		public static void GetTileSets(WDT wdt)
			if (!wdt.IsWMOOnly)
				var tileSet = new ZoneTileSet();
				Tiles[(int) wdt.MapId] = tileSet;

				ZoneGrid grid;

                // Rows are along the x-axis
				for (var x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                    // Columns are along the y-axis
					for (var y = 0; y < 64; y++)
						if (!wdt.TileProfile[y, x]) continue;
						var adt = ADTReader.ReadADT(wdt, x, y);
						if (adt == null) continue;

						tileSet.ZoneGrids[y, x] = grid = new ZoneGrid(new uint[TerrainConstants.ChunksPerTileSide, TerrainConstants.ChunksPerTileSide]);
                        // Rows along the x-axis 
						for (var chunkX = 0; chunkX < 16; chunkX++)
                            // Columns along the y-axis
							for (var chunkY = 0; chunkY < 16; chunkY++)
								var areaId = adt.GetADTChunk(chunkY, chunkX).Header.AreaId;
								if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ZoneId), areaId))
									grid.ZoneIds[chunkY, chunkX] = (uint)areaId;
									grid.ZoneIds[chunkY, chunkX] = 0;
						//return tiles;
				log.Info("Could not read Zones from WMO: " + wdt.MapId);
		public static void GetTileSets(WDTFile wdt)
			if ((wdt.Header.Header1 & WDTFlags.GlobalWMO) == 0)
				var tileSet = new ZoneTileSet();
				Tiles[wdt.Entry.Id] = tileSet;

				ZoneGrid grid;

				// Read in the Tiles
				for (var y = 0; y < 64; y++)
					for (var x = 0; x < 64; x++)
						if (!wdt.TileProfile[x, y]) continue;
						var adtName = TerrainConstants.GetADTFile(wdt.Name, x, y);
						var adt = ADTParser.Process(WDTParser.MpqManager, wdt.Path, adtName);
						if (adt == null) continue;

						tileSet.ZoneGrids[x, y] = grid = new ZoneGrid(new uint[TerrainConstants.ChunksPerTileSide, TerrainConstants.ChunksPerTileSide]);
						// Read in the TileChunks 
						for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++)
							for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
								var areaId = adt.MapChunks[i, j].AreaId;
								if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ZoneId), areaId))
									grid.ZoneIds[i, j] = areaId;
									grid.ZoneIds[i, j] = 0;
						//return tiles;
				log.Info("Could not read Zones from WMO: " + (MapId)wdt.Entry.Id);
        public static ZoneTileSet[] GetZoneTileSets()
            var wowRootDir = DBCTool.FindWowDir(null);
            manager = new MpqManager(wowRootDir);

            var entryList = GetMapEntries();
            if (entryList == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving Map Entries.");
                return null;

			var tiles = new ZoneTileSet[(int)MapId.End];
			var count = 0;

            foreach (var dbcMapEntry in entryList)
                var dir = dbcMapEntry.MapDirName;
                var wdtDir = Path.Combine(baseDir, dir);
                var wdtName = dir;

                var wdt = RegionBoundaries.Process(manager, wdtDir, wdtName + ".wdt");
                if (wdt == null) continue;

                if ((wdt.Header.Header1 & WDTFlags.GlobalWMO) == 0)
                    var tileSet = new ZoneTileSet();

                    // Read in the Tiles
                    for (var y = 0; y < 64; y++)
                        for (var x = 0; x < 64; x++)
                            if (!wdt.TileProfile[x, y]) continue;
                            var adtName = string.Format("{0}_{1:00}_{2:00}", wdtName, x, y);
                            var adt = Process(manager, wdtDir, adtName);
                            if (adt == null) continue;

                            // Read in the TileChunks 
                            for (var j = 0; j < 16; j++)
                                for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                                    var areaId = adt.MapChunks[i, j].AreaId;
									tileSet.ZoneGrids[x, y].ZoneIds[i, j] = (ZoneId)areaId;

                    tiles[dbcMapEntry.Id] = tileSet;
                	log.Info("Could not read Zones from WMO: " + (MapId)dbcMapEntry.Id);

        	log.Info("Exported {0} ZoneTileSets.", count);

            return tiles;