public static Func <RawSourceFile, Directive> IncludezEditPatches(Compiler compiler) { var zEditPath = FindzEditPath(compiler); var havezEdit = zEditPath != null; Utils.Log(havezEdit ? $"Found zEdit at {zEditPath}" : $"zEdit not detected, disabling zEdit routines"); if (!havezEdit) { return source => { return null; } } ; var merges = Directory.EnumerateFiles(Path.Combine(zEditPath, "profiles"), DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Files | DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive) .Where(f => f.EndsWith("\\merges.json")) .SelectMany(f => f.FromJSON <List <zEditMerge> >()) .GroupBy(f => (, f.filename)); merges.Where(m => m.Count() > 1) .Do(m => { Utils.Warning( $"WARNING, you have two patches named {}\\{m.Key.filename} in your zEdit profiles. We'll pick one at random, this probably isn't what you want."); }); var mergesIndexed = merges.ToDictionary( m => Path.Combine(compiler.MO2Folder, "mods",, m.Key.filename), m => m.First()); return(source => { if (mergesIndexed.TryGetValue(source.AbsolutePath, out var merge)) { var result = source.EvolveTo <MergedPatch>(); result.Sources = merge.plugins.Select(f => { var abs_path = Path.Combine(f.dataFolder, f.filename); if (!File.Exists(abs_path)) { throw new InvalidDataException( $"File {abs_path} is required to build {merge.filename} but it doesn't exist"); } return new SourcePatch { RelativePath = abs_path.RelativeTo(compiler.MO2Folder), Hash = compiler.VFS[abs_path].Hash }; }).ToList(); var src_data = merge.plugins.Select(f => File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(f.dataFolder, f.filename))) .ConcatArrays(); var dst_data = File.ReadAllBytes(source.AbsolutePath); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { Utils.CreatePatch(src_data, dst_data, ms); result.PatchID = compiler.IncludeFile(ms.ToArray()); } return result; } return null; }); }