public AstroObjectByName(string AstroObjectName) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection2 = Database.GetConnectionAstroObjects(); try { myConnection2.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetAstroObjects", myConnection2); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pAstroObjectName", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm.Value = AstroObjectName; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); ds = new AstroObjectsDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("GetAstroObjectsByName", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "GetAstroObjectsByName", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection2.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection2.Close(); } } }
public AstroObjectDataByRaDec(float Ra, float Dec, float PlusMinusArcSecs) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection2 = Database.GetConnectionAstroObjects(); try { myConnection2.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetAstroObjects", myConnection2); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pRa", SqlDbType.Float); CustParm.Value = Ra; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); SqlParameter CustParm2 = new SqlParameter("@pDec", SqlDbType.Float); CustParm2.Value = Dec; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm2); SqlParameter CustParm3 = new SqlParameter("@pPlusMinusArcSecs", SqlDbType.Float); CustParm3.Value = PlusMinusArcSecs; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm3); ds = new AstroObjectsDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("GetAstroObjectByRADec", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "GetAstroObjectByRADec", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection2.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection2.Close(); } } }
public WWTTourForGUID(string TourGUID) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); Tour cacheTour; int GuidFoundPtr = -1; try { int x = UpdateCache(); List <Tour> whatiscache = GetCache(); List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); // loop thru cache - find the GUID for (int c = 0; c < whatiscache.Count; c++) { cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[c]; string myGuidStr = cacheTour.TourGuid.ToString(); if (myGuidStr == TourGUID) { GuidFoundPtr = c; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); } } if (GuidFoundPtr > -1) { ds2 = SelectedTours; } else { myConnection5.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetWWTToursForGUID", myConnection5); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pWWTTourGUID", SqlDbType.VarChar); CustParm.Value = TourGUID; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); ds = new WWTToursDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } //cacheTour = new Tour(); //cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[0]; //string myName = cacheTour.AuthorName; } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("WWTTourForGUID", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "WWTTourForGUID", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } }
public WWTTourForDateRange(string BeginDateTime, string EndDateTime) { Tour cacheTour; int TourFoundPtr = -1; int x = UpdateCache(); List <Tour> whatiscache = GetCache(); List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); DateTime dtBeginDateTime; DateTime dtEndDateTime; try { dtBeginDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(BeginDateTime); } catch { dtBeginDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/1900"); } try { dtEndDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(EndDateTime); } catch { dtEndDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/2100"); } // loop thru cache - find the matching keywords for (int c = 0; c < whatiscache.Count; c++) { cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[c]; DateTime myDateTime = cacheTour.TourSubmittedDateTime; if (myDateTime >= dtBeginDateTime & myDateTime <= dtEndDateTime) //(myGuidStr == TourGUID) { TourFoundPtr = c; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); } } if (TourFoundPtr > -1) { ds2 = SelectedTours; } else { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); try { myConnection5.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetWWTToursForDateRange", myConnection5); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pBeginDateTime", SqlDbType.DateTime); CustParm.Value = dtBeginDateTime; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); SqlParameter CustParm2 = new SqlParameter("@pEndDateTime", SqlDbType.DateTime); CustParm2.Value = dtEndDateTime; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm2); ds = new WWTToursDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("GetToursForDateRange", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "GetToursForDateRange", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } } }
public WWTTourForKeyword(string Keyword) { Tour cacheTour; int TourFoundPtr = -1; int x = UpdateCache(); List <Tour> whatiscache = GetCache(); List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); // loop thru cache - find the matching keywords for (int c = 0; c < whatiscache.Count; c++) { cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[c]; string myKeywords = cacheTour.TourKeywordList; char[] delimiterChars = { ' ' }; if (myKeywords != null) { string[] singleWord = myKeywords.Split(delimiterChars); foreach (string s in singleWord) { if (s == Keyword) { if (TourFoundPtr != c) { TourFoundPtr = c; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); } } } } } if (TourFoundPtr > -1) { ds2 = SelectedTours; } else { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); try { myConnection5.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spGetWWTToursForKeyword", myConnection5); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pKeyword", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm.Value = Keyword; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); ds = new WWTToursDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("GetToursForKeyword", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "GetToursForKeyword", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } } }
public WWTTourInsertRatingOrComment(string UserGUID, string TourGUID, int Rating, string Comment, int UserSelfRatingID, string UserContactInfo, int ObjectionTypeID, string ObjectionComment) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); try { myConnection5.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spInsertTourRatingOrComment", myConnection5); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pUserGUID", SqlDbType.VarChar); CustParm.Value = UserGUID; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); SqlParameter CustParm1 = new SqlParameter("@pTourGUID", SqlDbType.VarChar); CustParm1.Value = TourGUID; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm1); SqlParameter CustParm2 = new SqlParameter("@pRating", SqlDbType.Int); if (Rating == -999) { CustParm2.Value = null; } else { CustParm2.Value = Rating; } Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm2); SqlParameter CustParm3 = new SqlParameter("@pComment", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm3.Value = Comment; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm3); SqlParameter CustParm4 = new SqlParameter("@pUserSelfRatingID", SqlDbType.Int); if (UserSelfRatingID == -999) { CustParm4.Value = null; } else { CustParm4.Value = UserSelfRatingID; } Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm4); SqlParameter CustParm5 = new SqlParameter("@pUserContactInfo", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm5.Value = UserContactInfo; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm5); SqlParameter CustParm6 = new SqlParameter("@pObjectionTypeID", SqlDbType.Int); if (ObjectionTypeID == -999) { CustParm6.Value = null; } else { CustParm6.Value = ObjectionTypeID; } Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm6); SqlParameter CustParm7 = new SqlParameter("@pObjectionComment", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm7.Value = ObjectionComment; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm7); ds = new TourRatingDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); int x = UpdateCache(); List <Tour> whatiscache = GetCache(); List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); // loop thru cache - find the GUID for (int c = 0; c < whatiscache.Count; c++) { cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[c]; string myGuidStr = cacheTour.TourGuid.ToString().ToUpper(); if (myGuidStr == TourGUID) { GuidFoundPtr = c; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); } } if (GuidFoundPtr > -1) { ds2 = SelectedTours; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("InsertTourRatingOrComment", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "InsertTourRatingOrComment", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } }
public WWTTourUpdtStatus(string TourGUID, char WorkFlowStatusCode, string ApprovedRejectedByName) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); try { myConnection5.Open(); SqlDataAdapter Cmd2 = new SqlDataAdapter("spUpdateTourWorkFlowStatus", myConnection5); Cmd2.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlParameter CustParm = new SqlParameter("@pWWTTourGUID", SqlDbType.VarChar); CustParm.Value = TourGUID; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm); SqlParameter CustParm2 = new SqlParameter("@pWorkFlowStatusCode", SqlDbType.Char); CustParm2.Value = WorkFlowStatusCode; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm2); SqlParameter CustParm3 = new SqlParameter("@pTourApprovedRejectedByName", SqlDbType.NVarChar); CustParm3.Value = ApprovedRejectedByName; Cmd2.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(CustParm3); ds = new WWTToursDataset(); Cmd2.Fill(ds, ds.Tables[0].TableName); int x = UpdateCache(); List <Tour> whatiscache = GetCache(); List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); // loop thru cache - find the GUID for (int c = 0; c < whatiscache.Count; c++) { cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour = (Tour)whatiscache[c]; string myGuidStr = cacheTour.TourGuid.ToString(); if (myGuidStr == TourGUID) { GuidFoundPtr = c; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); } } if (GuidFoundPtr > -1) { ds2 = SelectedTours; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("UpdateTourWorkFlowStatus", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "UpdateTourWorkFlowStatus", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } }
public WWTTour(string TourXML, byte[] TourBlob, byte[] TourThumbnail, byte[] AuthorThumbnail) { strErrorMsg = ""; SqlConnection myConnection5 = Database.GetConnectionWWTTours(); // cut file stuff from here try { // SqlCommand Cmd5 = null; Cmd5 = new SqlCommand(); Cmd5.Connection = myConnection5; Cmd5.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd5.CommandTimeout = 10000; SqlParameter CustParm = Cmd5.CreateParameter(); CustParm.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar; CustParm.ParameterName = "@pInputXMLStream"; Cmd5.Parameters.Add(CustParm); CustParm.Value = TourXML; Cmd5.CommandText = "spImportTour"; myConnection5.Open(); ds = new WWTToursDataset(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader MySQLReader; MySQLReader = Cmd5.ExecuteReader(); while (MySQLReader.Read()) { int OrdTourGUID = MySQLReader.GetOrdinal("TourGUID"); outTourGuid = MySQLReader.GetGuid(OrdTourGUID); outTourGuidString = outTourGuid.ToString(); int OrdTourTitle = MySQLReader.GetOrdinal("TourTitle"); outTourTitle = MySQLReader.GetString(OrdTourTitle); } List <Tour> SelectedTours = new List <Tour>(); cacheTour = new Tour(); cacheTour.TourGuid = outTourGuid; cacheTour.TourTitle = outTourTitle; cacheTour.WorkFlowStatusCode = "0"; cacheTour.TourSubmittedDateTime = System.DateTime.Now; SelectedTours.Add(cacheTour); ds2 = SelectedTours; } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("ImportTour", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "2000", "ImportTour", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } finally { if (myConnection5.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConnection5.Close(); } } try { // Tour Thumbnail string strTourUNC = GetToursUNC(); TourGUIDString = outTourGuidString; // WAS : GetTourGUIDFromXML(TourXML); string NewFileName = "fail"; if (TourThumbnail.Length > 0) { NewFileName = strTourUNC + "\\" + TourGUIDString + "_TourThumb.bin"; Stream t = new FileStream(NewFileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter b = new BinaryWriter(t); b.Write(TourThumbnail); t.Close(); } // Tour Blob if (TourBlob.Length > 0) { NewFileName = strTourUNC + "\\" + TourGUIDString + ".bin"; Stream t2 = new FileStream(NewFileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter b2 = new BinaryWriter(t2); b2.Write(TourBlob); t2.Close(); } // Author Thumbnail if (AuthorThumbnail.Length > 0) { NewFileName = strTourUNC + "\\" + TourGUIDString + "_AuthorThumb.bin"; Stream t3 = new FileStream(NewFileName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter b3 = new BinaryWriter(t3); b3.Write(AuthorThumbnail); t3.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw WWTWebService.RaiseException("ImportTour", "http://WWTWebServices", ex.Message, "1000", "ImportTour", WWTWebService.FaultCode.Client); } }