private void OnGetDOData(string rawData) { var dateObj = AdvantechHttpWebUtility.ParserJsonToObj <DOSlotValueData>(rawData); UpdateDOUIStatus(dateObj); InvokeReadStatus(); }
private void OnGetDIData(string rawData) { var dateObj = AdvantechHttpWebUtility.ParserJsonToObj <DISlotValueData>(rawData); UpdateDIUIStatus(dateObj); if (this.m_iDoTotal > 0) { GetDOValue(); } else { InvokeReadStatus(); } }
public Form1() { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // m_bStart = false; // the action stops at the beginning m_szIP = ""; // device IP address m_iPort = 80; // http port is 80 m_szAccount = "root"; // Login account m_szPassword = "******"; // Login password m_iPollingTime = 1000; m_iSlot = 0; //Device localhost default slot is 0 //m_WISE4000Type = WISEType.WISE4050LAN; // the sample is for WISE-4050/LAN //m_WISE4000Type = WISEType.WISE4050; // the sample is for Wise-4050 m_WISE4000Type = WISEType.WISE4051; // the sample is for Wise-4051 //m_WISE4000Type = WISEType.WISE4060LAN; // the sample is for Wise-4060/LAN // m_WISE4000Type = WISEType.WISE4060; // the sample is for Wise-4060 txtModule.Text = m_WISE4000Type.ToString(); m_textBoxList = new List <TextBox>(); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh0); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh1); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh2); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh3); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh4); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh5); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh6); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh7); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh8); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh9); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh10); m_textBoxList.Add(txtCh11); m_HttpRequestDI = new AdvantechHttpWebUtility(); m_HttpRequestDI.ResquestOccurredError += this.OnGetDIHttpRequestError; m_HttpRequestDI.ResquestResponded += this.OnGetDIData; m_HttpRequestDO = new AdvantechHttpWebUtility(); m_HttpRequestDO.ResquestOccurredError += this.OnGetDOHttpRequestError; m_HttpRequestDO.ResquestResponded += this.OnGetDOData; IniWISE_DIO(); }
private void btnCh_Click(int i_iCh, TextBox txtBox) { DOSetValueData doData = new DOSetValueData() { Val = (uint)((txtBox.Text == "1") ? 0 : 1) }; // was ON, now set to OFF }; int iChannel = i_iCh - m_iDiTotal; JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); string sz_Jsonify = serializer.Serialize(doData); try { AdvantechHttpWebUtility httpRequest = new AdvantechHttpWebUtility(); httpRequest.SendPATCHRequest(m_szAccount, m_szPassword, GetURL(m_szIP, m_iPort, WISE_RESTFUL_URI.do_value + "/slot_" + m_iSlot + "/ch_" + iChannel), sz_Jsonify); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Set digital output failed!", "Error"); } finally { System.GC.Collect(); } }