all " +
                             "  select cast(TrxNo as varchar(20)) as 'Key','Sido1' as TableName, 'Collect' as DCFlag ,'' as UpdatedFlag ,isnull((cast(TotalPcs as nvarchar(20)) ), '') as PcsUom ," +
                             "  CollectDateTime as TimeFrom  ,  CollectFromName as DeliveryToName, CollectFromAddress1 as DeliveryToAddress1 , " +
                             "  CollectFromAddress2 as DeliveryToAddress2 ,CollectFromAddress3 as DeliveryToAddress3 ,CollectFromAddress4 as DeliveryToAddress4 , " +
                             "  TotalGrossWeight as Weight,TotalVolume as Volume ,(Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription,'') From Sibl1 Where Sibl1.JobNo=Sido1.JobNo )  as DeliveryInstruction1, (Select ISNULL( CommodityDescription01,'') From Sibl1 Where Sibl1.JobNo=Sido1.JobNo ) as DeliveryInstruction2, " +
                             " '' as DeliveryInstruction3,Remark as Remark,AttachmentFlag as AttachmentFlag ,isnull(JobNo,'') as JobNo,Case StatusCode When 'POD' then 'POD' Else (Case (Select Top 1 StatusCode from jmjm3 Where JobNo = Sido1.JobNo Order By LineItemNo DESC) When 'CANCEL' then 'CANCEL' else Sido1.StatusCode END) END AS StatusCode,'' AS CancelDescription  , " +
                             "  DriverCode as  DriverCode , CONVERT(varchar(20),CollectDateTime ,112) as FilterTime , " +
                             "  (Select ISNULL(consigneetelephone,'')  From Sibl1 Where  Sibl1.JobNo = Sido1.JobNo) AS  PhoneNumber ," +
                             "  ISNULL(SignBy,'') AS SignBy " +
                             "  from Sido1 " + strSido1Where + "";

                    Result = db.Select <Aemp1_Aido1>(strSql);
            catch { throw; }
        public int UpdateAll_Aemp1WithAido1(Aemp_Aido request)
            int Result = -1;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    if (request.UpdateAllString != null && request.UpdateAllString != "")
                        JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request.UpdateAllString);
                        if (ja != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < ja.Count(); i++)
                                if (ja[i]["TableName"] == null || ja[i]["TableName"].ToString() == "")
                                string strKey        = ja[i]["Key"].ToString();
                                string strTableName  = ja[i]["TableName"].ToString();
                                string strRemark     = "";
                                string strStatusCode = "";
                                if (ja[i]["Remark"] != null || ja[i]["Remark"].ToString() != "")
                                    strRemark = ja[i]["Remark"].ToString();
                                if (ja[i]["StatusCode"] != null || ja[i]["StatusCode"].ToString() != "")
                                    strStatusCode = ja[i]["StatusCode"].ToString();
                                if (strStatusCode.ToLower() == "cancel")
                                    string strJobNo = "";
                                    if (ja[i]["JobNo"] != null || ja[i]["JobNo"].ToString() != "")
                                        strJobNo = ja[i]["JobNo"].ToString();
                                    if (strJobNo != "")
                                        int          intMaxLineItemNo = 1;
                                        List <Jmjm3> list1            = db.Select <Jmjm3>("Select Max(LineItemNo) LineItemNo from Jmjm3 Where JobNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(strJobNo));
                                        if (list1 != null)
                                            if (list1[0].LineItemNo > 0)
                                                intMaxLineItemNo = list1[0].LineItemNo + 1;
                                        db.Insert(new Jmjm3
                                            JobNo          = strJobNo,
                                            DateTime       = DateTime.Now,
                                            UpdateDatetime = DateTime.Now,
                                            LineItemNo     = intMaxLineItemNo,
                                            AutoFlag       = "N",
                                            StatusCode     = "CANCEL",
                                            UpdateBy       = ja[0]["DriverCode"] == null ? "" : Modfunction.SQLSafe(ja[0]["DriverCode"].ToString()),
                                            Remark         = Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark),
                                            Description    = ja[0]["CancelDescription"] == null ? "" : Modfunction.SQLSafe(ja[0]["CancelDescription"].ToString())
                                        if (strTableName == "Aemp1")
                                                      " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "'",
                                                      " TrxNo='" + strKey + "'");
                                        else if (strTableName == "Sido1")
                                                      " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "'",
                                                      " TrxNo='" + strKey + "'");

                                                      " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "'",
                                                      " DeliveryOrderNo='" + strKey + "'");
                                    if (strTableName == "Aemp1")
                                                  " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "',StatusCode = '" + strStatusCode + "',SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                                  " TrxNo='" + strKey + "'");
                                    else if (strTableName == "Sido1")
                                                  " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "',StatusCode = '" + strStatusCode + "',SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                                  " TrxNo='" + strKey + "'");
                                                  " Remark = '" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(strRemark) + "',StatusCode = '" + strStatusCode + "',SignBy='" + Modfunction.CheckNull(request.SignBy) + "'",
                                                  " DeliveryOrderNo='" + strKey + "'");
                            Result = 1;
            catch { throw; }