public bool ContainmentBreach() { WSXStuff.RedAlert(vessel); WSXStuff.PowerfulExplosion(part); return(false); }
private bool CheckBubbleDistances() { try { int partn = 0; Part[] ExplodeParts = new Part[10]; bool SomethingExploded = false; var posBubble = part.partTransform.position; float sqrBubbleSize = BubbleSize + BubbleEnhancement; sqrBubbleSize *= sqrBubbleSize; bool inside, outside; int ex; foreach (var p in { if (p == part) { continue; } if (p.physicalSignificance == Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE) { continue; } float longest = -1; inside = false; outside = false; ex = 1; bool ignoreThis = false;; // The Communotron 99-99 causes problems if (p.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleDataTransmitter>()) { ignoreThis = true; } if (ignoreThis) { continue; } MeshFilter[] mf = p.FindModelComponents <MeshFilter>(); for (var i = 0; i < mf.Length; i++) { Bounds mrb = mf[i].mesh.bounds; for (var z = -1; z <= 1; z += 2) { for (var y = -1; y <= 1; y += 2) { for (var x = -1; x <= 1; x += 2) { // xzy because that's the coordinate system KSP likes to use Vector3 boxpt = new Vector3( + ex * x * mrb.extents.x, + ex * z * mrb.extents.z, + ex * y * mrb.extents.y); Vector3 tpt = p.transform.TransformPoint(boxpt); float sqrDistance = (tpt - posBubble).sqrMagnitude; if (sqrDistance <= sqrBubbleSize) { inside = true; } else { outside = true; } if (sqrDistance > longest) { longest = sqrDistance; } // The bubble cuts this one in half if (inside && outside) { SomethingExploded = true; ExplodeParts[partn++] = p; print("[WSXWARP] Bubble hit " + + " at dist " + Math.Sqrt(longest)); if (partn == ExplodeParts.Length) { Array.Resize <Part>(ref ExplodeParts, ExplodeParts.Length * 2); } goto GotoConsideredHarmful; } if (ex == 0) { goto GotoConsideredHarmful; } } } } } GotoConsideredHarmful: continue; } if (SomethingExploded) { BubbleCollapse(); ShutdownDrive(true); for (var x = 0; x < partn; x++) { WSXStuff.PowerfulExplosion(ExplodeParts[x]); } WarningSound(); RedAlert(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { print(String.Format("[WSXWARP] Error in CheckBubbleDistances - {0}", ex.Message)); } return(true); }
double ChargeAvailable() { return(WSXStuff.ThingAvailable(vessel, resourceUsed)); }
public void Develocitize() { // This code is inspired quite heavily by HyperEdit's OrbitEditor.cs if (recharge <= 0.0f) { double ut = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); Orbit curo = vessel.orbitDriver.orbit; Vector3d currentVelocity = curo.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(ut); Vector3d prograde = currentVelocity.normalized; bool nomoon = false; Vector3d vlocal = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Vector3d vplanetary = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (vessel.mainBody && vessel.mainBody.orbitDriver) { vlocal = vessel.mainBody.orbitDriver.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(ut); CelestialBody rb = vessel.mainBody.referenceBody; if (rb != null && rb != vessel.mainBody && rb.orbitDriver) { vplanetary = rb.orbitDriver.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(ut); } else { vplanetary = vlocal; vlocal = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); nomoon = true; } } // Do not call GetObtVelocity and expect it to work with this code // It switches around Y and Z Vector3d velocityToCancel = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (rFrameVal > 0) { velocityToCancel += vlocal; } if (rFrameVal > 1) { velocityToCancel += vplanetary; } Vector3d exVelocityToCancel = velocityToCancel; velocityToCancel += currentVelocity; double speedToCancel = velocityToCancel.magnitude; double powerCost = (int)speedToCancel * powerMultiplier; double powerGot = WSXStuff.ThingAvailable(vessel, resourceUsed); if (powerGot < powerCost) { rechargeNotice = "Partial Devlocitize"; this.recharge = 5.0f; powerCost = powerGot; } powerDrain = (float)powerCost; maxPowerDrain = powerDrain; part.Effect(engageEffectName, 1.0f); // Extremely small velocities cause the game to mess up very badly, so try something small and increase... float mult = 0.0f; if (rFrameVal == 0 || nomoon) { mult = 2.0f; } Orbit newo; do { Vector3d retro = prograde * -mult; newo = new Orbit(curo.inclination, curo.eccentricity, curo.semiMajorAxis, curo.LAN, curo.argumentOfPeriapsis, curo.meanAnomalyAtEpoch, curo.epoch, curo.referenceBody); newo.UpdateFromStateVectors(curo.pos, retro - exVelocityToCancel, curo.referenceBody, ut); mult += 1.0f; } while (double.IsNaN(newo.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(ut).magnitude)); mult -= 1.0f; print("[WSXDV] Needed Multiplier " + mult.ToString()); vessel.Landed = false; vessel.Splashed = false; vessel.landedAt = string.Empty; // I'm actually not sure what this is for... but HyperEdit does it. // I had weird problems when I took it out, anyway. try { OrbitPhysicsManager.HoldVesselUnpack(60); } catch (NullReferenceException) { print("[WSXDV] NullReferenceException"); } var allVessels = FlightGlobals.fetch == null ? (IEnumerable <Vessel>) new[] { vessel } : FlightGlobals.Vessels; foreach (var v in allVessels.Where(v => v.packed == false)) { v.GoOnRails(); } // End HyperEdit code I don't really understand curo.inclination = newo.inclination; curo.eccentricity = newo.eccentricity; curo.semiMajorAxis = newo.semiMajorAxis; curo.LAN = newo.LAN; curo.argumentOfPeriapsis = newo.argumentOfPeriapsis; curo.meanAnomalyAtEpoch = newo.meanAnomalyAtEpoch; curo.epoch = newo.epoch; curo.Init(); curo.UpdateFromUT(ut); vessel.orbitDriver.pos = vessel.orbit.pos.xzy; vessel.orbitDriver.vel = vessel.orbit.vel; Events ["Develocitize"].active = false; this.recharge = 5.0f; } }