///load cities into the single city range combo box
        private void loadCities()
            string city = "";                                      //variable to hold the current city

            JSONconnection js = new JSONconnection();              //Instance of the JSONconnection class to use the JSON methods

            List <WeatherModel> weath = new List <WeatherModel>(); //List to store all the weather data

            ArrayList cities = new ArrayList();                    //Arraylist to hold the cities

            weath = js.readWeatherFile();                          //use the json method to get all the weather data and store it in the list

            foreach (WeatherModel vals in weath)                   //cycle through list to find all the cities
                string store = vals.City;

            cities.Sort(); // sort the list in alphabetical order so that you can extract each city and not repeat a city

            foreach (string item in cities)
                if (!city.Equals(item))
                    city = item;
                    cboCity2.Items.Add(city); //add the items to the combo box
        //Start of helper methods

        //This method will get all the weather data from the file
        private List <WeatherModel> getWeatherData()
            JSONconnection js = new JSONconnection();             //create an instance of the weather class

            List <WeatherModel> list = new List <WeatherModel>(); // to store the weather data

            list = js.readWeatherFile();                          //retrieve all the weather data and store inside the list
            foreach (WeatherModel item in list)
                item.convertUnit(fUser.IsCelsius); //Convert the data to the user's preferred temperature unit
            return(list);                          //return the weather data
        //start of hellper methods

        private List <WeatherModel> getWeatherData()
            JSONconnection js = new JSONconnection();

            List <WeatherModel> list = new List <WeatherModel>();

            list = js.readWeatherFile();
            foreach (WeatherModel item in list)
        //start of helper methods
        private void loadComboBox()
            List <string> cities = new List <string>();
            string        city   = "";

            weath = js.readWeatherFile();
            foreach (WeatherModel item in weath)


            foreach (string ci in cities)
                if (!city.Equals(ci))
                    city = ci;
        //method to set the display according to the users preffered city
        private void PreferedData(UserModel gUser)
            weath = js.readWeatherFile(); //Get all the forecasts and store them in a list of weather models

            string city;
            double min;
            double max;
            double precip;
            double humidity;
            int    cloud;
            string uv;
            double wind;
            string userCity = "";

            userCity = gUser._homeCity; //Store the user's city

            foreach (WeatherModel w in weath)
                if (w.City.Equals(userCity) && w.Date == DateTime.Today) // enter if the user's city corresponds with weather model
                    w.convertUnit(gUser.IsCelsius);                      // Convert the temperature unit to user's preferrence
                    //store the corresponding data
                    city     = w.City;
                    max      = w.Max;
                    min      = w.Min;
                    precip   = w.Precipitation;
                    humidity = w.Humidity;
                    cloud    = w.CloudCover;
                    wind     = w.Wind;
                    uv       = w.UvIndex;

                    //display the data on form
                    lblCity.Text         = "Weather in " + city;
                    lblMax.Text          = Convert.ToString(max) + "°" + unit;
                    lblMin.Text          = Convert.ToString(min) + "°" + unit;
                    lblPrecipitaion.Text = Convert.ToString(precip) + "%";
                    lblHumidity.Text     = Convert.ToString(humidity) + "%";
                    lblWindSpeed.Text    = Convert.ToString(wind) + "km/h";
                    lblUvIndex.Text      = uv;

                    //determine which cloud icon to display in the picture boxes
                    if (cloud == 1)
                        pBoxSunny.Visible        = true;
                        pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                        pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                        pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                        lblCloudCover.Text       = "Sunny";
                    else if (cloud == 2)
                        pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                        pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = true;
                        pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                        pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                        lblCloudCover.Text       = "Partly Cloud";
                    else if (cloud == 3)
                        pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                        pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                        pBoxCloudy.Visible       = true;
                        pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                        lblCloudCover.Text       = "Full CLoud Cover";
                    else if (cloud == 4)
                        pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                        pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                        pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                        pBoxStormy.Visible       = true;
                        lblCloudCover.Text       = "Thunder Showers";
        //Begin helper methods

        //method to set information according to the users preffered city
        public void PreferedData(UserModel gUser, bool nextCity = false)
            JSONconnection js = new JSONconnection(); //Create a connection to the JSON class

            weath = js.readWeatherFile();             //Get all the forecasts and store them in a list of weather models

            if (weath != null)                        //if the weather file is not empty attempt to populate the user's preffered information
                if (gUser != null)                    //If the user is not found is not a null value attempt to populate the display with correct info
                    // Variable to store the weatehr values
                    string city;
                    double min;
                    double max;
                    double precip;
                    double humidity;
                    int    cloud;
                    string userCity = "";

                    if (nextCity == false) //If the user wants to see thy're home city
                        userCity = gUser._homeCity;
                    else //If the user has not specified that they want to see the next stored city
                        foreach (string item in gUser.prefferedCities)
                            if (!currentCity.Equals(item) && !previousCity.Equals(item))
                                userCity     = item;//store the user's city as the next extra city
                                previousCity = currentCity;
                                currentCity  = item;
                    //Check the user's preferred temperature unit
                    if (gUser.IsCelsius)
                        unit = "C";
                        unit = "F";

                    foreach (WeatherModel w in weath)
                        if (w.City.Equals(userCity) && w.Date == DateTime.Today)
                            w.convertUnit(gUser.IsCelsius); //Convert the unit of emasure if they user's and the weather file do not correspond
                            city     = w.City;
                            max      = w.Max;
                            min      = w.Min;
                            precip   = w.Precipitation;
                            humidity = w.Humidity;
                            cloud    = w.CloudCover;

                            //set the display based on the corresponding values found in the weather file
                            lblCity.Text     = "Weather in " + city + " today";
                            lblMax.Text      = Convert.ToString(max) + "°" + unit;
                            lblMin.Text      = Convert.ToString(min) + "°" + unit;
                            lblPrecip.Text   = Convert.ToString(precip) + "%";
                            lblHumidity.Text = Convert.ToString(humidity) + "%";

                            //set the picture box based on the value that i9s found in the weather file
                            if (cloud == 1)
                                pBoxSunny.Visible        = true;
                                pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                                pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                                pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                                lblCloudCover.Text       = "Sunny";
                            else if (cloud == 2)
                                pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                                pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = true;
                                pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                                pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                                lblCloudCover.Text       = "Partly Cloud";
                            else if (cloud == 3)
                                pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                                pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                                pBoxCloudy.Visible       = true;
                                pBoxStormy.Visible       = false;
                                lblCloudCover.Text       = "Full Cloud Cover";
                            else if (cloud == 4)
                                pBoxSunny.Visible        = false;
                                pBoxPartlyCloudy.Visible = false;
                                pBoxCloudy.Visible       = false;
                                pBoxStormy.Visible       = true;
                                lblCloudCover.Text       = "Thunder Showers";
            else //If there is no weather data send the user back to the landing page
                MessageBox.Show("There is no weather data to display. Please create weather data if you are a forecaster. If you are not please contact/" +
                                "send an email to the developer", "Weather Data error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Landing ld = new Landing();
        //This event will capture the weather forecast
        private void btnCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            JSONconnection js = new JSONconnection(); //create an object of the JSONconnection class in order to manipulate the JSON file

            WeatherModel w = new WeatherModel();      // create a weather object that will capture all the weather information

            weath = js.readWeatherFile();             // read all the values in the weather file into a list

            bool valid = false;

            if (cboCity1.SelectedIndex == -1)                            // only enter if an item has been selected
                captureError.SetError(cboCity1, "Please select a city"); // if an item has not been selected display an error message
                //check for errors first

                if (errorCheck(txtMax) == false) // check if the control is a numeric value and check if it is not empty
                    valid = false;               //if there is an error end the event here and return till the error is cleared

                if (errorCheck(txtMin) == false)
                    valid = false;

                if (Convert.ToDouble(txtMin) > Convert.ToDouble(txtMax)) // ensure that the minimum temperature is not greater than the maximum
                    captureError.SetError(txtMin, "The minimum temperature cannot be greater than the maximum temperature");
                    valid = false;

                if (errorCheck(txtHumid) == false)
                    valid = false;

                if (errorCheck(txtMin) == false)
                    valid = false;

                if (errorCheck(txtWind) == false)
                    valid = false;

                //check the combobox controls for errors
                if (cboCloud.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    captureError.SetError(cboCloud, "Please select the cloud cover");
                    valid = false;
                    captureError.Clear(); //clear any errors that were created
                if (cboUvIndex.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    captureError.SetError(cboUvIndex, "Please select the UV index");
                    valid = false;
                    captureError.Clear(); //clear any errors that were created
                    valid = true;

                if (valid)
                    captureError.Clear(); //clear any previous errors
                    foreach (WeatherModel v in weath)
                        //check if user wants to overwrite or continue with the operation

                        if (v.City.Equals(cboCity1.Text) && v.Date == dtpDate.Value.Date) //check if there is already a value with the same date
                            //if a value already exits for the this city and date, ask the user if they would like to overide
                            DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("Values already exits for this city on this day. Would you like to overwrite?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //Add all the values to the weather object
                                w.City          = cboCity1.Text;
                                w.Date          = dtpDate.Value.Date;
                                w.Max           = Convert.ToDouble(txtMax.Text);
                                w.Min           = Convert.ToDouble(txtMin.Text);
                                w.Humidity      = Convert.ToDouble(txtHumid.Text);
                                w.Precipitation = Convert.ToDouble(txtPrecip.Text);
                                w.Wind          = Convert.ToDouble(txtWind.Text);
                                w.CloudCover    = cboCloud.SelectedIndex;
                                w.UvIndex       = cboUvIndex.Text;
                                if (radCelsius.Checked == true)
                                    w.IsCelsius = true;
                                    w.IsCelsius = false;

                                if (js.overwriteFile(w)) //overwrite the existing value if the user has chosen to update
                                    MessageBox.Show("Data overwritten successfully");
                                    cboCity1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                                    cboCloud.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                                    cboUvIndex.SelectedIndex = -1;
                                    MessageBox.Show("There was an error with the request", "Overwrite error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                                valid = false;
                                break; //break the foreach
                                //if the user doesnt want to overwrite, clear all the fields
                                cboCity1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                                cboCloud.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                                cboUvIndex.SelectedIndex = -1;
                                valid = false; // set  valid to false to end this event
                                break;         //break the foreach
                    //continue if there were no errors and no overwrite request
                    if (valid)
                        captureError.Clear(); //clear any previous errors

                        w.City          = cboCity1.Text;
                        w.Date          = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpDate.Value.ToShortDateString()); //input the date
                        w.Max           = Convert.ToDouble(txtMax.Text);                         //convert and input the max value
                        w.Min           = Convert.ToDouble(txtMin.Text);                         //convert and input
                        w.Humidity      = Convert.ToDouble(txtHumid.Text);                       //convert and input the data
                        w.Precipitation = Convert.ToDouble(txtPrecip.Text);                      //convert and input
                        w.Wind          = Convert.ToDouble(txtWind.Text);                        //convert the value and input it
                        w.CloudCover    = cboCloud.SelectedIndex;                                //convert the value and input it
                        w.UvIndex       = cboUvIndex.Text;

                        if (radCelsius.Checked == true)
                            w.IsCelsius = true;
                            w.IsCelsius = false;

                        weath.Add(w); // add the object to the list

                        DialogResult dg = MessageBox.Show("Would you like to add more values", "Enter More", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                        if (dg == DialogResult.Yes)
                            //reset all the controls and return
                            cboCity1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                            cboCloud.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                            cboUvIndex.SelectedIndex = -1;


                            cboCity1.SelectedIndex = -1;
                            cboCloud.SelectedIndex   = -1;
                            cboUvIndex.SelectedIndex = -1;