internal static void ResetCertificateGenerator(ResourceRequestContext context)
            var config = context.BridgeConfiguration;

            if (s_certificateGenerator == null)
                lock (s_certificateHelperLock)
                    if (s_certificateGenerator == null)
                        s_certificateGenerator = new CertificateGenerator()
                            CertificatePassword = config.BridgeCertificatePassword,
                            CrlUriBridgeHost = string.Format("http://{0}:{1}", config.BridgeHost, config.BridgePort),
                            CrlUriRelativePath = s_crlUriRelativePath,
                            ValidityPeriod = config.BridgeCertificateValidityPeriod

                        // Upon creation, we want to immediately get the authority certificate and install it 
                        // as it means we are about to run a test requiring certs
        public static void RevokeCertificate(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator, string serialNum)
            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
        // When called, generates the a cert for the machine DNS name with SAN localhost, and installs both certs
        // returns thumbprint of the machine certs
        public static X509Certificate2 CreateAndInstallLocalMachineCertificates(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator)
            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
                if (s_localCertificate != null)

                Trace.WriteLine("[CertificateManager] Installing Root and Machine certificates to machine store.");

                // At this point, we know we haven't generated the certs yet, or the operation is completing on another thread
                // Certificate generation is time-consuming, so we want to make sure that we don't unnecessarily generate a cert

                var rootCertificate = certificateGenerator.AuthorityCertificate.Certificate;

                var fqdn     = Dns.GetHostEntry("").HostName;
                var hostname = fqdn.Split('.')[0];

                // always create a certificate locally for the current machine's fully qualified domain name,
                // hostname, and "localhost".
                CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                    FriendlyName            = "WCF Bridge - Machine certificate generated by the CertificateManager",
                    Subject                 = fqdn,
                    SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[] { fqdn, hostname, "localhost" }
                var hostCert = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;

                // Since s_myCertificates keys by subject name, we won't install a cert for the same subject twice
                // only the first-created cert will win
                InstallCertificateToMyStore(hostCert, certificateCreationSettings.ValidityType == CertificateValidityType.Valid);
                s_localCertificate = hostCert;

                // Create the PeerTrust cert
                certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                    FriendlyName            = "WCF Bridge - UserPeerTrustCertificateResource",
                    Subject                 = fqdn,
                    SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[] { fqdn, hostname, "localhost" }
                var peerCert = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;
                InstallCertificateToTrustedPeopleStore(peerCert, certificateCreationSettings.ValidityType == CertificateValidityType.Valid);

        // We generate a local machine certificate for common usage. This method is usded to generate certs for non common usage, such as an expired cert.
        public static X509Certificate2 CreateAndInstallNonDefaultMachineCertificates(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator, CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings, string resourceAddress)
            if (certificateCreationSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("certificateCreationSettings cannot be null as we are creating a non default certificate");

            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
                Trace.WriteLine("[CertificateManager] Installing Non default Machine certificates to machine store.");

                var rootCertificate = certificateGenerator.AuthorityCertificate.Certificate;
                var hostCert        = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;
                InstallCertificateToMyStore(hostCert, certificateCreationSettings.ValidityType == CertificateValidityType.Valid, resourceAddress);
        // When called, generates the a cert for the machine DNS name with SAN localhost, and installs both certs
        // returns thumbprint of the machine certs
        public static X509Certificate2 CreateAndInstallLocalMachineCertificates(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator)
            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
                if (s_localCertificate != null)

                Trace.WriteLine("[CertificateManager] Installing Root and Machine certificates to machine store.");

                // At this point, we know we haven't generated the certs yet, or the operation is completing on another thread
                // Certificate generation is time-consuming, so we want to make sure that we don't unnecessarily generate a cert

                var rootCertificate = certificateGenerator.AuthorityCertificate.Certificate;

                var fqdn     = Dns.GetHostEntry("").HostName;
                var hostname = fqdn.Split('.')[0];

                // always create a certificate locally for the current machine's fully qualified domain name,
                // hostname, and "localhost".
                var hostCert = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(fqdn, hostname, "localhost").Certificate;

                // Since s_myCertificates keys by subject name, we won't install a cert for the same subject twice
                // only the first-created cert will win
                s_localCertificate = hostCert;

 private static void OnResourceFolderChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
     lock (s_certificateHelperLock)
         s_certificateGenerator = null;
文件: Program.cs 项目: weshaggard/wcf
        private static int Main(string[] args)

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (string.Compare(args[0], "-Uninstall", true) == 0)
                    return 0;
                else if (string.Compare(args[0], "-help", true) == 0)
                    return 0;
                    return 1;


            CertificateGenerator certificateGenerate = new CertificateGenerator();
            certificateGenerate.CertificatePassword = "******";
            certificateGenerate.CrlUriBridgeHost = s_fqdn;
            certificateGenerate.ValidityPeriod = s_ValidatePeriod;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_testserverbase))
                certificateGenerate.CrlUriRelativePath += "/" + s_testserverbase;
            certificateGenerate.CrlUriRelativePath += "/CrlService.svc/GetCrl";

            //Create and install root and server cert

            //Create and Install expired cert
            CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpExpiredServerCertResource",
                ValidityType = CertificateValidityType.Expired,
                ValidityNotBefore = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(4),
                ValidityNotAfter = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(2),
                //If you specify multiple subjects, the first one becomes the subject, and all of them become Subject Alt Names.
                //In this case, the certificate subject is  CN=fqdn, OU=..., O=... , and SANs will be  fqdn, hostname, localhost
                //We do this so that a single bridge setup can deal with all the possible addresses that a client might use.
                //If we don't put "localhost' here, a long-running bridge will not be able to receive requests from both fqdn  and  localhost
                //because the certs won't match.
                Subject = s_fqdn,
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[] { s_fqdn, s_hostname, "localhost" }
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            //Create and Install TcpCertificateWithServerAltNameResource
            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpCertificateWithServerAltNameResource",
                Subject = "not-real-subject-name",
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[] { "not-real-subject-name", "", s_fqdn, s_hostname, "localhost" }
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpCertificateWithSubjectCanonicalNameDomainNameResource",
                Subject = s_hostname,
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[0],
                ValidityType = CertificateValidityType.NonAuthoritativeForMachine
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            //WCF Bridge - TcpCertificateWithSubjectCanonicalNameFqdnResource
            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpCertificateWithSubjectCanonicalNameFqdnResource",
                Subject = s_fqdn,
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[0],
                ValidityType = CertificateValidityType.NonAuthoritativeForMachine
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpCertificateWithSubjectCanonicalNameLocalhostResource",
                Subject = "localhost",
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[0],
                ValidityType = CertificateValidityType.NonAuthoritativeForMachine
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - TcpRevokedServerCertResource",
                ValidityType = CertificateValidityType.Revoked,
                Subject = s_fqdn,
                SubjectAlternativeNames = new string[] { s_fqdn, s_hostname, "localhost" }
            CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(certificateGenerate, certificateCreationSettings);

            //Create and install client cert
            certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                FriendlyName = "WCF Bridge - UserCertificateResource",
                Subject = "WCF Client Certificate",
            X509Certificate2 certificate = certificateGenerate.CreateUserCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;
            CertificateManager.AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.TrustedPeople, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, certificate);
            CertificateManager.AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, certificate);

            //Create CRL and save it
            File.WriteAllBytes(s_CrlFileLocation, certificateGenerate.CrlEncoded);

            return 0;
文件: Program.cs 项目: weshaggard/wcf
 private static void CreateAndInstallMachineCertificate(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerate, CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings)
     X509Certificate2 certificate = certificateGenerate.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;
     CertificateManager.AddToStoreIfNeeded(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, certificate);
        // We generate a local machine certificate for common usage. This method is usded to generate certs for non common usage, such as an expired cert.
        public static X509Certificate2 CreateAndInstallNonDefaultMachineCertificates(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator, CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings, string resourceAddress)
            if (certificateCreationSettings == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("certificateCreationSettings cannot be null as we are creating a non default certificate");

            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
                Trace.WriteLine("[CertificateManager] Installing Non default Machine certificates to machine store.");

                var rootCertificate = certificateGenerator.AuthorityCertificate.Certificate;
                var hostCert = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;
                InstallCertificateToMyStore(hostCert, certificateCreationSettings.IsValidCert, resourceAddress);
                return hostCert;
        // When called, generates the a cert for the machine DNS name with SAN localhost, and installs both certs
        // returns thumbprint of the machine certs
        public static X509Certificate2 CreateAndInstallLocalMachineCertificates(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator)
            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)
                if (s_localCertificate != null)
                    return s_localCertificate;

                Trace.WriteLine("[CertificateManager] Installing Root and Machine certificates to machine store.");

                // At this point, we know we haven't generated the certs yet, or the operation is completing on another thread
                // Certificate generation is time-consuming, so we want to make sure that we don't unnecessarily generate a cert

                var rootCertificate = certificateGenerator.AuthorityCertificate.Certificate;

                var fqdn = Dns.GetHostEntry("").HostName;
                var hostname = fqdn.Split('.')[0];

                // always create a certificate locally for the current machine's fully qualified domain name, 
                // hostname, and "localhost". 
                CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings() { Subjects = new string[] { fqdn, hostname, "localhost" } };
                var hostCert = certificateGenerator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;

                // Since s_myCertificates keys by subject name, we won't install a cert for the same subject twice
                // only the first-created cert will win
                InstallCertificateToMyStore(hostCert, certificateCreationSettings.IsValidCert);
                s_localCertificate = hostCert;

            return s_localCertificate;
        public static void RevokeCertificate(CertificateGenerator certificateGenerator, string serialNum)
            if (certificateGenerator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("certificateGenerator");

            lock (s_certificateLock)