        public void captureSetup(iVideoTrack videoTrack, int decodedBuffersCount, sDecodedVideoSize decodedSize)
            this.decodedSize = decodedSize;
            if (pendingFrames.capacity != decodedBuffersCount)
                pendingFrames = new PendingFrames(decodedBuffersCount);

            // Set decoded format. Pi4 Linux failed to implement V4L2 stateful decoder setup workflow, instead computing everything manually, from parsed SPS.
            sPixelFormatMP sdf = computeDecodedFormat(ref decodedSize);

            device.setDataFormat(eBufferType.VideoCaptureMPlane, ref sdf);

            // Apparently, Pi4 hardware or drivers is unable to process S_SELECTION request and crop the video. Cropping it later while rendering NV12 into RGB.

            /* sSelection selection = default;
             * selection.type = eBufferType.VideoCaptureMPlane;
             * selection.target = eSelectionTarget.Compose;
             * selection.flags = eSelectionFlags.LesserOrEqual;
             * selection.rect = decodedSize.cropRect;
             * device.file.call( eControlCode.S_SELECTION, ref selection );
             * device.file.call( eControlCode.G_SELECTION, ref selection );
             * CRect selectedRect = selection.rect;
             * if( selectedRect == decodedSize.cropRect )
             *      Logger.logVerbose( "Video cropping: decoded size {0}, cropped to {1}", decodedSize.size, selectedRect );
             * else
             *      Logger.logInfo( "Video cropping: decoded size {0}, asked to crop to {1}, GPU driver replaced with {2}", decodedSize.size, decodedSize.cropRect, selectedRect ); */

            sdf     = device.getDataFormat(eBufferType.VideoCaptureMPlane);
            decoded = new DecodedQueue(device, decodedBuffersCount);
            // decoded.exportTextures( renderDev, device, ref sdf );

            // Start streaming of the output queue
        static sPixelFormatMP computeDecodedFormat(ref sDecodedVideoSize decodedSize)
            if (decodedSize.chromaFormat != eChromaFormat.c420)
                throw new NotImplementedException("So far, the library only supports 4:2:0 chroma sampling");

            // Apparently, the hardware decoder of the Pi4 can't crop video. Not a huge deal, will crop while rendering NV12 into RGB.
            // You would expect you need to pass decodedSize.size here, but no, Linux only plays the video when cropped size is passed there.
            // The size of the output buffers actually created by that Linux ain't cropped. Crazy stuff.
            CSize px = decodedSize.cropRect.size;

            // Set stride to be a multiple of 4 bytes, GLES requirement on Pi4
            int stride = (px.cx + 3) & (~3);

            sPixelFormatMP pmp = new sPixelFormatMP()
                size             = px,
                pixelFormat      = ePixelFormat.NV12,
                field            = eField.Progressive,
                colorSpace       = eColorSpace.BT709,
                numPlanes        = 2,
                encoding         = (byte)eYCbCrEncoding.BT709,
                quantization     = eQuantization.FullRange,
                transferFunction = eTransferFunction.BT_709,

            pmp.setPlaneFormat(0, new sPlanePixelFormat()
                sizeImage = px.cy * stride, bytesPerLine = stride
            pmp.setPlaneFormat(1, new sPlanePixelFormat()
                sizeImage = px.cy * stride / 2, bytesPerLine = stride
 protected abstract void initRendering(IRenderDevice device, Nv12Texture[] textures, ref sDecodedVideoSize videoSize);
        /// <summary>Load an mp4 media file; this runs on a background thread from the thread pool.</summary>
        void loadMediaImpl(string url, TaskCompletionSource <bool> completionSource)
                // Deal with paths starting from "~/", transform that into user's home folder
                if (url.StartsWith("~/"))
                    string rel  = url.Substring(2);
                    string home = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
                    url = Path.Combine(home, rel);

                // Parse the complete MP4, except the largest `mdat` box which has the actual payload of the video.
                file = OpenMedia.openMedia(File.OpenRead(url));

                if (!shutdownHandle)
                    shutdownHandle = EventHandle.create();

                // Initialize the video
                if (null == file.videoTrack)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The file doesn’t have a video track");
                decoder = new StatefulVideoDecoder(h264.device, shutdownHandle);

                int videoEncodedBuffers = encodedBuffersCount;
                int audioEncodedBuffers = this.audioEncodedBuffers;

                decoder.initialize(file.videoTrack, videoEncodedBuffers);
                decodedSize = file.videoTrack.decodedSize;
                decoder.captureSetup(file.videoTrack, decodedBuffersCount, decodedSize);

                // Initialize the audio
                audioPlayer = null;
                if (null != file.audioTrack)
                        audioPlayer = Audio.Player.create(file.audioTrack, audioEncodedBuffers, shutdownHandle);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Logger.logError( ex.ToString() );
                        ex.logError("Error initializing audio");
                    Logger.logWarning("The file doesn’t have an audio track");

                // Initialize presentation clock source
                if (null != audioPlayer)
                    // Use audio player for the source of presentation time
                    if (displayRefresh.HasValue)
                        presentationClock = new Clocks.AudioWithTimer(decoder, audioPlayer, displayRefresh.Value);
                        presentationClock = new Clocks.Audio(decoder, audioPlayer);
                    // Use eClock.Monotonic OS clock for presentation time
                    presentationClock = new Clocks.Video(decoder);
                m_state = eState.Prepared;
                if (m_autoPlay)

            catch (Exception ex)