public ModColl readXmlPackage(FileInfo fi) { ModColl nmc = null; var reader = new XmlTextReader(fi.FullName); if (fi.Exists) { try { while (reader.Read()) { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "Wadpack")) { nmc = new ModColl(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.GetAttribute("srcPrt")); bool quit = false; while (quit == false) { reader.Read(); switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.EndElement: //Display the end of the element. if (reader.Name == "Wadpack") { quit = true; } break; case XmlNodeType.Element: //Display the text in each element. if (reader.Name == "Wad") { string attr = "0"; if (reader.HasAttributes) { attr = reader.GetAttribute("loadorder"); } reader.Read(); nmc.Add(new Mod(true, attr, new FileInfo(MODDIRECTORY + reader.Value.ToString()))); } break; } } } } reader.Close(); fi.Delete(); } catch (XmlException e) { reader.Close(); fi.Delete(); } } return(nmc); }
public void removeModColl(ModColl mc) { if (mc.config != null) { if (mc.config.Exists) { mc.config.Delete(); } } modCollList.Remove(mc); write2XML(); }
void validateNewModColl() { if (TXTBX__MODCOLL_NAME.Text.Equals(pm.txt("[none]"))) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TXTBX__MODCOLL_NAME.Text)) { return; } var q = (from item in pm.getModColllist() where select item); if (q.Count() > 0) { pm.removeModColl(q.First()); } string srcPrt = ""; if (CHKBX_ASSOC_SRCPRT.Checked == true) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pm.SrcPrt)) { srcPrt = pm.SrcPrt; } } var mc = new ModColl(TXTBX__MODCOLL_NAME.Text, srcPrt); foreach (DataGridViewRow r in DGRIDV_MODS.Rows) { if ((bool)r.Cells[0].Value) { mc.Add(new Mod((bool)r.Cells[0].Value, (int)r.Cells[1].Value, pm.MODDIRECTORY, r.Cells[2].Value.ToString())); } } if (mc.Count != 0) { pm.addModColl(mc); reinitModColl(); LSTB_MODCOLL.Focus(); } }
void DGRIDV_MODS_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); //var files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (string file in files) { if (File.Exists(file)) { var fi = new FileInfo(file); if (fi.Extension.ToLower().Equals(".dpz")) { var dpzEx = new DirectoryInfo(@".\DPZ-EXTRACT\"); if (dpzEx.Exists) { dpzEx.Delete(true); } dpzEx.Create(); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(fi.FullName, dpzEx.FullName); string[] foldArr = { dpzEx.FullName + @"\WMD\", dpzEx.FullName + @"\WMDSAVE\", dpzEx.FullName + @"\WMDCONF\" }; string[] tgtArr = { pm.MODDIRECTORY, PM.SAVEDIRECTORY, PM.CONFIGDIRECTORY }; for (int i = 0; i < foldArr.Length; i++) { var di = new DirectoryInfo(foldArr[i]); foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(di.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(di.FullName, tgtArr[i] + "/")); } foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(di.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(di.FullName, tgtArr[i] + "/"), true); } } ModColl mc = pm.readXmlPackage(new FileInfo(dpzEx.FullName + @"WMF.xml")); pm.addModColl(mc); reinitModColl(); LSTB_MODCOLL.Focus(); dpzEx.Delete(true); } else { int stri = fi.DirectoryName.Length; string namefile = fi.FullName.Substring(stri + 1, fi.FullName.Length - stri - 1); File.Copy(file, pm.MODDIRECTORY + "/" + namefile, true); } } else if (Directory.Exists(file)) { var di = new DirectoryInfo(file); //int stri = di.DirectoryName.Length; //string namefile = fi.FullName.Substring(stri + 1, fi.FullName.Length - stri - 1); Directory.CreateDirectory(pm.MODDIRECTORY + "/" + di.Name); foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(di.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(di.FullName, pm.MODDIRECTORY + "/" + di.Name)); } foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(di.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(di.FullName, pm.MODDIRECTORY + "/" + di.Name), true); } //File.Copy(file, PM.MODDIRECTORY + "/" + namefile, true); } } DGRIDV_MODS.DataSource = new ModList(); }
List <ModColl> read2XML() { var fi = new FileInfo(FILENAME); var nlmc = new List <ModColl>(); nlmc.Add(new ModColl("[none]", "")); var reader = new XmlTextReader(FILENAME); stopAskingVar = false; disableConfirm = false; if (fi.Exists) { try { while (reader.Read()) { if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "Var")) { stopAskingVar = (reader.GetAttribute("stopasking").Equals("1")); customModDir = reader.GetAttribute("customModDir"); } if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "Confirm")) { disableConfirm = (reader.GetAttribute("disabled").Equals("1")); } if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "SrcPrt")) { srcPrt = reader.GetAttribute("link"); } bool quit = false; if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "Wadpack")) { var nmc = new ModColl(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.GetAttribute("srcPrt")); while (quit == false) { reader.Read(); switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.EndElement: //Display the end of the element. if (reader.Name == "Wadpack") { quit = true; nlmc.Add(nmc); } break; case XmlNodeType.Element: //Display the text in each element. if (reader.Name == "Wad") { try { string attr = "0"; if (reader.HasAttributes) { attr = reader.GetAttribute("loadorder"); } reader.Read(); var fiWad = new FileInfo(reader.Value); if (!fiWad.Exists) { System.Console.WriteLine("1"); fiWad = new FileInfo(reader.Value.Replace(".\\WMD", MODDIRECTORY)); } if (!fiWad.Exists) { if (!reader.Value.StartsWith(".", System.StringComparison.Ordinal)) { System.Console.WriteLine("2"); fiWad = new FileInfo(MODDIRECTORY + "\\" + reader.Value); } } if (!fiWad.Exists) { break; } System.Console.WriteLine(fiWad.FullName); nmc.Add(new Mod(true, attr, fiWad)); } catch { } } break; } } } } reader.Close(); } catch (XmlException) { reader.Close(); fi.Delete(); } } return(nlmc); }
public void addModColl(ModColl mc) { modCollList.Add(mc); write2XML(); }