private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(string.Format("http://{0}:5050/Service.asmx", ""))); //Environment.MachineName))); //""))); var serviceClient = new ServiceReference1.RASVSRClient(binding, endpoint); ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData request_send = new ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData() { AxlesCount = ACc, //new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, AxlesInvervals = AIc, //new decimal[] { 1m, 2m, 3m }, AxlesLoads = ALc, //new decimal[] { 1m, 2m, 3m }, CheckDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()), //DateTime.Now, CheckPointCode = CPCc.ToString(), //"001", Direction = Dc, //1, //Latitude = Convert.ToDecimal("123,5"), //Longitude = Convert.ToDecimal("127,5"), TotalWeight = TWc, //10m, VehicleRegNumber = GRZc, //"123ка77", TotalSize = new ServiceReference1.CheckRequestDataTotalSize() { Height = Hc, //10m, Length = Lc, //10m, Width = Wc, //10m } }; XmlSerializer formatter_input = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData)); MemoryStream memoryStreamInput = new MemoryStream(); formatter_input.Serialize(memoryStreamInput, request_send); textBox1.Text = StreamToString(memoryStreamInput); try { var rezRequest = serviceClient.Check(request_send); Rrc = rezRequest.Count; if (rezRequest.Count != 0) { int INPR = 0; ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); //dataGridView1.DataSource = rezRequest;//ServiceReference1.CheckResultDataList; foreach (var b in rezRequest)//int i=0; i<rezRequest.Count; i++) { //if (b.wr) this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(b.VehicleRegNumber.ToString(), b.Resolution.DocumentNumber.ToString(), b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString(), b.DateFrom.ToString(), b.DateTo.ToString(), b.TripCount, b.LeftTripCount, b.Route.ToString(), b.Dimensions.ToString(), DecToStr(b.AxlesLoads), b.FullWeight ); PrNal = b.RouteCheck.Code; NSR = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber; DSR = Convert.ToString(b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign); SrDSR = Convert.ToString(b.DateTo); RMarshr = b.Route; RM = b.FullWeight; KRPr = b.TripCount; KOstPr = b.LeftTripCount; LSR = b.Dimensions.Length; WSR = b.Dimensions.Width; HSR = b.Dimensions.Height; //IdPrSTR = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd")+ IdPr.ToString() ; // IdPr = Convert.ToDecimal(IdPrSTR.ToString()); INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" + "idts, " + "dateregsr, " + "grzrasp, " + "KemVid, " + "VidPerevoz, " + "GRZSR, " + "NomSR, " + "DateVidSR, " + "SrokDeistvSR, " + "RazrMarshr, " + "RazrMassa, " + "KolRazrPr, " + "IspolzPR, " + "LengthSR, " + "WidthSR, " + "HeightSR, " + "NarushenMarshrSR, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr) " + "VALUES " + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + b.DateFrom.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "'ГБУ Севастопольский Автодор', " + "'" + b.ShippingType + "', " + "'" + b.VehicleRegNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.DateTo.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.Route + "', " + "" + b.FullWeight + ", " + "" + b.TripCount + ", " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Length + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Width + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Height + ", " + "" + b.RouteCheck.Code + ", " + "now(), " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "');"; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* sqlConnectionT.Close()*/ ; //ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); //ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); //cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; //MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); IInt = new decimal[b.AxlesInvervals.Length + 1]; IInt[0] = 0; for (int iint = 0; iint < b.AxlesInvervals.Length; iint++) { IInt[iint + 1] = b.AxlesInvervals[iint]; } for (int iax = 0; iax < b.AxlesLoads.Length; iax++) { MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO rapsprazraxel( " + "IDSR, " + "NomAx, " //+ "NomGr, " + "MasAxSR, " + "IntervalAxSR, " + "SkatAxSR, " + "CountRAxSR, " + "Created, " + "NSR) " + "VALUES(" + "" + IdPrSTR + ", " + "" + iax + ", " //+ "DEFAULT, " + "" + b.AxlesLoads[iax] + ", " + "" + IInt[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWeelsEx[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWheels[iax] + ", " + "now(), " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "'); "; cmd2.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } sqlConnectionT.Close(); } } else { INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd3 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd3.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" + "idts, " + "grzrasp, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr) " + "VALUES " + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "now(), " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "');"; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd3.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* sqlConnectionT.Close()*/ ; sqlConnectionT.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void button1_Click() { DTN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff"); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri(string.Format("")));//"http://{0}:5050/Service.asmx", ""))); // ""))); //Environment.MachineName))); //""))); var serviceClient = new ServiceReference1.RASVSRClient(binding, endpoint); ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData request_send = new ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData() { AxlesCount = ACc, //new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, AxlesInvervals = AIc, //new decimal[] { 1m, 2m, 3m }, AxlesLoads = ALc, //new decimal[] { 1m, 2m, 3m }, CheckDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()), //DateTime.Now, CheckPointCode = CPCc.ToString(), //"001", Direction = Dc, TotalWeight = TWc, //10m, VehicleRegNumber = GRZc, //"123ка77", TotalSize = new ServiceReference1.CheckRequestDataTotalSize() { Height = Hc, //10m, Length = Lc, //10m, Width = Wc, //10m } }; XmlSerializer formatter_input = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ServiceReference1.CheckRequestData)); MemoryStream memoryStreamInput = new MemoryStream(); formatter_input.Serialize(memoryStreamInput, request_send); try { var rezRequest = serviceClient.Check(request_send); Rrc = rezRequest.Count; if (rezRequest.Count == 1) { //DTN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff"); int INPR = 0; INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); //dataGridView1.DataSource = rezRequest;//ServiceReference1.CheckResultDataList; foreach (var b in rezRequest)//int i=0; i<rezRequest.Count; i++) { //if (b.wr) a.VehicleRegNumber = b.VehicleRegNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentNumber = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentDateSign = b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString(); a.DateFrom = b.DateFrom.ToString(); a.DateTo = b.DateTo.ToString(); a.TripCount = b.TripCount; a.LeftTripCount = b.LeftTripCount; a.Route = b.Route.ToString(); a.Dimensions = b.Dimensions.ToString(); a.AxlesLoads = b.AxlesLoads; a.FullWeight = b.FullWeight; PrNal = Convert.ToInt32(b.RouteCheck.Code); NSR = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber; DSR = Convert.ToString(b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign); SrDSR = Convert.ToString(b.DateTo); RMarshr = b.Route; RM = b.FullWeight; KRPr = b.TripCount; KOstPr = b.LeftTripCount; LSR = b.Dimensions.Length; WSR = b.Dimensions.Width; HSR = b.Dimensions.Height; INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" + "idts, " + "dateregsr, " + "grzrasp, " + "KemVid, " + "VidPerevoz, " + "GRZSR, " + "NomSR, " + "DateVidSR, " + "SrokDeistvSR, " + "RazrMarshr, " + "RazrMassa, " + "KolRazrPr, " + "IspolzPR, " + "LengthSR, " + "WidthSR, " + "HeightSR, " + "NarushenMarshrSR, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr, " + "DPR, " + "OstatPR, " + "NZFalse ) " + "VALUES " + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + b.DateFrom.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "'ГБУ Севастопольский Автодор', " + "'" + b.ShippingType + "', " + "'" + b.VehicleRegNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.DateTo.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.Route + "', " + "" + b.FullWeight + ", " + "" + b.TripCount + ", " + "" + (b.TripCount - b.LeftTripCount + 1) + ", "//b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Length + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Width + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Height + ", " + "'" + b.RouteCheck.Code + "', " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "'" + Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + Convert.ToInt64(NZaprFalse) + "); "; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ; IInt = new decimal[b.AxlesInvervals.Length + 1]; IInt[0] = 0; for (int iint = 0; iint < b.AxlesInvervals.Length; iint++) { IInt[iint + 1] = b.AxlesInvervals[iint]; } for (int iax = 0; iax < b.AxlesLoads.Length; iax++) { MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO rapsprazraxel( " + "IDSR, " + "NomAx, " //+ "NomGr, " + "MasAxSR, " + "IntervalAxSR, " + "SkatAxSR, " + "CountRAxSR, " + "Created, " + "NSR) " + "VALUES(" + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "" + iax + ", " //+ "DEFAULT, " + "" + b.AxlesLoads[iax] + ", " + "" + IInt[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWeelsEx[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWheels[iax] + ", " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "'); "; cmd2.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } sqlConnectionT.Close(); } } else if (rezRequest.Count == 0) { // DTN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff"); INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd3 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd3.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" + "idts, " + "grzrasp, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr, " + "DPR, " + "NZFalse) " + "VALUES " + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "'" + Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', " + "" + Convert.ToInt64(NZaprFalse) + "); "; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd3.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* sqlConnectionT.Close()*/ ; MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "delete n " + "from raptssprrazr h " + "join raptssprrazr n on n.idts = h.idts AND n.PriznNal = h.PriznNal and n.IdPor > h.IdPor;"; cmd2.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnectionT.Close(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(); ConnectStr conStr = new ConnectStr(); //Zapros zapros = new Zapros(); conStr.ConStr(1); //zapros.ZaprObrSpRazrLoc(IDT, NamU, 1); MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(conStr.StP); string z = "UPDATE vehiclecontainer_r" + " SET `Change` = 1," + " ChangeType = 1 ," + " DateChang = '" + DTN + "'," + " NameUs = 'AUTO'," + " Prim = 'Изменено Спец. Разрешение'" + " WHERE ID = " + IdPr + " ;"; command.CommandText = z; command.Connection = connection; try { command.Connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Connection.Close(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: \r\n{0}", ex.ToString()); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } } else if (rezRequest.Count > 1) { Boolean[] flags = new Boolean[10]; int INPR = 0; int j; // DTN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff"); decimal minos; decimal minosproc; decimal minosi = 0; Boolean flag; Boolean flagnorm; INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); //dataGridView1.DataSource = rezRequest;//ServiceReference1.CheckResultDataList; minos = 10000; minosproc = 0; decimal[] bufer; j = 0; foreach (var b in rezRequest)//int i=0; i<rezRequest.Count; i++) { i = 0; flag = true; cc.AxlesLoads = b.AxlesLoads; foreach (var c in cc.AxlesLoads) { if ((ALc[i] - c > 0) && (prevnar[i] > 3)) { flag = false; } i = i + 1; } if (flag == true) { flags[j] = true; } j = j + 1; } j = 0; // без форичей запоминаем его номер foreach (var b in rezRequest)//int i=0; i<rezRequest.Count; i++) { i = 0; cc.AxlesLoads = b.AxlesLoads; foreach (var c in cc.AxlesLoads) { //от парадокса избавляемся двумя циклами if ((Math.Abs(ALc[i] - c) < minos) && (flags[j] == true)) { minos = Math.Abs(ALc[i] - c); minosi = j; } } } j = 0; // без форичей запоминаем его номер foreach (var b in rezRequest)//int i=0; i<rezRequest.Count; i++) { if (j == minosi) { //if (b.wr) a.VehicleRegNumber = b.VehicleRegNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentNumber = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentDateSign = b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString(); a.DateFrom = b.DateFrom.ToString(); a.DateTo = b.DateTo.ToString(); a.TripCount = b.TripCount; a.LeftTripCount = b.LeftTripCount; a.Route = b.Route.ToString(); a.Dimensions = b.Dimensions.ToString(); a.AxlesLoads = b.AxlesLoads; a.FullWeight = b.FullWeight; PrNal = Convert.ToInt32(b.RouteCheck.Code); NSR = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber; DSR = Convert.ToString(b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign); SrDSR = Convert.ToString(b.DateTo); RMarshr = b.Route; RM = b.FullWeight; KRPr = b.TripCount; KOstPr = b.LeftTripCount; LSR = b.Dimensions.Length; WSR = b.Dimensions.Width; HSR = b.Dimensions.Height; //IdPrSTR = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd")+ IdPr.ToString() ; // IdPr = Convert.ToDecimal(IdPrSTR.ToString()); INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" + "idts, " + "dateregsr, " + "grzrasp, " + "KemVid, " + "VidPerevoz, " + "GRZSR, " + "NomSR, " + "DateVidSR, " + "SrokDeistvSR, " + "RazrMarshr, " + "RazrMassa, " + "KolRazrPr, " + "IspolzPR, " + "LengthSR, " + "WidthSR, " + "HeightSR, " + "NarushenMarshrSR, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr, " + "DPR, " + "OstatPR, " + "NZFalse ) " + "VALUES " + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + b.DateFrom.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "'ГБУ Севастопольский Автодор', " + "'" + b.ShippingType + "', " + "'" + b.VehicleRegNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.DateTo.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.Route + "', " + "" + b.FullWeight + ", " + "" + (b.TripCount - b.LeftTripCount + 1) + ", "//b.TripCount + ", " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Length + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Width + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Height + ", " + "'" + b.RouteCheck.Code + "', " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "'" + Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + Convert.ToInt64(NZaprFalse) + "); "; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* sqlConnectionT.Close()*/ ; IInt = new decimal[b.AxlesInvervals.Length + 1]; IInt[0] = 0; for (int iint = 0; iint < b.AxlesInvervals.Length; iint++) { IInt[iint + 1] = b.AxlesInvervals[iint]; } for (int iax = 0; iax < b.AxlesLoads.Length; iax++) { MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO rapsprazraxel( " + "IDSR, " + "NomAx, " //+ "NomGr, " + "MasAxSR, " + "IntervalAxSR, " + "SkatAxSR, " + "CountRAxSR, " + "Created, " + "NSR) " + "VALUES(" + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "" + iax + ", " //+ "DEFAULT, " + "" + b.AxlesLoads[iax] + ", " + "" + IInt[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWeelsEx[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWheels[iax] + ", " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "'); "; cmd2.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } a2 = a; } else { //if (b.wr) a.VehicleRegNumber = b.VehicleRegNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentNumber = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber.ToString(); a.DocumentDateSign = b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString(); a.DateFrom = b.DateFrom.ToString(); a.DateTo = b.DateTo.ToString(); a.TripCount = b.TripCount; a.LeftTripCount = b.LeftTripCount; a.Route = b.Route.ToString(); a.Dimensions = b.Dimensions.ToString(); a.AxlesLoads = b.AxlesLoads; a.FullWeight = b.FullWeight; PrNal = Convert.ToInt32(b.RouteCheck.Code); NSR = b.Resolution.DocumentNumber; DSR = Convert.ToString(b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign); SrDSR = Convert.ToString(b.DateTo); RMarshr = b.Route; RM = b.FullWeight; KRPr = b.TripCount; KOstPr = b.LeftTripCount; LSR = b.Dimensions.Length; WSR = b.Dimensions.Width; HSR = b.Dimensions.Height; //IdPrSTR = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd")+ IdPr.ToString() ; // IdPr = Convert.ToDecimal(IdPrSTR.ToString()); INPR1 = Guid.NewGuid(); IdPrSTR = Convert.ToString(INPR1).Replace("-", ""); NZaprFalse = Convert.ToInt64(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + NZapr.ToString()); MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO raptssprrazr " + "(" //+ "idts, " + "dateregsr, " // + "grzrasp, " + "KemVid, " + "VidPerevoz, " + "GRZSR, " + "NomSR, " + "DateVidSR, " + "SrokDeistvSR, " + "RazrMarshr, " + "RazrMassa, " + "KolRazrPr, " + "IspolzPR, " + "LengthSR, " + "WidthSR, " + "HeightSR, " + "NarushenMarshrSR, " + "DateZapr, " + "NomZapr, " + "DPR, " + "OstatPR, " + "NZFalse ) " + "VALUES (" // + "(" + IdPr + ", " + "'" + b.DateFrom.ToString("o") + "', " // + "'" + GRZc + "', " + "'ГБУ Севастопольский Автодор', " + "'" + b.ShippingType + "', " + "'" + b.VehicleRegNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentDateSign.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.DateTo.ToString("o") + "', " + "'" + b.Route + "', " + "" + b.FullWeight + ", " + "" + (b.TripCount - b.LeftTripCount + 1) + ", "//b.TripCount + ", " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Length + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Width + ", " + "" + b.Dimensions.Height + ", " + "'" + b.RouteCheck.Code + "', " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "'" + Convert.ToDateTime(DTc.ToString()).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', " + "" + b.LeftTripCount + ", " + "" + Convert.ToInt64(NZaprFalse) + "); "; //Guid.NewGuid() cmd.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); /* sqlConnectionT.Close()*/ //ConnectStr ResRegionSR = new ConnectStr(); //ResRegionSR.ConStr(1); //cstrU = ResRegionSR.StP; //MySqlConnection sqlConnectionT = new MySqlConnection(cstrU); IInt = new decimal[b.AxlesInvervals.Length + 1]; IInt[0] = 0; for (int iint = 0; iint < b.AxlesInvervals.Length; iint++) { IInt[iint + 1] = b.AxlesInvervals[iint]; } for (int iax = 0; iax < b.AxlesLoads.Length; iax++) { MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO rapsprazraxel( " + "IDSR, " + "NomAx, " //+ "NomGr, " + "MasAxSR, " + "IntervalAxSR, " + "SkatAxSR, " + "CountRAxSR, " + "Created, " + "NSR) " + "VALUES(" + "'" + IdPrSTR + "', " + "" + iax + ", " //+ "DEFAULT, " + "" + b.AxlesLoads[iax] + ", " + "" + IInt[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWeelsEx[iax] + ", " + "" + b.AxlesWheels[iax] + ", " + "'" + DTN + "', " + "'" + b.Resolution.DocumentNumber + "'); "; cmd2.Connection = sqlConnectionT; if (sqlConnectionT.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { sqlConnectionT.Open(); } //sqlConnectionT.Open(); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } sqlConnectionT.Close(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(); ConnectStr conStr = new ConnectStr(); //Zapros zapros = new Zapros(); conStr.ConStr(1); //zapros.ZaprObrSpRazrLoc(IDT, NamU, 1); MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(conStr.StP); string z = "UPDATE vehiclecontainer_r" + " SET `Change` = 1," + " ChangeType = 1 ," + " DateChang = '" + DTN + "'," + " NameUs = 'AUTO'," + " Prim = 'Изменено Спец. Разрешение'" + " WHERE ID = " + IdPr + " ;"; command.CommandText = z; command.Connection = connection; try { command.Connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Connection.Close(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: \r\n{0}", ex.ToString()); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(); ConnectStr conStr = new ConnectStr(); //Zapros zapros = new Zapros(); conStr.ConStr(1); //zapros.ZaprObrSpRazrLoc(IDT, NamU, 1); MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(conStr.StP); string z = "UPDATE vehiclecontainer_r" + " SET `Change` = 1," + " ChangeType = 20 ," + " DateChang = '" + DTN + "'," + " NameUs = 'AUTO'," + " Prim = 'Проверка не окончена (невозможно подключиться к серверу СВСР)'" + " WHERE ID = " + IdPr + " ;"; command.CommandText = z; command.Connection = connection; try { command.Connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Connection.Close(); } catch (MySqlException exy) { Console.WriteLine("Error: \r\n{0}", exy.ToString()); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } } }