private void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //newStart = new Start(links.Count(x => x.SelForDload == true).ToString()+" file(s) downloaded successfully, see Log"); newStart = new Start(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(newStart); }
void wc_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { wc = null; if (e.Cancelled) // if cancelled { li.Downloaded = false; iLink = yts; LogFile.VidSavedLoc = ""; LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.cancelled, null); MessageBox.Show("Download Cancelled", "YouTube Downloader"); try { File.Delete(dwnFile); } catch (Exception) { } links = null; yts = null; wc = null; li = null; iLink = null; WBlinkinfo.TotalCount = 0; lblData.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnCancel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnOK.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; newStart = new Start(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(newStart); return; } else { if (OptionsWindow.Audio) // if audio { try { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(dwnFile); // if error if (f.Length < 4) { MessageBox.Show("Error occured during download.", "YouTube Downloader"); f = null; try { if (OptionsWindow.Audio) File.Delete(dwnFile); } catch (Exception exc) { LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.app_error, null, exc.Message); } } else { f = null; progressBar1.Value = 0; if (OptionsWindow.Audio) { toMp3(dwnFile); dwnFile = dwnFile.Substring(0, dwnFile.Length - 4) + formatText; if (File.Exists(dwnFileConvAud)) File.Delete(dwnFileConvAud); File.Copy(dwnFile, dwnFileConvAud); try { File.Delete(dwnFile); } catch (Exception exc) { LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.app_error, null, exc.Message); } } } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + exc.Message, "YouTubeDownloader"); LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.app_error, null, exc.Message); } } } int i = li.LinkIndex; links[i].Downloaded = true; iLink = li; LogFile.WriteToLogFile(LogFile.Operation.downloaded, iLink); if (links.Any(x => x.Downloaded == false && x.SelForDload == true)) // to download left check InitiateDownload(); else { lblStatus.Content = "Download(s) Completed"; if (OptionsWindow.ShutdownPC) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "/s /f /t 060 /c " + (char)34 + "YOUR COMPUTER WILL BE TURNED OFF IN 60 seconds" + (char)34); links = null; yts = null; wc = null; li = null; iLink = null; WBlinkinfo.TotalCount = 0; lblData.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnCancel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; btnOK.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; textBlock2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }