        private static TileModel TransformM2Model(MapDoodadDefinition definition, M2Model m2model)
            var model = new TileModel
                Vertices = new Vector3[m2model.BoundingVertices.Length]

            // Rotate
            var origin = new Vector3(
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.X),
                (TerrainConstants.CenterPoint - definition.Position.Z)

            for (var i = 0; i < model.Vertices.Length; i++)
                // Reverse the previos coord transform for the rotation.
                var vector = TransformToIntermediateCoords(m2model.BoundingVertices[i]);

                // Create the rotation matrices
                var rotateX = Matrix.CreateRotationX(definition.OrientationC * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateY = Matrix.CreateRotationY((definition.OrientationB - 90) * RadiansPerDegree);
                var rotateZ = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-definition.OrientationA * RadiansPerDegree);

                // Rotate the vector
                var rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(vector, rotateY);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateZ);
                rotatedVector = Vector3.Transform(rotatedVector, rotateX);

                var finalVector = rotatedVector + origin;

                model.Vertices[i] = finalVector;

            // Add the triangle indices to the model
            model.Triangles = new Index3[m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < m2model.BoundingTriangles.Length; i++)
                var tri = m2model.BoundingTriangles[i];
                model.Triangles[i] = new Index3
                    Index0 = (short)tri[2],
                    Index1 = (short)tri[1],
                    Index2 = (short)tri[0]

            // Calculate the boundingbox
            model.Bounds = new BoundingBox(model.Vertices);

            return model;
        private static TileModel ExtractModel(MapDoodadDefinition definition)
            var filePath = definition.FilePath;
            var m2model = ExtractM2Model(filePath);

            return TransformM2Model(definition, m2model);