public DbPersonInfo GetPersonsById(string id, string language) { Tmdb api = new Tmdb(TmdbApiKey, language); // language is optional, default is "en" if (language.Length != 2) language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, 2); // use local language instead TmdbPerson singleperson = api.GetPersonInfo(int.Parse(id)); DbPersonInfo result = GetPersonInformation(api, singleperson, language); return result; }
public DbPersonInfo GetPersonsById(string id, string language) { Tmdb api = new Tmdb(TmdbApiKey, language); // language is optional, default is "en" if (language.Length != 2) language = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, 2); // use local language instead TmdbPerson singleperson = api.GetPersonInfo(int.Parse(id)); DbPersonInfo result = GetPersonInformation(api, singleperson, language); return result; //string apiGetPersonInfoLanguage = language.Length == 2 ? ApiGetPersonInfo.Replace("/en/", "/" + language + "/") : ApiGetPersonInfo; //XmlNodeList xml = GetXml(apiGetPersonInfoLanguage + id); //if (xml == null) return result; //XmlNodeList personNodes = xml.Item(0).SelectNodes("//person"); //foreach (DbPersonInfo person in personNodes.Cast<XmlNode>().Select(node => GetPersonInformation(node)).Where(person => person != null)) //{ // result = person; //} //return result; }
private static DbPersonInfo GetPersonInformation(Tmdb api, TmdbPerson personNode, string language) { LogMyFilms.Debug("GetPersonInformation()"); if (personNode == null) return null; List<string> images = new List<string>(); DbPersonInfo person = new DbPersonInfo(); try { TmdbPerson m = api.GetPersonInfo(; person.Id =; person.Name =; person.Biography = m.biography; person.Birthday = m.birthday; person.Birthplace = m.place_of_birth; person.DetailsUrl = m.homepage; TmdbPersonCredits p = api.GetPersonCredits(; foreach (CastCredit cast in p.cast) { } foreach (CrewCredit crew in p.crew) { } TmdbConfiguration tmdbConf = api.GetConfiguration(); TmdbPersonImages personImages = api.GetPersonImages(; foreach (PersonImageProfile imageProfile in personImages.profiles) { person.Images.Add(tmdbConf.images.base_url + "w500" + imageProfile.file_path); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMyFilms.Debug(ex.StackTrace); } return person; }
internal static bool UpdatePersonDetails(string personname, GUIListItem item, bool forceupdate, bool stopLoadingViewDetails) { if (!forceupdate && !Helper.PersonUpdateAllowed(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, personname)) return false; string item1LabelOrg = (item != null) ? item.Label : ""; string item3LabelOrg = (item != null) ? item.Label3 : ""; string filename = MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist + "\\" + personname + ".jpg"; // string filename = Path.Combine(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, personname); //File.Exists(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist + "\\" + personsname + ".jpg"))) IMDBActor person = null; bool vdBexists = false; if (item != null) item.Label = item1LabelOrg + " " + GUILocalizeStrings.Get(10799205); // (updating...) #region get person info from VDB if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading details from VDB ..."; var actorList = new ArrayList(); VideoDatabase.GetActorByName(personname, actorList); LogMyFilms.Debug("VDB - found '" + actorList.Count + "' local results for '" + personname + "'"); if (actorList.Count > 0 && actorList.Count < 5) { LogMyFilms.Debug("VDB first search result: '" + actorList[0] + "'"); string[] strActor = actorList[0].ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' }); // int actorID = (strActor[0].Length > 0 && strActor.Count() > 1) ? Convert.ToInt32(strActor[0]) : 0; // string actorname = strActor[1]; int actorId; int.TryParse(strActor[0], out actorId); if (actorId > 0) { person = VideoDatabase.GetActorInfo(actorId); } if (person != null) { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "ID = " + actorId + ", URL = " + person.ThumbnailUrl; vdBexists = true; } else { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "ID = " + actorId; } } #endregion if (person != null && File.Exists(filename) && !forceupdate && !person.Biography.ToLower().StartsWith("unknown") && !(person.Biography.Length > 8)) { LogMyFilms.Debug("Skip update for '" + personname + "' - VDB entry and image already present !"); if (item != null) { item.MusicTag = person; item.Label = item1LabelOrg; item.Label3 = item3LabelOrg; } if (stopLoadingViewDetails && item != null) return false; // stop download if we have exited window return true; // nothing to do } // region update person detail infos or load new ones ... if (person == null || person.DateOfBirth.Length < 1 || person.DateOfBirth.ToLower().StartsWith("unknown") || !File.Exists(filename) || forceupdate) { if (person == null) person = new IMDBActor(); #region IMDB internet search if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Searching IMDB ..."; string grabberscript = MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.GrabberScripts) + @"\IMDB-Person.xml"; if (File.Exists(grabberscript)) { ArrayList personUrls = FindActor(personname, grabberscript); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - " + personUrls.Count + " person(s) found for '" + personname + "' with person grabber script '" + grabberscript + "'"); if (personUrls.Count > 0) { var wurl = (Grabber_URLClass.IMDBUrl)personUrls[0]; if (wurl.URL.Length != 0) { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading IMDB details ..."; GrabActorDetails(wurl.URL, grabberscript, out person); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - name = '" + (person.Name ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - birthday = '" + (person.DateOfBirth ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - birthplace = '" + (person.PlaceOfBirth ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - biography = '" + (person.Biography.Substring(0, Math.Min(person.Biography.Length, 100)) ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - thumb url = '" + (person.ThumbnailUrl ?? "") + "'"); } } } else { LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Default person grabber script not found (" + grabberscript + ")"); } //var imdb = new IMDB(); //imdb.FindActor(personname); //LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - " + imdb.Count + " person(s) found for '" + personname + "' with IMDB API"); //if (imdb.Count > 0) //{ // if (imdb[0].URL.Length != 0) // { // if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading IMDB details ..."; // //#if MP1X // // _imdb.GetActorDetails(_imdb[0], out person); // //#else // // _imdb.GetActorDetails(_imdb[0], false, out person); // //#endif // GUIUtils.GetActorDetails(imdb, imdb[0], false, out person); // LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - name = '" + (person.Name ?? "") + "'"); // LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - birthday = '" + (person.DateOfBirth ?? "") + "'"); // LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - birthplace = '" + (person.PlaceOfBirth ?? "") + "'"); // LogMyFilms.Debug("IMDB - Value found - biography = '" + (person.Biography.Substring(0, Math.Min(person.Biography.Length, 100)) ?? "") + "'"); // } //} if (stopLoadingViewDetails && item != null && !forceupdate) return false; // stop download if we have exited window #endregion #region TMDB V3 API description // Search //TmdbMovieSearch SearchMovie(string query, int page) //TmdbPersonSearch SearchPerson(string query, int page) //TmdbCompanySearch SearchCompany(string query, int page); // Person Info //TmdbPerson GetPersonInfo(int PersonID) //TmdbPersonCredits GetPersonCredits(int PersonID) //TmdbPersonImages GetPersonImages(int PersonID) //Movie Info //TmdbMovie GetMovieInfo(int MovieID) //TmdbMovie GetMovieByIMDB(string IMDB_ID) //TmdbMovieAlternateTitles GetMovieAlternateTitles(int MovieID, string Country) //TmdbMovieCast GetMovieCast(int MovieID) //TmdbMovieImages GetMovieImages(int MovieID) //TmdbMovieKeywords GetMovieKeywords(int MovieID) //TmdbMovieReleases GetMovieReleases(int MovieID) //TmdbMovieTrailers GetMovieTrailers(int MovieID) //TmdbSimilarMovies GetSimilarMovies(int MovieID, int page) //TmdbTranslations GetMovieTranslations(int MovieID) // Social Movie Info //TmdbNowPlaying GetNowPlayingMovies(int page) //TmdbPopular GetPopularMovies(int page) //TmdbTopRated GetTopRatedMovies(int page) //TmdbUpcoming GetUpcomingMovies(int page) #endregion #region TMDB v3 infos ... try { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Searching TMDB ..."; // grabber.TheMoviedb tmdbapi = new grabber.TheMoviedb(); // we're using new v3 api here var api = new Tmdb(MyFilms.TmdbApiKey, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.Substring(0, 2)); // language is optional, default is "en" TmdbConfiguration tmdbConf = api.GetConfiguration(); TmdbPersonSearch tmdbPerson = api.SearchPerson(personname, 1); List<PersonResult> persons = tmdbPerson.results; LogMyFilms.Debug("TMDB - " + persons.Count + " person(s) found for '" + personname + "' with TMDB API"); if (persons != null && persons.Count > 0) { PersonResult pinfo = persons[0]; if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading TMDB details ..."; TmdbPerson singleperson = api.GetPersonInfo(; // TMDB.TmdbPersonImages images = api.GetPersonImages(; // TMDB.TmdbPersonCredits personFilmList = api.GetPersonCredits(; LogMyFilms.Debug("TMDB - Value found - birthday = '" + (singleperson.birthday ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("TMDB - Value found - birthplace = '" + (singleperson.place_of_birth ?? "") + "'"); LogMyFilms.Debug("TMDB - Value found - biography = '" + ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleperson.biography)) ? singleperson.biography.Substring(0, Math.Min(singleperson.biography.Length, 100)) : "") + "'"); SetActorDetailsFromTmdb(singleperson, tmdbConf, ref person); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(singleperson.profile_path) && !File.Exists(filename)) { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading TMDB image ..."; string filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, person.ThumbnailUrl, personname, false, true, out filename); LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Image (TMDB) '" + filename1person.Substring(filename1person.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "' downloaded for '" + personname + "', path = '" + filename1person + "', filename = '" + filename + "'"); if (item != null) { item.IconImage = filename; item.IconImageBig = filename; item.ThumbnailImage = filename; item.Label3 = "TMDB ID = " + + ", URL = " + singleperson.profile_path; } } } } catch (Exception tex) { LogMyFilms.DebugException("UpdatePersonDetails() - error in TMDB grabbing person '" + personname + "': " + tex.Message, tex); } if (stopLoadingViewDetails && item != null && !forceupdate) return false; // stop download if we have exited window #endregion #region Add actor to database to get infos in person facades later... if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Save detail info to VDB ..."; try { //#if MP1X // int actorId = VideoDatabase.AddActor(person.Name); //#else // int actorId = VideoDatabase.AddActor(null, person.Name); //#endif int actorId = GUIUtils.AddActor(null, person.Name); if (actorId > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.Biography)) // clean up before saving ... { if (person.Biography.Contains("Wikipedia")) { string startwiki = "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"; string endwiki = "Description above from the Wikipedia article"; person.Biography = person.Biography.TrimStart('?', '.', ' ', '\r', '\n').TrimStart(); if (person.Biography.Contains(startwiki)) person.Biography = person.Biography.Substring(person.Biography.IndexOf(startwiki) + startwiki.Length + 1); if (person.Biography.Contains(endwiki)) person.Biography = person.Biography.Substring(0, person.Biography.LastIndexOf(endwiki)); person.Biography = person.Biography.Trim().TrimStart('?', '.', ' ', '\r', '\n').TrimEnd('\r', '\n', ' ').Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }).Trim(); LogMyFilms.Debug("Biography - cleaned value = '" + person.Biography + "'"); } } VideoDatabase.SetActorInfo(actorId, person); //VideoDatabase.AddActorToMovie(_movieDetails.ID, actorId); if (item != null) item.Label3 = (vdBexists) ? ("Updated ID" + actorId + ", URL = " + person.ThumbnailUrl) : ("Added ID" + actorId + ", URL = " + person.ThumbnailUrl); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (item != null) item.Label = item1LabelOrg; LogMyFilms.Debug("Error adding person to VDB: " + ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } if (stopLoadingViewDetails && item != null && !forceupdate) return false; // stop download if we have exited window #endregion #region load missing images ... if ((person.ThumbnailUrl.Contains("http:") && !File.Exists(filename)) || forceupdate) { #region MP Thumb download deactivated, as downloading not yet working !!! //if (person.ThumbnailUrl != string.Empty) // to update MP person thumb dir //{ // string largeCoverArt = Utils.GetLargeCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.Name); // string coverArt = Utils.GetCoverArtName(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.Name); // Utils.FileDelete(largeCoverArt); // Utils.FileDelete(coverArt); // IMDBFetcher.DownloadCoverArt(Thumbs.MovieActors, person.ThumbnailUrl, person.Name); // //DownloadCoverArt(Thumbs.MovieActors, imdbActor.ThumbnailUrl, imdbActor.Name); //} #endregion if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Loading image ..."; LogMyFilms.Debug(" Image found for person '" + personname + "', URL = '" + person.ThumbnailUrl + "'"); string filename1person = GrabUtil.DownloadPersonArtwork(MyFilms.conf.StrPathArtist, person.ThumbnailUrl, personname, false, true, out filename); LogMyFilms.Debug("Person Image '" + filename1person.Substring(filename1person.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1) + "' downloaded for '" + personname + "', path = '" + filename1person + "', filename = '" + filename + "'"); string strThumbDirectory = MyFilmsSettings.GetPath(MyFilmsSettings.Path.ThumbsCache) + @"\MyFilms_Persons\"; string strThumb = strThumbDirectory + personname + ".png"; string strThumbSmall = strThumbDirectory + personname + "_s.png"; if (File.Exists(filename) && (forceupdate || !File.Exists(strThumbSmall))) { if (item != null) item.Label3 = "Creating cache image ..."; //Picture.CreateThumbnail(strThumbSource, strThumbDirectory + itemlabel + "_s.png", 100, 150, 0, Thumbs.SpeedThumbsSmall); MyFilms.CreateCacheThumb(filename, strThumbSmall, 100, 150, "small"); //Picture.CreateThumbnail(strThumbSource, strThumb, cacheThumbWith, cacheThumbHeight, 0, Thumbs.SpeedThumbsLarge); MyFilms.CreateCacheThumb(filename, strThumb, MyFilms.cacheThumbWith, MyFilms.cacheThumbHeight, "large"); } if (item != null) { if (File.Exists(strThumb)) // (re)check if thumbs exist... { item.IconImage = strThumbSmall; item.IconImageBig = strThumb; item.ThumbnailImage = strThumb; } else if (File.Exists(filename)) { item.IconImage = filename; item.IconImageBig = filename; item.ThumbnailImage = filename; } else { { item.IconImage = MyFilms.conf.DefaultCoverArtist; item.IconImageBig = MyFilms.conf.DefaultCoverArtist; item.ThumbnailImage = MyFilms.conf.DefaultCoverArtist; } } item.Label3 = "URL = " + person.ThumbnailUrl; // item.NotifyPropertyChanged("ThumbnailImage"); } } #endregion if (item != null) { item.MusicTag = person; } #region old stuff deactivated //string[] strActiveFacadeImages = SetViewThumbs(wStrSort, item.Label, strThumbDirectory, isperson, currentCustomView, defaultViewImage, reversenames); ////string texture = "[MyFilms:" + strActiveFacadeImages[0].GetHashCode() + "]"; ////if (GUITextureManager.LoadFromMemory(ImageFast.FastFromFile(strActiveFacadeImages[0]), texture, 0, 0, 0) > 0) ////{ //// item.ThumbnailImage = texture; //// item.IconImage = texture; //// item.IconImageBig = texture; ////} //item.IconImage = strActiveFacadeImages[1]; //item.IconImageBig = strActiveFacadeImages[0]; //item.ThumbnailImage = strActiveFacadeImages[0]; //// if selected force an update of thumbnail ////GUIListItem selectedItem = GUIControl.GetSelectedListItem(ID_MyFilms, 50); ////if (selectedItem == item) GUIWindowManager.SendThreadMessage(new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow, 0, 50, selectedItem.ItemId, 0, null)); #endregion } if (item != null) // reset to original values { item.Label = item1LabelOrg; item.Label3 = item3LabelOrg; } return true; }