public static void GetRegistrationDropDownLists(ref OrderViewModel viewModel) { viewModel.ProvModel = RegisterLists.ProvList(); viewModel.CountryModel = RegisterLists.CountryList(); viewModel.CreditCardType = RegisterLists.CreditCardTypeList(); viewModel.ExpiryYearList = RegisterLists.ExpiryYearList(); viewModel.ExpiryMonthList = RegisterLists.ExpiryMonthList(); }
public NvpCodec DirectPayment(OrderViewModel orderViewModel, ref NvpCodec decoder, ref string retMsg) { if (_env == "pilot") { _pendpointurl = ""; } var encoder = new NvpCodec(); encoder["TENDER"] = "C"; encoder["TRXTYPE"] = "S"; encoder["ACCT"] = orderViewModel.CreditCardNumber; //encoder["CVV2"] = createOrderViewModel.Cvv2; encoder["EXPDATE"] = orderViewModel.ExpDate; encoder["ACCTTYPE"] = orderViewModel.PaymentOption; encoder["AMT"] = orderViewModel.Amt.ToString("c"); encoder["CURRENCY"] = _currencyCode; encoder["FIRSTNAME"] = orderViewModel.FirstNameCreditCard; encoder["LASTNAME"] = orderViewModel.LastNameCreditCard; encoder["STREET"] = orderViewModel.CcAddress1; encoder["CITY"] = orderViewModel.CcCity; //encoder["STATE"] = createOrderViewModel.CcAddress2.ToUpper(); encoder["ZIP"] = orderViewModel.CcPostalCode; encoder["COUNTRY"] = orderViewModel.CountryCode; // unique request ID Guid uid = Guid.NewGuid(); encoder["INVNUM"] = uid.ToString(); //encoder["ORDERDESC"] = createOrderViewModel.CourseName; encoder["VERBOSITY"] = "MEDIUM"; encoder["Email"] = orderViewModel.Email; //encoder["COMMENT1"] = createOrderViewModel.TransactionDateTimeUtc.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "-" + createOrderViewModel.CourseName; //encoder["COMMENT2"] = "elearning-" + createOrderViewModel.Organization; //Roger Code - Do I need to generate a token each time? //var token = Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()); //encoder["SECURETOKENID"] = token; //encoder["CREATESECURETOKEN"] = "Y"; var pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode(); var pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp, uid.ToString()); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pStresponsenvp)) return null; decoder = new NvpCodec(); decoder.Decode(pStresponsenvp); return decoder; }
public static OperationResult<bool> ProcessPaymentOrPromo(ref OrderViewModel viewModel) { var operationResult = new OperationResult<bool>(); if (viewModel.Amt == 0) { viewModel.ConfirmationCode = "PROMO"; viewModel.Ppref = "PROMO"; viewModel.CorrelationId = "PROMO"; viewModel.Tax1Amount = 0; operationResult.Result = true; operationResult.Message = "Promo Accepted"; } else { //process Paypal Payment var amtBeforeTaxes = viewModel.Cart.CalculateOrderTotal(); viewModel.Tax1Amount = amtBeforeTaxes*viewModel.Tax1Rate/100; var nvpapiCaller = new NvpApiCaller(); viewModel.CurrencyCode = "CAD"; viewModel.PaymentType = "Sale"; viewModel.ExpDate = viewModel.ExpiryMonthCreditCard + viewModel.ExpiryYearCreditCard.Substring(2, 2); string retMsg = ""; var decoder = new NvpCodec(); //Submit Payment to PayPal nvpapiCaller.DirectPayment(viewModel, ref decoder, ref retMsg); var processorReturnCode = decoder["RESULT"].ToLower(); if (processorReturnCode == "0") { //Get confirmation code from PayPal viewModel.ConfirmationCode = decoder["PNREF"]; viewModel.Ppref = decoder["PPREF"]; viewModel.CorrelationId = decoder["CORRELATIONID"]; retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + processorReturnCode + "&" + "Desc=" + decoder["RESPMSG"]; operationResult.Result = true; operationResult.Message = "Payment Accepted by PayPal"; } } return operationResult; }
public static ApplicationUser AddRegistrantAsUser(OrderViewModel viewModel, ApplicationDbContext context) { var user = new ApplicationUser { FirstName = viewModel.FirstName, LastName = viewModel.LastName, Address1 = viewModel.Address1, //Address2 = viewModel.Address2, City = viewModel.City, CountryCode = viewModel.CountryCode, PostalCode = viewModel.PostalCode, Email = viewModel.Email, UserName = viewModel.Email, Phone = viewModel.Phone, //Gender = viewModel.Gender }; return user; }
public async Task<ActionResult> CompleteOrder(OrderViewModel viewModel) { // Check that unauthenticated registrant not in system if (!Request.IsAuthenticated && _userManager.FindByEmail(viewModel.Email) != null) { CheckOutServices.GetRegistrationDropDownLists(ref viewModel); ModelState.AddModelError("userInSystem", "A person with this email address is already in system. Please log in to order."); return View(viewModel); } //Get Purchaser Object var purchaser = Request.IsAuthenticated ? _userManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()) : CheckOutServices.AddRegistrantAsUser(viewModel, _context); //Submit payment or Validate Promo Code var operationResult = CheckOutServices.ProcessPaymentOrPromo(ref viewModel); if (operationResult.Result) { //Save User data to Db if new or changed; if (!Request.IsAuthenticated) { var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(purchaser, viewModel.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { await SignInManager.SignInAsync(purchaser, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false); UserComputer.UpdateUserComputerInfo(purchaser, _userManager); // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); //return View("~/Views/Courses/Board.cshtml/" + purchaser.Id); } else { AddErrors(result); return View("~/Views/Checkout/CompleteOrder.cshtml", viewModel); } } else { AddErrors(result); return View("~/Views/Checkout/CompleteOrder.cshtml", viewModel); } } //We have an authenticated Purchaser at this point viewModel.UserName = purchaser.UserName; var order = CheckOutServices.AddOrder(viewModel, _context); ShoppingCart.GetCart(HttpContext).ProcessOrderDetails(order); return RedirectToAction("ConfirmPurchase", "CheckOut", new { id = order.OrderId }); } return View(viewModel); }
private OrderViewModel CreateOrderViewModel(decimal amtBeforeTaxes, ShoppingCart cart) { var viewModel = new OrderViewModel(); { viewModel.ProvModel = RegisterLists.ProvList(); viewModel.CountryModel = RegisterLists.CountryList(); viewModel.CreditCardType = RegisterLists.CreditCardTypeList(); viewModel.ExpiryYearList = RegisterLists.ExpiryYearList(); viewModel.ExpiryMonthList = RegisterLists.ExpiryMonthList(); if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var currentUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var currentUser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == currentUserId); CheckOutServices.PopulateViewModelWithRegisteredUserData(ref viewModel, currentUser); } if (amtBeforeTaxes == 0) viewModel.IsPromo = true; if (viewModel.IsPromo) { viewModel.CreditCardNumber = "4024007108173500"; viewModel.ExpiryMonthCreditCard = "04"; viewModel.ExpiryYearCreditCard = "2020"; viewModel.FirstNameCreditCard = "xxxxxx"; viewModel.LastNameCreditCard = "xxxxxx"; } viewModel.CurrencyCode = _currencyCode; viewModel.PaymentType = "Sale"; viewModel.Tax1Rate = _tax1Rate; viewModel.Tax1Name = _tax1Name; viewModel.Cart = cart; } return viewModel; }
public static void PopulateViewModelWithRegisteredUserData(ref OrderViewModel viewModel, ApplicationUser currentUser) { // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException viewModel.FirstName = currentUser.FirstName; viewModel.LastName = currentUser.LastName; //viewModel.Gender = currentUser.Gender; viewModel.Address1 = currentUser.Address1; viewModel.City = currentUser.City; viewModel.ProvCode = currentUser.ProvCode; viewModel.CountryCode = currentUser.CountryCode; viewModel.PostalCode = currentUser.PostalCode; //viewModel.Phone = currentUser.Phone; viewModel.ProvModel = RegisterLists.ProvList(); viewModel.CountryModel = RegisterLists.CountryList(); viewModel.Email = currentUser.Email; viewModel.UserName = currentUser.UserName; viewModel.CcAddress1 = currentUser.Address1; //viewModel.CcAddress2 = currentUser.Address2; viewModel.CcCity = currentUser.City; viewModel.CcPostalCode = currentUser.PostalCode; viewModel.FirstNameCreditCard = currentUser.FirstName; viewModel.LastNameCreditCard = currentUser.LastName; viewModel.Password = "******"; viewModel.ConfirmPassword = "******"; }
public static Order AddOrder(OrderViewModel vm, ApplicationDbContext context) { var order = new Order { ConfirmationCode = vm.ConfirmationCode, Ppref = vm.Ppref, Correlationid = vm.CorrelationId, PaymentType = vm.PaymentOption, UserName = vm.UserName, FirstName = vm.FirstName, LastName = vm.LastName, City = vm.City, Country = vm.CountryCode, PostalCode = vm.PostalCode, OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Total = vm.Amt, Phone = vm.Phone, Email = vm.Email, Tax1Amount = vm.Tax1Amount, Tax1Name = vm.Tax1Name, }; context.Orders.Add(order); try { context.SaveChanges(); //This gets the orderId that we use to for Order details table } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { foreach (var error in e.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(@"Entity of Type ""{0}"" in state ""{1}"" has the following errors:", error.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, error.Entry.State); foreach (var ve in error.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(@"-Property: '{0}', Error: '{1}", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage); } } } return order; }