public void IgnoreQueryStringCompareWithNoQueryStringInValueToBeFound() { var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(""), true); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(""), "Same site should match"); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(""), "Should ignore query string"); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(""), "Should ignore completely different site"); }
public void IgnoreQueryStringCompareWithQueryStringInValueToBeFound() { var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(""), true); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(""), "Uri: Match ignoring querystring."); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(""), "Uri: Match ignoring querystring (include querystring in compare)."); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(""), "Uri: Match ignoring querystring (include non-matching querystring)."); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(""), "Uri: Match incorrectly when ignoring querystring."); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(""), "Uri: Match incorrectly when ignoring querystring."); }
public void ConstructorWithValueAndUriCompare() { var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri("")); // Uri Compare Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(new Uri("")), "Uri: Exact match should pass."); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(new Uri("HTTP://")), "Uri: Match should not be case sensitive"); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(new Uri("")), "Uri: Exact match plus more should not pass."); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(new Uri("http://watin")), "Uri: Partial match should not match"); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(new Uri("file://html/main.html")), "Uri: Something completely different should not match"); Assert.IsFalse(comparer.Compare(null), "Uri: null should not match"); }
public void CompareShouldBeCultureInvariant() { // Get the tr-TR (Turkish-Turkey) culture. var turkish = new CultureInfo("tr-TR"); // Get the culture that is associated with the current thread. var thisCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; try { // Set the culture to Turkish Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = turkish; var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(""), true); Assert.IsTrue(comparer.Compare(""), "Same site should match"); } finally { // Set the culture back to the original Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = thisCulture; } }
public void ToStringShouldDescribeTheCondition() { var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(""), false); Assert.AreEqual("equals uri ''", comparer.ToString()); comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(""), true); Assert.AreEqual("equals uri '' ignoring query parameters", comparer.ToString()); }
public void ShoudlFindMatchUrlWithEncodedQueryString() { var url = string.Format("{0}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode("a+b")); var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri(url)); Assert.That(comparer.Compare(url), Is.True); }
public void WhenEncounteringABadUrlCompareShouldReturnFalse() { // GIVEN var badUrl = "bad.formated@url"; try { new Uri(badUrl); Assert.Fail("Precondition failed"); } catch (UriFormatException) { // OK; } catch(Exception e) { Assert.Fail("Precondition: Unexpected exception " + e); } var comparer = new UriComparer(new Uri("")); // WHEN var compare = comparer.Compare(badUrl); // THEN Assert.That(compare, Is.False); }