public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc)
            var entityFilter = new MetadataFilterExpression
                FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
                Conditions     = new List <MetadataConditionExpression>
                    new MetadataConditionExpression()
                        ConditionOperator = MetadataConditionOperator.Equals,
                        PropertyName      = "SchemaName",
                        Value             = new Microsoft.Cds.Metadata.Query.Object()
                            Type = "string", Value = "Account"

            var entityProperties = new MetadataPropertiesExpression()
                AllProperties = true

            var query = new EntityKeyQueryExpression()
                Criteria   = entityFilter,
                Properties = entityProperties
            var jsonQuery = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(query);
            var jsonDeletedMetadataFilters = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DeletedMetadataFilters.Default);

            //BUG: 1563435 This returns an HTML Bad Request error

            //This returns all metadata without any filter
            var response = svc.Get("RetrieveMetadataChanges");

            var results = (RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.ToString(), typeof(RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse));

            Console.WriteLine($"ServerVersionStamp: {results.ServerVersionStamp}\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"Entities returned: {results.EntityMetadata.Count}\n");

            var accountMetadata = results.EntityMetadata.Find(x => x.SchemaName.Equals("Account"));

            accountMetadata.Attributes.Sort((x, y) => x.SchemaName.CompareTo(y.SchemaName));

            accountMetadata.Attributes.ForEach(x => {
                Console.WriteLine($"{x.SchemaName} {x.AttributeTypeName.Value}");
        private static bool IsSolutionInstalled(CDSWebApiService svc)
            //Check whether solution is already installed
            JObject solutionsResult = svc.Get("solutions?" +
                                              "$select=solutionid&" +
                                              $"$filter=uniquename eq '{customSolutionName}'") as JObject;

            var IsInstalled = solutionsResult["value"].Any();

            if (IsInstalled)
                customSolutionID = solutionsResult["value"][0]["solutionid"].ToString();

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs 3000 CRUD operations on multiple threads which should be enough to trigger Service Protection limits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="svc"></param>
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc)
            ParallelLoopResult result = Parallel.For(0, 1000, ctr => {
                var contact = new JObject
                    ["firstname"] = $"test",
                    ["lastname"]  = $"contact {ctr}"
                string name = $"{contact["lastname"]}";

                var contactUri = svc.PostCreate("contacts", contact);
                Console.WriteLine($"\t {name} Created");

                Console.WriteLine($"\t {name} Retrieved");

                Console.WriteLine($"\t {name} Deleted");

            Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result.IsCompleted ?
                              "Completed Normally" :
                              $"Completed to {result.LowestBreakIteration}");
        private static void CreateRequiredRecords(CDSWebApiService svc)
            //Create a parent account, an associated incident with three associated tasks
            //(required for CalculateTotalTimeIncident).
            Console.WriteLine("----Creating Required Records---- -");

            JObject account1    = new JObject(new JProperty("name", "Fourth Coffee"));
            var     account1Uri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account1);

            JObject incident1 = new JObject
                new JProperty("title", "Sample Case"),
                new JProperty("*****@*****.**", account1Uri),
                new JProperty("Incident_Tasks",
                              new JArray(
                                  new JObject(
                                      new JProperty("subject", "Task 1"),
                                      new JProperty("actualdurationminutes", 30)
                                  new JObject(
                                      new JProperty("subject", "Task 2"),
                                      new JProperty("actualdurationminutes", 30)
                                  new JObject(
                                      new JProperty("subject", "Task 3"),
                                      new JProperty("actualdurationminutes", 30)

            incident1Uri = svc.PostCreate("incidents", incident1);

            Console.WriteLine("Incident and related tasks are Created");

            //Close the associated tasks (so that they represent completed work).
            JObject completeCode = new JObject(
                new JProperty("statecode", 1),
                new JProperty("statuscode", 5));

            var incidentTaskRefs = svc.Get($"{incident1Uri}/Incident_Tasks/$ref");

            foreach (JObject obj in incidentTaskRefs["value"])
                svc.Patch(new Uri(obj[""].ToString()), completeCode);
            Console.WriteLine("Tasks are closed.");

            //Create another account and associated opportunity (required for CloseOpportunityAsWon).
            JObject account2 = new JObject(
                new JProperty("name", "Coho Winery"),
                new JProperty("opportunity_customer_accounts",
                              new JArray(
                                  new JObject(
                                      new JProperty("name", "Opportunity to win")
            var account2Uri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account2);

            Console.WriteLine("Another Account is created with associated Opportunity");
            //Retrieve the URI to the opportunity.
            var custOpporRefs = svc.Get($"{account2Uri}/opportunity_customer_accounts/$ref");

            opportunity1Uri = new Uri(custOpporRefs["value"][0][""].ToString());

            //Create a contact to use with custom action sample_AddNoteToContact
            var contact1 = new JObject(
                new JProperty("firstname", "Jon"),
                new JProperty("lastname", "Fogg"));

            contact1Uri = svc.PostCreate("contacts", contact1);
            Console.WriteLine("Contact record is created");
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc)
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Starting Functions And Actions--");

            //Create records required for this sample

            #region Call an unbound function with no parameters.
            //Retrieve the current user's full name from the WhoAmI function:
            // Which returns a WhoAmIResponse ComplexType
            // Which contains a UserId property that can be used to retrieve information about the current user
            Console.WriteLine("Unbound function: WhoAmI");
            var whoAmIresp = svc.Get("WhoAmI");
            //Then retrieve the full name for that unique ID.
            var myUserId = whoAmIresp["UserId"];
            var user     = svc.Get($"systemusers({myUserId})?$select=fullname");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tCurrent user has full name: '{user["fullname"]}'.");
            #endregion Call an unbound function with no parameters.

            #region Call an unbound function that requires parameters.
            //Retrieve the time zone code for the specified time zone, using the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName
            // which returns a GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse ComplexType
            string timeZoneName = "Pacific Standard Time";
            int    localeID     = 1033;
            Console.WriteLine("Unbound function with parameters: GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName");
            var LocalizedNameResponse = svc.Get($"GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName" +
                                                $"(LocalizedStandardName=@p1,LocaleId=@p2)" +

            Console.WriteLine($"\tThe time zone '{timeZoneName}' has the code '{LocalizedNameResponse["TimeZoneCode"]}'.");
            #endregion Call an unbound function that requires parameters.

            #region Call a bound function.
            //Retrieve the total time, in minutes, spent on all tasks associated with an incident.
            //Uses the CalculateTotalTimeIncident function:
            //which returns a CalculateTotalTimeIncidentResponse complex type:

            Console.WriteLine("Bound function: CalculateTotalTimeIncident");
            var cttir = svc.Get($"{incident1Uri}/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.CalculateTotalTimeIncident()");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tThe total duration of tasks associated with the " +
                              $"incident is {cttir["TotalTime"]} minutes.");
            #endregion Call a bound function.

            #region Call an unbound action that requires parameters.
            //Close an opportunity and mark it as won. Uses the WinOpportunity action:
            //which takes a int32 status code and an opportunityclose entity type:

            Console.WriteLine("UnBound function: WinOpportunity");
            var winOpportParams = new JObject(
                new JProperty("Status", 3),
                new JProperty("OpportunityClose", new JObject(
                                  new JProperty("subject", "Won Opportunity"),
                                  new JProperty("*****@*****.**", opportunity1Uri)

            svc.Post("WinOpportunity", winOpportParams);
            Console.WriteLine("\tOpportunity won.");

            #endregion Call an unbound action that requires parameters.

            #region Call a bound action that requires parameters.
            //Add a new letter tracking activity to the current user's queue. Uses the AddToQueue
            //action:, which is bound to the queue
            //entity type:, and returns a
            //AddToQueueResponse complex type:
            JObject letter = new JObject
                ["description"] = "Example letter"
            var letterUri        = svc.PostCreate("letters", letter);
            var letterActivityId = (svc.Get($"{letterUri}/activityid"))["value"];

            var queueRef   = svc.Get($"systemusers({myUserId})/queueid/$ref");
            var myQueueUri = new Uri(queueRef[""].ToString());

            JObject addToQueueParams = new JObject(
                new JProperty("Target",
                              new JObject(
                                  new JProperty("activityid", letterActivityId),
                                  new JProperty("@odata.type", "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.letter")

            Console.WriteLine("Bound action: AddToQueue");
            var queueResponse = svc.Post($"{myQueueUri}/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.AddToQueue", addToQueueParams);
            var queueItemId   = queueResponse["QueueItemId"].ToString();
            Console.WriteLine($"\tQueueItemId returned from AddToQueue action: {queueItemId}");

            #endregion Call a bound action that requires parameters.

            if (InstallFunctionsAndActionsSolution(svc))
                #region Call a bound custom action that requires parameters.

                //Add a note to a specified contact. Uses the custom action sample_AddNoteToContact, which
                //is bound to the contact to annotate, and takes a single param, the note to add. It also
                //returns the URI to the new annotation.
                Console.WriteLine("Custom action: sample_AddNoteToContact");
                var note1 = new JObject
                    ["NoteTitle"] = "Note Title",
                    ["NoteText"]  = "The text content of the note."
                var noteRef = svc.Post($"{contact1Uri}/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.sample_AddNoteToContact", note1);

                //Retrieve the created note and the related contact full name;
                var noteAndContact = svc.Get($"{svc.BaseAddress}annotations({noteRef["annotationid"]})" +

                Console.WriteLine($"\tA note with the subject '{noteAndContact["subject"]}' \n" +
                                  $"\tand the text '{noteAndContact["notetext"]}' was created and associated with \n" +
                                  $"\tthe contact '{noteAndContact["objectid_contact"]["fullname"]}'");

                #endregion Call a bound custom action that requires parameters.

                #region Call an unbound custom action that requires parameters.
                //Create a customer of the specified type, using the custom action sample_CreateCustomer,
                //which takes two parameters: the type of customer ('account' or 'contact') and the name of
                //the new customer.
                var customerParam = new JObject
                    ["CustomerType"] = "account",
                    ["AccountName"]  = "New account customer (sample)"
                Console.WriteLine("Custom action: sample_CreateCustomer");
                svc.Post("sample_CreateCustomer", customerParam);
                Console.WriteLine($"\tThe account '{customerParam["AccountName"]}' was created.");

                //Try to call the same custom action with invalid parameters, here the same name is
                //not valid for a contact. (ContactFirstname and ContactLastName parameters are
                //required when CustomerType is contact.)
                var invalidCustomerParam = new JObject
                    ["CustomerType"] = "contact",
                    ["AccountName"]  = "New account customer (sample)"
                    Console.WriteLine("Custom action: sample_CreateCustomer with invalid parameters:");
                    svc.Post("sample_CreateCustomer", invalidCustomerParam);
                catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Expected Error:\t{ex.Message}\n" +
                                      $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                      $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}\n" +
                                      $"\tErrorCode: {ex.ErrorCode}");

                #endregion Call an unbound custom action that requires parameters.
                Console.WriteLine("Uninstalling solution containing custom actions.");
            //Delete records used by this sample
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting records created for this sample.");

            Console.WriteLine("\n--Functions And Actions Completed--");
        private static void CreateRequiredRecords(CDSWebApiService svc)
            var account1 = new JObject {
                { "name", "Contoso, Ltd. (sample)" },
                { "Account_Tasks", new JArray {
                      new JObject {
                          { "subject", "Task 1 for Contoso, Ltd." },
                          { "description", "Task 1 for Contoso, Ltd. description" }
                      new JObject {
                          { "subject", "Task 2 for Contoso, Ltd." },
                          { "description", "Task 2 for Contoso, Ltd. description" }
                      new JObject {
                          { "subject", "Task 3 for Contoso, Ltd." },
                          { "description", "Task 3 for Contoso, Ltd. description" }
                  } },
                { "primarycontactid", new JObject {
                      { "firstname", "Yvonne" },
                      { "lastname", "McKay (sample)" },
                      { "jobtitle", "Coffee Master" },
                      { "annualincome", 45000 },
                      { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                            new JObject {
                                { "subject", "Task 1 for Yvonne McKay" },
                                { "description", "Task 1 for Yvonne McKay description" }
                            new JObject {
                                { "subject", "Task 2 for Yvonne McKay" },
                                { "description", "Task 2 for Yvonne McKay description" }
                            new JObject {
                                { "subject", "Task 3 for Yvonne McKay" },
                                { "description", "Task 3 for Yvonne McKay description" }
                        } }
                  } },
                { "contact_customer_accounts", new JArray {
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Susanna" },
                          { "lastname", "Stubberod (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Senior Purchaser" },
                          { "annualincome", 52000 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Susanna Stubberod" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Susanna Stubberod description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Susanna Stubberod" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Susanna Stubberod description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Susanna Stubberod" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Susanna Stubberod description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Nancy" },
                          { "lastname", "Anderson (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Activities Manager" },
                          { "annualincome", 55500 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Nancy Anderson" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Nancy Anderson description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Nancy Anderson" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Nancy Anderson description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Nancy Anderson" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Nancy Anderson description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Maria" },
                          { "lastname", "Cambell (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Accounts Manager" },
                          { "annualincome", 31000 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Maria Cambell" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Maria Cambell description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Maria Cambell" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Maria Cambell description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Maria Cambell" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Maria Cambell description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Scott" },
                          { "lastname", "Konersmann (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Accounts Manager" },
                          { "annualincome", 38000 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Scott Konersmann" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Scott Konersmann description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Scott Konersmann" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Scott Konersmann description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Scott Konersmann" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Scott Konersmann description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Robert" },
                          { "lastname", "Lyon (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Senior Technician" },
                          { "annualincome", 78000 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Robert Lyon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Robert Lyon description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Robert Lyon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Robert Lyon description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Robert Lyon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Robert Lyon description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Paul" },
                          { "lastname", "Cannon (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Ski Instructor" },
                          { "annualincome", 68500 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Paul Cannon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Paul Cannon description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Paul Cannon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Paul Cannon description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Paul Cannon" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Paul Cannon description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Rene" },
                          { "lastname", "Valdes (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Data Analyst III" },
                          { "annualincome", 86000 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Rene Valdes" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Rene Valdes description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Rene Valdes" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Rene Valdes description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Rene Valdes" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Rene Valdes description" }
                            } }
                      new JObject {
                          { "firstname", "Jim" },
                          { "lastname", "Glynn (sample)" },
                          { "jobtitle", "Senior International Sales Manager" },
                          { "annualincome", 81400 },
                          { "Contact_Tasks", new JArray {
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 1 for Jim Glynn" },
                                    { "description", "Task 1 for Jim Glynn description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 2 for Jim Glynn" },
                                    { "description", "Task 2 for Jim Glynn description" }
                                new JObject {
                                    { "subject", "Task 3 for Jim Glynn" },
                                    { "description", "Task 3 for Jim Glynn description" }
                            } }
                  } }

            account1Uri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account1);
            contact1Uri = new Uri((svc.Get($"{account1Uri}/primarycontactid/$ref"))[""].ToString());
            var contact_customer_accounts = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}/contact_customer_accounts/$ref");

            foreach (JObject contactRef in contact_customer_accounts["value"])
                //Add to the top of the list so these are deleted first
                entityUris.Insert(0, new Uri(contactRef[""].ToString()));
            //The related tasks will be deleted automatically when the owning record is deleted.
            Console.WriteLine("Account 'Contoso, Ltd. (sample)' created with 1 primary " +
                              "contact and 8 associated contacts.");
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc, bool deleteCreatedRecords)
             * Sample Goals
             * - Use ColumnSet to specify attributes
             * - Specify whether formatted values should be returned?
             * - Get a count of how many records are returned
             * - Apply Conditions in a query
             * - Apply multiple conditions in a Filter Expression
             * - Page large result sets
             * - Page results with a cookie?
             * - Use a left outer join in QueryExpression to query for records "not in"
             * - Show how to use aggregates and grouping
             * - Send as $batch

            Console.WriteLine("\n--Starting Query Data with Query Expression--");


            //Get the id and name of the account created to use as a filter.
            var    account1     = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?$select=accountid,name");
            var    account1Id   = Guid.Parse(account1["accountid"].ToString());
            string account1Name = (string)account1["name"];

            //Header required to include formatted values
            var formattedValueHeaders = new Dictionary <string, List <string> > {
                { "Prefer", new List <string>
                  } }

            #region Use ColumnSet to specify attributes

            var query1 = new QueryExpression("contact")
                ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome")
            query1.Criteria.AddCondition("parentcustomerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, account1Id);

            var query1Results = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                $"{((JContainer)query1Results["value"]).Count} Contacts related to the account '{account1Name}'",

            #endregion Use ColumnSet to specify attributes

            #region Use PagingInfo
            //Re-use the previously defined query1
            query1.PageInfo = new PagingInfo()
                PageNumber             = 1,
                Count                  = 4,
                ReturnTotalRecordCount = true
                                         //Bug 1686048: Unable to return count when using QueryExpression with Web API

            var top4contactsRelatedToAccount1 = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                $"Top 4 Contacts related to the account '{account1Name}'",

            //Get next 4 contacts

            // You can't use the @odata.nextLink property
            // Bug 1686046: Error: 'The query parameter queryExpression is not supported' when using @odata.nextlink returned from Web API QueryExpression response
            //var next4contactsRelatedToAccount1 = svc.Get(
            //    top4contactsRelatedToAccount1["@odata.nextLink"].ToString(),
            //    formattedValueHeaders);

            //Update the PageNumber to get the next set of result
            query1.PageInfo.PageNumber = 2;

            var next4contactsRelatedToAccount1 = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                $"Next 4 Contacts related to the account '{account1Name}'",

            #endregion Use PagingInfo

            #region Apply multiple conditions in a Filter Expression

            var query2 = new QueryExpression("contact")
                ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome")
            //By default all criteria are evaluated using LogicalOperator.And
            query2.Criteria.AddCondition("parentcustomerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, account1Id);
            query2.Criteria.AddCondition("createdon", ConditionOperator.LastXHours, "1");

            var contactsRelatedToAccount1CreatedInLastHour = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                $"Contacts created in the past hour related to '{account1Name}'",

            var query3 = new QueryExpression("contact")
                ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome")
            query3.Criteria.AddCondition("parentcustomerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, account1Id);
            query3.Criteria.AddCondition("annualincome", ConditionOperator.GreaterThan, "55000");
            FilterExpression childFilter = query3.Criteria.AddFilter(LogicalOperator.Or);
            childFilter.AddCondition("jobtitle", ConditionOperator.Like, "%senior%");
            childFilter.AddCondition("jobtitle", ConditionOperator.Like, "%manager%");

            var highValueContacts = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                $"High salary contacts with 'senior' or 'manager' in job title:",

            #endregion Apply multiple conditions in a Filter Expression

            #region Link Entities

            var query4 = new QueryExpression("task")
                ColumnSet    = new ColumnSet("subject", "description"),
                LinkEntities =
                    new LinkEntity()
                        Columns               = new ColumnSet("fullname"),
                        EntityAlias           = "c",
                        LinkFromAttributeName = "regardingobjectid",
                        LinkFromEntityName    = "task",
                        LinkToAttributeName   = "contactid",
                        LinkToEntityName      = "contact",
                        LinkCriteria          = new FilterExpression()
                            Conditions =
                                new ConditionExpression("parentcustomerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, account1Id)

            var tasksLinkedToContact = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
            //Bug 1686153: Web API QueryExpression Link Entity response alias separator is '_x002e_' rather than '.'
            WriteTaskResultsTable("Tasks with linked Contacts", tasksLinkedToContact["value"], "c_x002e_fullname", "subject");

            var query4UsingFetchXml = $@"<fetch>
                <entity name='task' >
                <attribute name='description' />
                <attribute name='subject' />
                <link-entity name='contact' from='contactid' to='regardingobjectid' alias='c' >
                    <attribute name='fullname' />
                    <condition attribute='parentcustomerid' operator='eq' value='{account1Id}' />

            var tasksLinkedToContactFetch = svc.Get(

            //Output results in formatted table
                "Tasks with linked Contacts using FetchXMl",
                tasksLinkedToContactFetch["value"], "c.fullname", "subject");

            #endregion Link Entities

            #region Apply Aggregation and grouping

            #region Aggregate income data
            string avg_income_alias = "avg_income";
            string sum_income_alias = "sum_income";
            string max_income_alias = "max_income";
            string min_income_alias = "min_income";

            var query5 = new QueryExpression("contact")
                ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("annualincome")
                    AttributeExpressions =
                        new XrmAttributeExpression("annualincome", XrmAggregateType.Avg, avg_income_alias),
                        new XrmAttributeExpression("annualincome", XrmAggregateType.Sum, sum_income_alias),
                        new XrmAttributeExpression("annualincome", XrmAggregateType.Max, max_income_alias),
                        new XrmAttributeExpression("annualincome", XrmAggregateType.Min, min_income_alias)
            query5.Criteria.AddCondition("parentcustomerid", ConditionOperator.Equal, account1Id);

            var avgIncome = svc.Get(

            var data = avgIncome["value"][0];

            string formattedSumIncome = (string)data
            string formattedAvgIncome = (string)data
            string formattedMaxIncome = (string)data
            string formattedMinIncome = (string)data

            Console.WriteLine($"\nIncome information for employees at'{account1Name}':");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tSum:\t{formattedSumIncome} ");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tAverage:{formattedAvgIncome} ");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tMax:\t{formattedMaxIncome} ");
            Console.WriteLine($"\tMin:\t{formattedMinIncome} ");
            #endregion Aggregate income data

            #endregion Apply Aggregation and grouping

            DeleteRequiredRecords(svc, deleteCreatedRecords);

            Console.WriteLine("\n--Query Data with Query Expression Completed--");
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc)
            Console.WriteLine("\t--Starting Conditional Operations--");

            /// <summary> Creates the CRM entity instance used by this sample. </summary>
            #region Create sample Account record
            // Create a CRM account record.
            Console.WriteLine("\nCreate sample data");
            var account = new JObject
                { "name", "Contoso Ltd" },
                { "telephone1", "555-0000" }, //Phone number value will increment with each update attempt
                { "revenue", 5000000 },
                { "description", "Parent company of Contoso Pharmaceuticals, etc." }

            var accountUri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account);
            Console.WriteLine("Account entity created:");

            //Retrieve the account record you created to access the ETag value
            account = svc.Get($"{accountUri}?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description") as JObject;
            var initialAcctETagVal = account["@odata.etag"].ToString();
            var updatedAcctETagVal = string.Empty;
            Console.WriteLine($"ETag value: {initialAcctETagVal}");
            #endregion Create sample Account record

            #region Conditional GET
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Conditional GET section started--");
            var IfNoneMatchHeader = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >
                { "If-None-Match", new List <string> {
                  } }
            // Retrieve only if it doesn't match previously retrieved version.
            var result = svc.Get($"{accountUri}?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description", IfNoneMatchHeader);
            if (result == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Expected outcome: Entity was not modified so nothing was returned.");
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected outcome: Entity was not modified so nothing should be returned.");

            // Modify the account instance by updating telephone1
            svc.Put(accountUri, "telephone1", "555-0001");
            Console.WriteLine("\nAccount telephone number updated.");

            // Re-Attempt conditional GET with original initialAcctETagVal ETag value
            result = svc.Get($"{accountUri}?$select=name", IfNoneMatchHeader);
            if (result == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected outcome: Entity was modified so something should be returned.");
                Console.WriteLine("Expected outcome: Entity was modified so something was returned.");

            #endregion Conditional GET

            #region Optimistic concurrency on delete and update
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Optimistic concurrency section started--");
            // Attempt to delete original account (if matches original initialAcctETagVal ETag value).

            var IfMatchHeader = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >
                { "If-Match", new List <string> {
                  } }
                svc.Delete(accountUri, IfMatchHeader);
            catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.WriteLine($"Expected Error: {ex.Message}\n" +
                                  $"\tAccount not deleted using the initial ETag value: {initialAcctETagVal}\n" +
                                  $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                  $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}");

            //Attempt to update account (if matches original ETag value).

            JObject accountUpdate = new JObject
                { "telephone1", "555-0002" },
                { "revenue", 6000000 }
                svc.Patch(accountUri, accountUpdate, IfMatchHeader);
            catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.WriteLine($"Expected Error: {ex.Message}\n" +
                                  $"\tAccount not updated using the initial ETag value: {initialAcctETagVal}\n" +
                                  $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                  $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}");

            //Get current ETag value:
            updatedAcctETagVal = svc.Get($"{accountUri}?$select=accountid")["@odata.etag"].ToString();

            // Reattempt update if matches current ETag value.
            var NewIfMatchHeader = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >
                { "If-Match", new List <string> {
                  } }

            svc.Patch(accountUri, accountUpdate, NewIfMatchHeader);
            Console.WriteLine($"\nAccount successfully updated using ETag: {updatedAcctETagVal}");

            // Retrieve and output current account state.
            account = svc.Get($"{accountUri}?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description") as JObject;

            // Delete the account record
            Console.WriteLine("Account Deleted.");

            //Verify that it now longer exists
            catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                if (ex.StatusCode.Equals(404))
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Expected Error: {ex.Message}\n" +
                                      $"\tVerified that Account does not exist.\n" +
                                      $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                      $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}");
                    throw ex;

            #endregion Optimistic concurrency on delete and update

            #region Controlling upsert operations
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Controlling upsert operations section started--");
            // Attempt to update it only if it exists
            accountUpdate["telephone1"] = "555-0006";
            var IfMatchAnyHeader = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >
                { "If-Match", new List <string> {
                  } }

                svc.Patch(accountUri, accountUpdate, IfMatchAnyHeader);
            catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                Console.WriteLine($"Expected Error: {ex.Message}\n" +
                                  $"\tAccount not updated because it does not exist.\n" +
                                  $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                  $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}");
            //Attempt to upsert to re-create the record that was deleted
            // as long as there are no existing account records with the same id.
            var IfNoneMatchAnyHeader = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >
                { "If-None-Match", new List <string> {
                  } }

            //Remove any lookup properties since they cannot be set.

            svc.Patch(accountUri, account, IfNoneMatchAnyHeader);
            Console.WriteLine("Account upserted.");

            //Verify that it now exists again with same id
                Console.WriteLine($"Verified that account with accountid '{account["accountid"]}' exists.");
            catch (CDSWebApiException ex)
                if (ex.StatusCode.Equals(404))
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected Error: {ex.Message}\n" +
                                      $"\tThe account does not exist.\n" +
                                      $"\tStatusCode: {ex.StatusCode}\n" +
                                      $"\tReasonPhrase: {ex.ReasonPhrase}");
                    throw ex;

            #endregion Controlling upsert operations

            #region Clean-up
            //Delete the account record for good
            #endregion Clean-up

            Console.WriteLine("\t--Conditional Operations Completed--");
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="svc">Service containing methods to use the Web API.</param>
        /// <param name="deleteCreatedRecords">Whether to delete entities create by this sample.</param>
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc, bool deleteCreatedRecords)
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Starting Query Data --");
            //Create the records that this sample will query.

            //Get the id and name of the account created to use as a filter.
            var    contoso     = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?$select=accountid,name");
            var    contosoId   = Guid.Parse(contoso["accountid"].ToString());
            string contosoName = (string)contoso["name"];

            #region Selecting specific properties
            // Basic query: Query using $select against a contact entity to get the properties you want.
            // For performance best practice, always use $select, otherwise all properties are returned
            Console.WriteLine("-- Basic Query --");

            //Header required to include formatted values
            var formattedValueHeaders = new Dictionary <string, List <string> > {
                { "Prefer", new List <string>
                  } }

            var contact1 = svc.Get(

            Console.WriteLine($"Contact basic info:\n" +
                              $"\tFullname: {contact1["fullname"]}\n" +
                              $"\tJobtitle: {contact1["jobtitle"]}\n" +
                              $"\tAnnualincome (unformatted): {contact1["annualincome"]} \n" +
                              $"\tAnnualincome (formatted): {contact1["*****@*****.**"]} \n");

            #endregion Selecting specific properties

            #region Using query functions
            // Filter criteria:
            // Applying filters to get targeted data.
            // 1) Using standard query functions (e.g.: contains, endswith, startswith)
            // 2) Using CDS query functions (e.g.: LastXhours, Last7Days, Today, Between, In, ...)
            // 3) Using filter operators and logical operators (e.g.: eq, ne, gt, and, or, etc…)
            // 4) Set precedence using parenthesis (e.g.: ((criteria1) and (criteria2)) or (criteria3)
            // For more info, see:

            Console.WriteLine("-- Filter Criteria --");
            //Filter 1: Using standard query functions to filter results.  In this operation, we
            //will query for all contacts with fullname containing the string "(sample)".
            var containsSampleinFullNameCollection = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                                             "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                                             "$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') and " +
                                                             $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}",

                "Contacts filtered by fullname containing '(sample)':",

            //Filter 2: Using CDS query functions to filter results. In this operation, we will query
            //for all contacts that were created in the last hour. For complete list of CDS query
            //functions, see:

            var createdInLastHourCollection = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                                      "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                                      "$filter=Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.LastXHours(PropertyName='createdon',PropertyValue='1') and " +
                                                      $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}",

                "Contacts that were created within the last 1hr:",

            //Filter 3: Using operators. Building on the previous operation, we further limit
            //the results by the contact's income. For more info on standard filter operators,

            var highIncomeContacts = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                             "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                             "$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') and " +
                                             "annualincome gt 55000  and " +
                                             $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}",

                "Contacts with '(sample)' in name and income above $55,000:",

            //Filter 4: Set precedence using parentheses. Continue building on the previous
            //operation, we further limit results by job title. Parentheses and the order of
            //filter statements can impact results returned.

            var seniorOrSpecialistsCollection = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                                        "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                                        "$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') and " +
                                                        "(contains(jobtitle, 'senior') or " +
                                                        "contains(jobtitle,'manager')) and " +
                                                        "annualincome gt 55000 and " +
                                                        $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}",

                "Contacts with '(sample)' in name senior jobtitle or high income:",

            #endregion Using query functions

            #region Ordering and aliases
            //Results can be ordered in descending or ascending order.
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Order Results --");

            var orderedResults = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                         "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                         "$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)')and " +
                                         $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}&" +
                                         "$orderby=jobtitle asc, annualincome desc",

                "Contacts ordered by jobtitle (Ascending) and annualincome (descending)",

            //Parameterized aliases can be used as parameters in a query. These parameters can be used
            //in $filter and $orderby options. Using the previous operation as basis, parameterizing the
            //query will give us the same results. For more info, see:

            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Parameterized Aliases --");

            var orderedResultsWithParams = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                                   "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                                   "$filter=contains(@p1,'(sample)') and " +
                                                   "@p2 eq @p3&" +
                                                   "$orderby=@p4 asc, @p5 desc&" +
                                                   "@p1=fullname&" +
                                                   "@p2=_parentcustomerid_value&" +
                                                   $"@p3={contosoId.ToString()}&" +
                                                   "@p4=jobtitle&" +

                "Contacts ordered by jobtitle (Ascending) and annualincome (descending)",

            #endregion Ordering and aliases

            #region Limit results
            //To limit records returned, use the $top query option.  Specifying a limit number for $top
            //returns at most that number of results per request. Extra results are ignored.
            //For more information, see:
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Top Results --");

            var topFive = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                  "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                  "$filter=contains(fullname,'(sample)') and " +
                                  $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}&" +

            WriteContactResultsTable("Contacts top 5 results:", topFive["value"]);

            //Result count - count the number of results matching the filter criteria.
            //Tip: Use count together with the "odata.maxpagesize" to calculate the number of pages in
            //the query.  Note: CDS has a max record limit of 5000 records per response.
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Result Count --");
            //1) Get a count of a collection without the data.
            var count = svc.Get($"contacts/$count");
            Console.WriteLine($"\nThe contacts collection has {count} contacts.");
            //  2) Get a count along with the data.

            var countWithData = svc.Get("contacts?" +
                                        "$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +
                                        "$filter=(contains(jobtitle,'senior') or contains(jobtitle, 'manager')) and " +
                                        $"_parentcustomerid_value eq {contosoId.ToString()}" +

            WriteContactResultsTable($"{countWithData["@odata.count"]} " +
                                     $"Contacts with 'senior' or 'manager' in job title:",

            #endregion Limit results

            #region Expanding results
            //The expand option retrieves related information.
            //To retrieve information on associated entities in the same request, use the $expand
            //query option on navigation properties.
            //  1) Expand using single-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'primarycontactid')
            //  2) Expand using partner property (e.g.: from contact to account via the 'account_primary_contact')
            //  3) Expand using collection-valued navigation properties (e.g.: via the 'contact_customer_accounts')
            //  4) Expand using multiple navigation property types in a single request.
            // Note: Expansions can only go 1 level deep.
            // Tip: For performance best practice, always use $select statement in an expand option.
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Expanding Results --");

            //1) Expand using the 'primarycontactid' single-valued navigation property of account1.

            var account1 = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?" +
                                   "$select=name&" +

            Console.WriteLine($"\nAccount {account1["name"]} has the following primary contact person:\n" +
                              $"\tFullname: {account1["primarycontactid"]["fullname"]} \n" +
                              $"\tJobtitle: {account1["primarycontactid"]["jobtitle"]} \n" +
                              $"\tAnnualincome: { account1["primarycontactid"]["annualincome"]}");

            //2) Expand using the 'account_primary_contact' partner property.

            var contact2 = svc.Get($"{contact1Uri}?$select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome&" +

            Console.WriteLine($"\nContact '{contact2["fullname"]}' is the primary contact for the following accounts:");
            foreach (JObject account in contact2["account_primary_contact"])

            //3) Expand using the collection-valued 'contact_customer_accounts' navigation property.

            var account2 = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?" +
                                   "$select=name&" +

                $"Account '{account2["name"]}' has the following contact customers:",

            //4) Expand using multiple navigation property types in a single request, specifically:
            //   primarycontactid, contact_customer_accounts, and Account_Tasks.

            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Expanding multiple property types in one request -- ");

            var account3 = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?$select=name&" +
                                   "$expand=primarycontactid($select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome)," +
                                   "contact_customer_accounts($select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome)," +

            Console.WriteLine($"\nAccount {account3["name"]} has the following primary contact person:\n" +
                              $"\tFullname: {account3["primarycontactid"]["fullname"]} \n" +
                              $"\tJobtitle: {account3["primarycontactid"]["jobtitle"]} \n" +
                              $"\tAnnualincome: {account3["primarycontactid"]["annualincome"]}");

                $"Account '{account3["name"]}' has the following contact customers:",

            Console.WriteLine($"\nAccount '{account3["name"] }' has the following tasks:");

            foreach (JObject task in account3["Account_Tasks"])

            #endregion Expanding results

            #region FetchXML queries
            //Use FetchXML to query for all contacts whose fullname contains '(sample)'.
            //Note: XML string must be URI encoded. For more information, see:
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- FetchXML -- ");
            string fetchXmlQuery =
                "<fetch mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform' version='1.0' distinct='false'>" +
                "<entity name ='contact'>" +
                "<attribute name ='fullname' />" +
                "<attribute name ='jobtitle' />" +
                "<attribute name ='annualincome' />" +
                "<order descending ='true' attribute='fullname' />" +
                "<filter type ='and'>" +
                "<condition value ='%(sample)%' attribute='fullname' operator='like' />" +
                $"<condition value ='{contosoId.ToString()}' attribute='parentcustomerid' operator='eq' />" +
                "</filter>" +
                "</entity>" +
            var contacts = svc.Get(

            WriteContactResultsTable($"Contacts Fetched by fullname containing '(sample)':", contacts["value"]);

            #region Sending FetchXml as $batch
            // Because FetchXml is passed in the Uri and the total length
            // may exceed the max length for Uri. $batch allows the request to be included
            // in the body rather than in the Uri.

            var contactsFromBatch = SendGetAsBatch(
                new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue\"" }

            WriteContactResultsTable($"Contacts Fetched by fullname containing '(sample) in $batch':", contactsFromBatch["value"]);

            #endregion Sending FetchXml as $batch

            #endregion FetchXML queries

            #region Using predefined queries
            //Use predefined queries of the following two types:
            //  1) Saved query (system view)
            //  2) User query (saved view)
            //For more info, see:

            //1) Saved Query - retrieve "Active Accounts", run it, then display the results.
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- Saved Query -- ");

            var savedqueryid = svc.Get("savedqueries?" +
                                       "$select=name,savedqueryid&" +
                                       "$filter=name eq 'Active Accounts'")["value"][0]["savedqueryid"];

            var activeAccounts = svc.Get(
                formattedValueHeaders)["value"] as JArray;

            DisplayFormattedEntities("\nActive Accounts", activeAccounts, new string[] { "name" });

            //2) Create a user query, then retrieve and execute it to display its results.
            //For more info, see:
            Console.WriteLine("\n-- User Query -- ");
            var userQuery = new JObject
                ["name"]             = "My User Query",
                ["description"]      = "User query to display contact info.",
                ["querytype"]        = 0,
                ["returnedtypecode"] = "contact",
                ["fetchxml"]         = @"<fetch mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform' version='1.0' distinct='false'>
                    <entity name ='contact'>
                        <attribute name ='fullname' />
                        <attribute name ='contactid' />
                        <attribute name ='jobtitle' />
                        <attribute name ='annualincome' />
                        <order descending ='false' attribute='fullname' />
                        <filter type ='and'>
                            <condition value ='%(sample)%' attribute='fullname' operator='like' />
                            <condition value ='%Manager%' attribute='jobtitle' operator='like' />
                            <condition value ='55000' attribute='annualincome' operator='gt' />

            //Create the saved query
            var myUserQueryUri = svc.PostCreate("userqueries", userQuery);
            entityUris.Add(myUserQueryUri); //To delete later
            //Retrieve the userqueryid
            var myUserQueryId = svc.Get($"{myUserQueryUri}/userqueryid")["value"];
            //Use the query to return results:
            var myUserQueryResults = svc.Get($"contacts?userQuery={myUserQueryId}", formattedValueHeaders)["value"];

            WriteContactResultsTable($"Contacts Fetched by My User Query:", myUserQueryResults);

            #endregion Using predefined queries

            DeleteRequiredRecords(svc, deleteCreatedRecords);

            Console.WriteLine("\n--Query Data Completed--");
        public static void Run(CDSWebApiService svc, bool deleteCreatedRecords)
            Console.WriteLine("--Starting Basic Operations--");

            #region Section 1: Basic Create and Update operations
            Console.WriteLine("--Section 1 started--");
            //Create a contact
            var contact1 = new JObject
                { "firstname", "Rafel" },
                { "lastname", "Shillo" }
            Uri contact1Uri = svc.PostCreate("contacts", contact1);
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{contact1["firstname"]} " +
                              $"{contact1["lastname"]}' created.");
            entityUris.Add(contact1Uri); //To delete later
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact URI: {contact1Uri}");

            //Update a contact
            JObject contact1Add = new JObject
                { "annualincome", 80000 },
                { "jobtitle", "Junior Developer" }
            svc.Patch(contact1Uri, contact1Add);
                $"Contact '{contact1["firstname"]} {contact1["lastname"]}' " +
                $"updated with jobtitle and annual income");

            //Retrieve a contact
            var retrievedcontact1 = svc.Get(contact1Uri.ToString() +
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{retrievedcontact1["fullname"]}' retrieved: \n" +
                              $"\tAnnual income: {retrievedcontact1["annualincome"]}\n" +
                              $"\tJob title: {retrievedcontact1["jobtitle"]} \n" +
                              //description is initialized empty.
                              $"\tDescription: {retrievedcontact1["description"]}.");

            //Modify specific properties and then update entity instance.
            JObject contact1Update = new JObject
                { "jobtitle", "Senior Developer" },
                { "annualincome", 95000 },
                { "description", "Assignment to-be-determined" }
            svc.Patch(contact1Uri, contact1Update);

            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{retrievedcontact1["fullname"]}' updated:\n" +
                              $"\tJob title: {contact1Update["jobtitle"]}\n" +
                              $"\tAnnual income: {contact1Update["annualincome"]}\n" +
                              $"\tDescription: {contact1Update["description"]}\n");

            // Change just one property
            string telephone1 = "555-0105";
            svc.Put(contact1Uri, "telephone1", telephone1);
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{retrievedcontact1["fullname"]}' " +
                              $"phone number updated.");

            //Now retrieve just the single property.
            var telephone1Value = svc.Get($"{contact1Uri}/telephone1");
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact's telephone # is: {telephone1Value["value"]}.");

            #endregion Section 1: Basic Create and Update operations

            #region Section 2: Create record associated to another
            /// <summary>
            /// Demonstrates creation of entity instance and simultaneous association to another,
            ///  existing entity.
            /// </summary>

            Console.WriteLine("\n--Section 2 started--");

            //Create a new account and associate with existing contact in one operation.
            var account1 = new JObject
                { "name", "Contoso Ltd" },
                { "telephone1", "555-5555" },
                { "*****@*****.**", contact1Uri }
            var account1Uri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account1);
            entityUris.Add(account1Uri); //To delete later
            Console.WriteLine($"Account '{account1["name"]}' created.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Account URI: {account1Uri}");
            //Retrieve account name and primary contact info
            JObject retrievedAccount1 = svc.Get($"{account1Uri}?$select=name," +
                                                $"&$expand=primarycontactid($select=fullname,jobtitle,annualincome)") as JObject;

            Console.WriteLine($"Account '{retrievedAccount1["name"]}' has primary contact " +
            Console.WriteLine($"\tJob title: {retrievedAccount1["primarycontactid"]["jobtitle"]} \n" +
                              $"\tAnnual income: {retrievedAccount1["primarycontactid"]["annualincome"]}");

            #endregion Section 2: Create record associated to another

            #region Section 3: Create related entities
            /// <summary>
            /// Demonstrates creation of entity instance and related entities in a single operation.
            /// </summary>
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Section 3 started--");
            //Create the following entries in one operation: an account, its
            // associated primary contact, and open tasks for that contact.  These
            // entity types have the following relationships:
            //    Accounts
            //       |---[Primary] Contact (N-to-1)
            //              |---Tasks (1-to-N)

            //Build the Account object inside-out, starting with most nested type(s)
            JArray  tasks = new JArray();
            JObject task1 = new JObject
                { "subject", "Sign invoice" },
                { "description", "Invoice #12321" },
                { "scheduledend", DateTimeOffset.Parse("4/19/2019") }
            JObject task2 = new JObject
                { "subject", "Setup new display" },
                { "description", "Theme is - Spring is in the air" },
                { "scheduledstart", DateTimeOffset.Parse("4/20/2019") }
            JObject task3 = new JObject
                { "subject", "Conduct training" },
                { "description", "Train team on making our new blended coffee" },
                { "scheduledstart", DateTimeOffset.Parse("6/1/2019") }

            JObject contact2 = new JObject
                { "firstname", "Susie" },
                { "lastname", "Curtis" },
                { "jobtitle", "Coffee Master" },
                { "annualincome", 48000 },
                //Add related tasks using corresponding navigation property
                { "Contact_Tasks", tasks }

            JObject account2 = new JObject
                { "name", "Fourth Coffee" },
                //Add related contacts using corresponding navigation property
                { "primarycontactid", contact2 }

            //Create the account and related records
            Uri account2Uri = svc.PostCreate("accounts", account2);
            Console.WriteLine($"Account '{account2["name"]}  created.");
            entityUris.Add(account2Uri); //To delete later
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact URI: {account2Uri}");

            //Retrieve account, primary contact info, and assigned tasks for contact.
            //CDS only supports querying-by-expansion one level deep, so first query
            // account-primary contact.
            var retrievedAccount2 = svc.Get($"{account2Uri}?$select=name," +

            Console.WriteLine($"Account '{retrievedAccount2["name"]}' " +
                              $"has primary contact '{retrievedAccount2["primarycontactid"]["fullname"]}':");

            Console.WriteLine($"\tJob title: {retrievedAccount2["primarycontactid"]["jobtitle"]} \n" +
                              $"\tAnnual income: {retrievedAccount2["primarycontactid"]["annualincome"]}");

            //Next retrieve same contact and its assigned tasks.
            //Don't have a saved URI for contact 'Susie Curtis', so create one
            // from base address and entity ID.
            Uri contact2Uri = new Uri($"{svc.BaseAddress}contacts({retrievedAccount2["primarycontactid"]["contactid"]})");
            //Retrieve the contact
            var retrievedcontact2 = svc.Get($"{contact2Uri}?$select=fullname," +

            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{retrievedcontact2["fullname"]}' has the following assigned tasks:");
            foreach (JToken tk in retrievedcontact2["Contact_Tasks"])
                    $"Subject: {tk["subject"]}, \n" +
                    $"\tDescription: {tk["description"]}\n" +
                    $"\tStart: {tk["scheduledstart"].Value<DateTime>().ToString("d")}\n" +
                    $"\tEnd: {tk["scheduledend"].Value<DateTime>().ToString("d")}\n");
            #endregion Section 3: Create related entities

            #region Section 4: Associate and Disassociate entities
            /// <summary>
            /// Demonstrates associating and disassociating of existing entity instances.
            /// </summary>
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Section 4 started--");
            //Add 'Rafel Shillo' to the contact list of 'Fourth Coffee',
            // a 1-to-N relationship.
            JObject rel1 = new JObject
                { "", contact1Uri }
            }; //relationship object for msg content
            Uri navUri1 = new Uri($"{account2Uri}/contact_customer_accounts/$ref");
            //Create relationship
            svc.Post(navUri1.ToString(), rel1);
            Console.WriteLine($"Contact '{retrievedcontact1["fullname"]}' " +
                              $"associated to account '{account2["name"]}'.");

            //Retrieve and output all contacts for account 'Fourth Coffee'.
            var retrievedContactList1 = svc.Get($"{account2Uri}/contact_customer_accounts?" +

            Console.WriteLine($"Contact list for account '{retrievedAccount2["name"]}':");

            foreach (JToken ct in retrievedContactList1["value"])
                Console.WriteLine($"\tName: {ct["fullname"]}, Job title: {ct["jobtitle"]}");

            //Dissociate the contact from the account.  For a collection-valued
            // navigation property, must append URI of referenced entity.
            Uri dis1Uri = new Uri($"{navUri1}?$id={contact1Uri}");
            //Equivalently, could have dissociated from the other end of the
            // relationship, using the single-valued navigation ref, located in
            // the contact 'Peter Cambel'.  This dissociation URI has a simpler form:
            // [Org URI]/api/data/v9.1/contacts([contactid#])/parentcustomerid_account/$ref

            //'Rafel Shillo' was removed from the the contact list of 'Fourth Coffee'

            //Associate an opportunity to a competitor, an N-to-N relationship.
            //First, create the required entity instances.
            JObject comp1 = new JObject
                { "name", "Adventure Works" },
                    "Strong promoter of private tours for multi-day outdoor adventures"
            Uri comp1Uri = svc.PostCreate("competitors", comp1);
            entityUris.Add(comp1Uri); //To delete later

            JObject oppor1 = new JObject
                ["name"]        = "River rafting adventure",
                ["description"] = "Sales team on a river-rafting offsite and team building"
            Uri oppor1Uri = svc.PostCreate("opportunities", oppor1);
            entityUris.Add(oppor1Uri); //To delete later

            //Associate opportunity to competitor via opportunitycompetitors_association.
            // navigation property.
            JObject rel2 = new JObject
                { "", comp1Uri }
            Uri navUri2 = new Uri($"{oppor1Uri}/opportunitycompetitors_association/$ref");

            svc.Post(navUri2.ToString(), rel2);
            Console.WriteLine($"Opportunity '{oppor1["name"]}' associated with competitor '{comp1["name"]}'.");

            //Retrieve all opportunities for competitor 'Adventure Works'.
            var retrievedOpporList1 = svc.Get($"{comp1Uri}?$select=name,&$expand=opportunitycompetitors_association($select=name,description)");

            Console.WriteLine($"Competitor '{retrievedOpporList1["name"]}' has the following opportunities:");
            foreach (JToken op in
                Console.WriteLine($"\tName: {op["name"]}, \n" +
                                  $"\tDescription: {op["description"]}");

            //Dissociate opportunity from competitor.
            svc.Delete(new Uri($"{navUri2}?$id={comp1Uri}"));
            // 'River rafting adventure' opportunity disassociated with 'Adventure Works' competitor

            #endregion Section 4: Associate and Disassociate entities

            #region Section 5: Delete sample entities
            Console.WriteLine("\n--Section 5 started--");
            //Delete all the created sample entities.  Note that explicit deletion is not required
            // for contact tasks because these are automatically cascade-deleted with owner.

            if (!deleteCreatedRecords)
                Console.Write("\nDo you want these entity records deleted? (y/n) [y]: ");
                String answer = Console.ReadLine();
                answer = answer.Trim();
                if (!(answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y") || answer == string.Empty))
                    Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting created records.");
                Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting created records.");

            foreach (Uri entityUrl in entityUris)
            #endregion Section 5: Delete sample entities

            Console.WriteLine("--Basic Operations Completed--");