private static void FindSharpComponentSections(VoxelMeshComponent component, NativeList <PackedIndex> componentIndices, NativeList <VoxelMeshComponentVertex> componentVertices, NativeList <SharpSection> sharpSections, NativeList <float3> sharpSectionNormals) { if (component.RegularFeature) { int sharpSectionStart = -1; float normalSumX = 0.0f; float normalSumY = 0.0f; float normalSumZ = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < component.Size * 2; i++) { int j = i % component.Size; PackedIndex index = componentIndices[component.Index + j]; float3 n = componentVertices[index].Normal; if (index.Is2DSharpFeature) { if (sharpSectionStart != -1) { float3 sharpSectionNormal = math.normalize(new float3(normalSumX, normalSumY, normalSumZ)); if (j < sharpSectionStart) { sharpSections.Add(new SharpSection(j, component.Size)); sharpSectionNormals.Add(sharpSectionNormal); sharpSections.Add(new SharpSection(1, sharpSectionStart)); sharpSectionNormals.Add(sharpSectionNormal); } else { sharpSections.Add(new SharpSection(sharpSectionStart, j)); sharpSectionNormals.Add(sharpSectionNormal); } } sharpSectionStart = j; normalSumX = normalSumY = normalSumZ = 0.0f; } else if (sharpSectionStart != -1 && index.IsNormalSet) { normalSumX += n.x; normalSumY += n.y; normalSumZ += n.z; } } } }
public static void DrawDebugGizmos <TCell, TColorMap>( Vector3 position, Matrix4x4 transform, List <VoxelMeshComponent> components, List <PackedIndex> componentIndices, List <VoxelMeshComponentVertex> componentVertices, ref TCell voxelCell, TColorMap materialColors, Mesh voxelMesh = null) where TCell : struct, IVoxelCell where TColorMap : struct, IMaterialColorMap { Matrix4x4 translatedTransform = Matrix4x4.Translate(position) * transform; Gizmos.matrix = translatedTransform; if (voxelMesh != null) { Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 0, 0); Gizmos.DrawWireMesh(voxelMesh); } Gizmos.matrix = transform; for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) { var component = components[i]; if (component.RegularFeature) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(component.FeatureVertex, 0.015f); Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 1, 0); Gizmos.DrawSphere(component.FeatureVertex, 0.01f); } else if (component.MaterialTransitionFeature) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(component.FeatureVertex, 0.015f); Gizmos.color = new Color(0.2f, 0.8f, 1); Gizmos.DrawSphere(component.FeatureVertex, 0.01f); } //Centroid/Feature point normal if (!component.RegularFeature) { float3 triangleFanCenter =; int vertexCount = 0; for (int j = component.Index; j < component.Index + component.Size; j++) { triangleFanCenter += (float3)componentVertices[componentIndices[j]].Position; vertexCount++; } triangleFanCenter *= 1f / vertexCount; float3 fullAverageNormal =; for (int j = component.Index; j < component.Index + component.Size; j++) { PackedIndex packedIndex = componentIndices[j]; if (packedIndex.IsNormalSet) { VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex = componentVertices[packedIndex]; fullAverageNormal += meshVertex.Normal / math.length(meshVertex.Position - triangleFanCenter); } } fullAverageNormal = math.normalize(fullAverageNormal); Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 0, 1); Gizmos.DrawRay(component.FeatureVertex, fullAverageNormal * 0.25f); } //TODO Render individual normals for RegularFeatures for (int j = component.Index; j < component.Index + component.Size; j++) { var packedIndex = componentIndices[j]; if (packedIndex.IsMaterialTransition) { var meshVertex = componentVertices[packedIndex]; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(meshVertex.Position, 0.015f); Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 1, 1); Gizmos.DrawSphere(meshVertex.Position, 0.01f); Gizmos.DrawRay(meshVertex.Position, meshVertex.Normal * 0.25f); } } } float width = voxelCell.GetWidth(); float height = voxelCell.GetHeight(); float depth = voxelCell.GetDepth(); Gizmos.matrix = translatedTransform; Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 0, 0); Gizmos.DrawWireCube(new Vector3(width / 2f, height / 2f, depth / 2f), new Vector3(width, height, depth)); Gizmos.matrix = transform; foreach (VoxelCellFace face in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VoxelCellFace))) { var cellCount = voxelCell.GetCellFaceCount(face); for (int k = 0; k < cellCount; k++) { int cell = voxelCell.GetCellFace(face, k); CellInfo info = voxelCell.GetInfo(cell); var edges = voxelCell.GetEdges(cell); var materials = voxelCell.GetMaterials(cell); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var edge = edges[i]; float cx, cy; switch (i) { default: case 0: cx = 0; cy = 0; break; case 1: cx = info.Width; cy = 0; break; case 2: cx = info.Width; cy = info.Height; break; case 3: cx = 0; cy = info.Height; break; } Vector3 cornerPos = info.Position + face.BasisX() * cx + face.BasisY() * cy; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawCube(cornerPos, 0.06f *; Gizmos.color = materialColors.GetColor(materials[i]); Gizmos.DrawCube(cornerPos, 0.05f *; if (voxelCell.HasIntersection(cell, edge)) { var intersection = voxelCell.GetIntersection(cell, edge); float ix, iy; switch (i) { default: case 0: ix = intersection; iy = 0; break; case 1: ix = info.Width; iy = intersection; break; case 2: ix = info.Width - intersection; iy = info.Height; break; case 3: ix = 0; iy = info.Height - intersection; break; } Vector3 intersectionPos = info.Position + face.BasisX() * ix + face.BasisY() * iy; float3 edgeStart, edgeEnd; switch (i) { default: case 0: edgeStart = info.Position; edgeEnd = info.Position + face.BasisX() * 1; break; case 1: edgeStart = info.Position + face.BasisX() * 1; edgeEnd = info.Position + face.BasisX() * 1 + face.BasisY() * 1; break; case 2: edgeStart = info.Position + face.BasisX() * 1 + face.BasisY() * 1; edgeEnd = info.Position + face.BasisY() * 1; break; case 3: edgeStart = info.Position + face.BasisY() * 1; edgeEnd = info.Position; break; } Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawRay(edgeStart, edgeEnd - edgeStart); Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawSphere(intersectionPos, 0.015f); Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 0, 1); Gizmos.DrawSphere(intersectionPos, 0.01f); Vector3 normal = voxelCell.GetNormal(cell, edge); Gizmos.DrawRay(intersectionPos, normal * 0.25f); Camera cam = Camera.current; if (cam != null) { int facing = GetFacing(cam.transform.forward); Vector3 planeX; Vector3 planeY; Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 0, 0); switch (facing) { default: case 0: planeX = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); planeY = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.001f, 0.085f, 0.085f)); Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 0, 0); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.001f, 0.075f, 0.075f)); break; case 1: planeX = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); planeY = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.085f, 0.001f, 0.085f)); Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 1, 0); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.075f, 0.001f, 0.075f)); break; case 2: planeX = new Vector3(1, 0, 0); planeY = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.085f, 0.085f, 0.001f)); Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 0, 1); Gizmos.DrawCube(intersectionPos, new Vector3(0.075f, 0.075f, 0.001f)); break; } Vector3 projectedNormal = planeX * Vector3.Dot(planeX, normal) + planeY * Vector3.Dot(planeY, normal); projectedNormal.Normalize(); Gizmos.DrawRay(intersectionPos, projectedNormal * 0.15f); } } } } } Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; Gizmos.color = new Color(1, 1, 1); }
public static void Tessellate(VoxelMeshComponent component, NativeList <PackedIndex> componentIndices, NativeList <VoxelMeshComponentVertex> componentVertices, Matrix4x4 transform, NativeList <float3> vertices, int freeTriIndex, NativeList <int> triIndices, NativeList <float3> normals, NativeList <int> materials, NativeDeduplicationCache dedupeCache) { float3 triangleFanCenter; if (component.Feature) { triangleFanCenter = component.FeatureVertex; } else { triangleFanCenter =; int vertexCount = 0; for (int i = component.Index; i < component.Index + component.Size; i++) { triangleFanCenter += (float3)componentVertices[componentIndices[i]].Position; vertexCount++; } triangleFanCenter *= 1f / vertexCount; } if (component.RegularFeature) { var sharpSections = new NativeList <SharpSection>(Allocator.Temp); var sharpSectionNormals = new NativeList <float3>(Allocator.Temp); FindSharpComponentSections(component, componentIndices, componentVertices, sharpSections, sharpSectionNormals); for (int i = component.Index; i < component.Index + component.Size; i++) { PackedIndex packedIndex1 = componentIndices[i]; VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex1 = componentVertices[packedIndex1]; float3 v1 = meshVertex1.Position; float3 n1 = meshVertex1.Normal; int m1 = meshVertex1.Material; PackedIndex packedIndex2 = componentIndices[component.Index + ((i + 1 - component.Index) % component.Size)]; VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex2 = componentVertices[packedIndex2]; float3 v2 = meshVertex2.Position; float3 n2 = meshVertex2.Normal; int m2 = meshVertex2.Material; float3 faceAverageNormal =; if (packedIndex1.IsNormalSet) { faceAverageNormal += n1 / math.length(v1 - triangleFanCenter); } if (packedIndex2.IsNormalSet) { faceAverageNormal += n2 / math.length(v2 - triangleFanCenter); } faceAverageNormal = math.normalize(faceAverageNormal); float3 triangleFanCenterNormal =; bool triangleFanCenterNormalSet = false; //Find the normal of the section we're in for (int count = sharpSections.Length, j = 0; j < count; j++) { SharpSection section = sharpSections[j]; if (i >= section.startIndex && i < section.endIndex) { triangleFanCenterNormal = sharpSectionNormals[j]; triangleFanCenterNormalSet = true; } } if (!triangleFanCenterNormalSet) { triangleFanCenterNormal = faceAverageNormal; } var outV2 = transform.MultiplyPoint(triangleFanCenter); var outN2 = transform.MultiplyVector(triangleFanCenterNormal); var outV1 = transform.MultiplyPoint(v1); float3 outN1; if (packedIndex1.IsNormalSet) { outN1 = transform.MultiplyVector(n1); } else { outN1 = outN2; } if (Deduplicate(outV1, outN1, m1, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI1)) { triIndices.Add(outI1); } else { vertices.Add(outV1); normals.Add(outN1); materials.Add(m1); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } if (Deduplicate(outV2, outN2, m1, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI2)) { triIndices.Add(outI2); } else { vertices.Add(outV2); normals.Add(outN2); materials.Add(m1); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } var outV3 = transform.MultiplyPoint(v2); float3 outN3; if (packedIndex2.IsNormalSet) { outN3 = transform.MultiplyVector(n2); } else { outN3 = outN2; } if (Deduplicate(outV3, outN3, m2, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI3)) { triIndices.Add(outI3); } else { vertices.Add(outV3); normals.Add(outN3); materials.Add(m2); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } } DisposeManaged(sharpSections); DisposeManaged(sharpSectionNormals); } else { float3 fullAverageNormal =; for (int i = component.Index; i < component.Index + component.Size; i++) { PackedIndex packedIndex = componentIndices[i]; if (packedIndex.IsNormalSet) { VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex = componentVertices[packedIndex]; fullAverageNormal += meshVertex.Normal / math.length(meshVertex.Position - triangleFanCenter); } } fullAverageNormal = math.normalize(fullAverageNormal); for (int i = component.Index; i < component.Index + component.Size; i++) { PackedIndex packedIndex1 = componentIndices[i]; VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex1 = componentVertices[packedIndex1]; float3 v1 = meshVertex1.Position; float3 n1 = meshVertex1.Normal; int m1 = meshVertex1.Material; PackedIndex packedIndex2 = componentIndices[component.Index + ((i + 1 - component.Index) % component.Size)]; VoxelMeshComponentVertex meshVertex2 = componentVertices[packedIndex2]; float3 v2 = meshVertex2.Position; float3 n2 = meshVertex2.Normal; int m2 = meshVertex2.Material; float3 faceAverageNormal =; if (packedIndex1.IsNormalSet) { faceAverageNormal += n1 / math.length(v1 - triangleFanCenter); } if (packedIndex2.IsNormalSet) { faceAverageNormal += n2 / math.length(v2 - triangleFanCenter); } faceAverageNormal = math.normalize(faceAverageNormal); var outV1 = transform.MultiplyPoint(v1); float3 outN1; if (packedIndex1.IsNormalSet) { outN1 = transform.MultiplyVector(n1); } else { outN1 = transform.MultiplyVector(faceAverageNormal); } if (Deduplicate(outV1, outN1, m1, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI1)) { triIndices.Add(outI1); } else { vertices.Add(outV1); normals.Add(outN1); materials.Add(m1); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } var outV2 = transform.MultiplyPoint(triangleFanCenter); var outN2 = transform.MultiplyVector(fullAverageNormal); if (Deduplicate(outV2, outN2, m1, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI2)) { triIndices.Add(outI2); } else { vertices.Add(outV2); normals.Add(outN2); materials.Add(m1); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } var outV3 = transform.MultiplyPoint(v2); float3 outN3; if (packedIndex2.IsNormalSet) { outN3 = transform.MultiplyVector(n2); } else { outN3 = transform.MultiplyVector(faceAverageNormal); } if (Deduplicate(outV3, outN3, m2, freeTriIndex, dedupeCache, out int outI3)) { triIndices.Add(outI3); } else { vertices.Add(outV3); normals.Add(outN3); materials.Add(m2); triIndices.Add(freeTriIndex); freeTriIndex++; } } } }