internal static bool IsValidFoodSourceForPawn(this Thing food, Pawn eater, Pawn getter, Policy policy, bool allowForbidden) { try { bool canManipulate = getter.RaceProps.ToolUser &&; bool inventory = (getter.inventory != null && getter.inventory.innerContainer.Contains(food)); if (!(food != null && (inventory || food.Spawned) && !food.Destroyed && (allowForbidden || !food.IsForbidden(getter)) && (!food.def.IsIngestible || food.IngestibleNow) && (inventory || food.IsSociallyProper(eater) || food.IsSociallyProper(getter)) && //TODO: eater == getter ? getter.CanReachFoodSource(food) && (inventory || getter.CanReserve(food)) )) { return(false); } if (food is Pawn) { if (((Pawn)food).RaceProps.Humanlike || food.Map.designationManager.AllDesignationsOn(food).Any(arg => arg.def == DesignationDefOf.Tame) || !FoodUtils.IsAcceptablePreyFor(eater, food as Pawn) || !policy.PolicyAllows(FoodCategory.Hunt) || Utils.IsAnyoneCapturing(food.Map, food as Pawn) // redundant with humanlike ? ) { return(false); } } else { var category = food.DetermineFoodCategory(); if (!eater.RaceProps.CanEverEat((food is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) ? ((Building_NutrientPasteDispenser)food).DispensableDef : food.def) || ((food is Building_NutrientPasteDispenser) && (!((Building_NutrientPasteDispenser)food).CanDispenseNow || !canManipulate)) || !policy.PolicyAllows(category) || category == FoodCategory.Ignore || category == FoodCategory.Luxury) { return(false); } //TODO: plant pot avoidance not tested if (food.def.plant != null && food.Position.GetThingList(food.Map).Any((obj) => obj.def == ThingDef.Named("PlantPot"))) { return(false); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(string.Format("food={0} eater={1} policy={2}", food, eater, policy), ex); } }
void MakeDietForRace(ThingDef def, Policy policy) { if (policy.unrestricted) { return; } elements = policy.baseDiet.ToList(); if (!def.race.Eats(FoodTypeFlags.Corpse)) { RemoveCategory(FoodCategory.Corpse); RemoveCategory(FoodCategory.InsectCorpse); RemoveCategory(FoodCategory.HumanlikeCorpse); RemoveCategory(FoodCategory.Hunt); } else if (!def.race.predator) { RemoveCategory(FoodCategory.Hunt); } FoodCategory[] huntCat = { FoodCategory.Hunt }; var nonHuntCategories = elements.Where((DietElement arg) => !huntCat.Contains(arg.foodCategory)).ToArray(); foreach (var current in nonHuntCategories) { if (policy.PolicyAllows(current.foodCategory)) { if (!DefDatabaseHelper.AllDefsIngestibleNAnimals.Where((arg) => arg.ingestible != null && arg.DetermineFoodCategory(true) == current.foodCategory).Any((arg) => def.race.CanEverEat(arg))) { RemoveCategory(current.foodCategory); } } } float num = 0; foreach (var current in elements) { //TODO: fix broken diet order when removing the first element for a race (eg: thrumbo) current.totalOffsetValue = num; num += current.scoreOffset; } }
internal static bool MakeRatedFoodListForPawn(Map map, Pawn eater, Pawn getter, Policy policy, out List <FoodSourceRating> foodList, bool canUseInventory, bool allowForbidden) { #if DEBUG Log.Message("MakeRatedFoodListForPawn() eater=" + eater + " getter=" + getter + " canuseinventory=" + canUseInventory); #endif Func <Thing, bool> FoodValidator = (arg => IsValidFoodSourceForPawn(arg, eater, getter, policy, allowForbidden)); var diet = policy.GetDietForPawn(eater); //foreach (var item in policy.PerRacesDiet[eater.def].elements) //{ // FoodCategoryUtils.FoodRecords[item // var foodsOfCategory = ite //} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ThingRequestGroup thingRequest; //TODO: detour ThingsLister if (!policy.PerRacesDiet[eater.def].ContainsElement(FoodCategory.Grass) && !policy.PerRacesDiet[eater.def].ContainsElement(FoodCategory.Hay)) { thingRequest = ThingRequestGroup.FoodSourceNotPlantOrTree; } else { thingRequest = ThingRequestGroup.FoodSource; } List <Thing> searchSet = map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(thingRequest).Where(FoodValidator).ToList(); // TODO: Limits the number of searched by category if (searchSet.Count >= Config.FoodSearchMaxItemsCount) { #if DEBUG int num = searchSet.Count; #endif var newsearchSet = searchSet.OrderBy((arg) => (arg.Position - getter.Position).LengthManhattan).ToList(); searchSet = newsearchSet.GetRange(0, Math.Min(newsearchSet.Count, Config.FoodSearchMaxItemsCount)); #if DEBUG Log.Message(string.Format("MakeRatedFoodListForPawn(): too many items, reduced from {0} to {1}", num, searchSet.Count)); #endif //var newsearchSet = new List<Thing>(); //var categoriesList = from entry in searchSet // group entry by entry.def; //foreach (var group in categoriesList) //{ // if (group.Count() > 500) // { // var list = group.OrderByDescending((arg) => (arg.Position - getter.Position).LengthManhattan); // } //} } if (eater == getter && eater.RaceProps.predator && policy.PolicyAllows(FoodCategory.Hunt)) { IEnumerable <Thing> allPawnsSpawned = eater.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned .Cast <Thing>() //.Select(arg => arg as Thing) .Where(FoodValidator); searchSet.AddRange(allPawnsSpawned); } if (canUseInventory && getter.RaceProps.ToolUser && && getter.inventory != null) { var inventoryFood = getter.inventory.innerContainer.Where(arg => arg.def.IsIngestible).Where(FoodValidator); searchSet.AddRange(inventoryFood); #if DEBUG Log.Message(string.Format("MakeRatedFoodListForPawn() eater={0} getter={1} got {2}/{3} things from inventory", eater, getter, inventoryFood.Count(), getter.inventory.innerContainer.Count)); #endif } foodList = MakeRatedFoodListFromThingList(searchSet, eater, getter, policy); #if DEBUG var foodListInventory = foodList.Where(arg => getter.inventory.innerContainer.Contains(arg.FoodSource)); var inventoryScoreText = "Inventory:"; foreach (var item in foodListInventory) { inventoryScoreText += "\n-------------\n" + item.ToWidgetString(true, item.DefRecord.category); } Log.Message(inventoryScoreText); #endif if (!foodList.Any()) { return(false); } return(true); }