        public override DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            const string SqlSelectAllPaged = @"
            SELECT {0}
              FROM {1}
              OFFSET @__skiprows ROWS
              FETCH NEXT @__maxrows ROWS ONLY;

              var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
              //Build column list
              var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectAllPaged");
              var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
              var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
              //Build Order by
              string strOrderBy = string.Empty;
              if (table.DefaultOrderBy == null)
              strOrderBy = "ORDER BY " + table.PrimaryKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList() ;
            strOrderBy = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
              var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectAllPaged, strColumns, table.FullName, strOrderBy);
              var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, sql);
              cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
              return cmdInfo;
        public override DbCommandInfo BuildSelectByKeyArrayCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            if (DbModel.Config.Options.IsSet(DbOptions.ForceArraysAsLiterals))
            return base.BuildSelectByKeyArrayCommand(entityCommand);

              const string SqlSelectByFkTemplate = @"
            SELECT {0}
              FROM {1}
              WHERE {2}
              var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
              var dbKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(entityCommand.SelectKey);
              Util.Check(dbKey.KeyColumns.Count == 1, "Cannot construct SelectByKeyArray command for composite keys. Key: {0}", dbKey);
              var keyCols = dbKey.KeyColumns.GetNames(removeUnderscores: true);
              var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectByArrayOf", keyCols);
              var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, null);
              //Build column list
              var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
              var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
              //build WHERE clause
              var whereExpr = dbKey.KeyColumns[0].Column.ColumnName + " IN (SELECT [Value] FROM " + cmdInfo.Parameters[0].Name + ")";
              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entityCommand.Filter))
            whereExpr = whereExpr + " AND " + ProcessFilter(entityCommand, table);
              string orderByExpr = null;
              if (dbKey.KeyType == KeyType.PrimaryKey)
            orderByExpr = null;
            orderByExpr = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
              var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectByFkTemplate, strColumns, table.FullName, whereExpr, orderByExpr);
              //Damn postgres reformats the SQL in stored proc body and this screws up comparison; so we are careful here
              sql = sql.Trim() + ";";
              cmdInfo.Sql = sql;
              cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
              return cmdInfo;
 public DbCommandInfo BuildCommand(DbSqlBuilder dbSqlBuilder, EntityCommand entityCommand)
     switch(entityCommand.Kind) {
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAll:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSelectAllCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAllPaged:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKey:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSelectByKeyCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyArray:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSelectByKeyArrayCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyManyToMany:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSelectManyToManyCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.Insert:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSqlInsertCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.Update:
     case EntityCommandKind.PartialUpdate:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSqlUpdateCommand(entityCommand);
     case EntityCommandKind.Delete:
       return dbSqlBuilder.BuildSqlDeleteCommand(entityCommand);
       // it is custom command - should be compiled on the fly
       return null;
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlDeleteCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     var hasRowVersion = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasRowVersion);
       if (hasRowVersion)
     return BuildSqlDeleteCommandWithConcurrencyCheck(entityCommand);
     return base.BuildSqlDeleteCommand(entityCommand);
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(EntityCommand entCommand)
     switch(_version) {
     case MsSqlVersion.V2012:
       return BuildSelectAllPagedCommand2012(entCommand);
     case MsSqlVersion.V2008:
       return BuildSelectAllPagedCommand2008(entCommand);
 public IList<EntityRecord> ExecuteSelect(EntitySession session, EntityCommand command, object[] args)
     IList<EntityRecord> records;
       if(Cache != null && Cache.TryExecuteSelect(session, command, args, out records))
       return records;
       records = Database.ExecuteSelect(session, command, args);
       if(Cache != null)
       return records;
 public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
       var ent = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;
       if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity)) {
     //Add actions to read identity value
     var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
     if (idPrm != null)
       return cmdInfo;
        //Creates default implementation for servers that do not support array parameters.
        // The command is implemented as templated SQL
        public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectByKeyArrayCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            const string SqlSelectByFkTemplate = @"
            SELECT {0} {1}
              FROM {2}
              WHERE {3}
              var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
              var dbKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(entityCommand.SelectKey);
              if (dbKey.KeyColumns.Count > 1)
            return null;
              var keyCol = dbKey.KeyColumns[0].Column.ColumnName;
              var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectByArrayOf_", keyCol);
              var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
              var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, null, descrTag);
              cmdInfo.IsTemplatedSql = true;

              //Build column list
              var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
              var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
              //build WHERE clause

              var whereExpr = '"' + keyCol + '"' + " IN ({0})"; //this {0} will remain in a template
              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entityCommand.Filter))
            whereExpr = whereExpr + " AND " + ProcessFilter(entityCommand, table);
              string orderByExpr = null;
              if (dbKey.KeyType == KeyType.PrimaryKey)
            orderByExpr = null;
            orderByExpr = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
              string strTop = string.Empty;
              var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectByFkTemplate, strTop, strColumns, table.FullName, whereExpr, orderByExpr);
              sql = sql.Trim() + ";";
              cmdInfo.Sql = sql;
              cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
              //Create parameter for just-in-time formatting of SQL
              var entPrm = entityCommand.Parameters[0];
              Type elemType;
              Util.Check(entPrm.DataType.IsListOfDbPrimitive(out elemType), "Parameter is not list of primitives.");
              var elemTypeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(elemType, 0);
              Util.Check(elemTypeInfo != null, "Failed to get db type information for type {0}.", elemType);
              var prm = new DbParamInfo(entPrm, "(array)", 0);
              prm.ToLiteralConverter = (list) => ConvertList(list, elemTypeInfo);
              return cmdInfo;
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlInsertCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlInsertTemplate = @"
     INSERT INTO {0}
       bool useStoredProc = this.DbModel.Config.Options.IsSet(DbOptions.UseStoredProcs);
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       var idClause = string.Empty;
       var listColumns = new List<DbColumnInfo>();
       var listValues = new StringList();
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "Insert");
       var dbCmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.NonQuery, null);
       foreach (var prm in dbCmdInfo.Parameters) {
     var col = prm.SourceColumn;
     if (!col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.NoInsert)) {
     // identity
     if (col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity)) {
       if (useStoredProc)
     //append to stored proc
     idClause = string.Format("SET {0} = LAST_INSERT_ID();", prm.Name);
     dbCmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((conn, cmd, rec) => {
       var idCmd = conn.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
       idCmd.CommandText = "Select LAST_INSERT_ID();";
       idCmd.Transaction = conn.DbTransaction;
       var id = conn.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(idCmd, conn, DbExecutionType.Scalar); //it is decimal
       var intId = Convert.ChangeType(id, prm.SourceColumn.Member.DataType);
       rec.SetValueDirect(prm.SourceColumn.Member, intId);
     }//if identity
      // this.ModelConfig.Options.IsSet(DbOptions.us)
       //build SQL
       var strColumns = listColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       var strValues = string.Join(", ", listValues);
       dbCmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlInsertTemplate, table.FullName, strColumns, strValues, idClause);
       return dbCmdInfo;
        // Builds a SELECT command without paging. For now paging is provider-dependent.
        public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
              const string SqlSelectAllTemplate =
            @"SELECT {0}
            FROM {1}{2};"; //note: no space between 1 & 2
              //Build column list
              var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
              var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
              var strOrderBy = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
              //Pg SQL is picky about extra spaces - it removes space before ';' when saving stored proc, so let's be careful here
            strOrderBy = " " + strOrderBy;
              var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectAllTemplate, strColumns, table.FullName, strOrderBy);
              var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectAll");

              var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, sql);
              cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
              return cmdInfo;
 public override DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var cmdInfo = base.CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql);
       var ent = entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo;
       if (cmdInfo.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Insert && ent.Flags.IsSet(EntityFlags.HasIdentity)) {
     //Add actions to read identity value
     var idPrm = cmdInfo.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity));
     if (idPrm != null) {
       cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((conn, cmd, rec) => {
     var idCmd = conn.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
     idCmd.CommandText = "Select @@IDENTITY;";
     idCmd.Transaction = conn.DbTransaction;
     var id =  conn.Database.ExecuteDbCommand(idCmd, conn, DbExecutionType.Scalar); //it is decimal
     var intId = Convert.ChangeType(id, idPrm.SourceColumn.Member.DataType);
     rec.SetValueDirect(idPrm.SourceColumn.Member, intId);
     }//if IdPrm ...
       return cmdInfo;
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlSelectAllPaged = @"
     SELECT {0}
     FROM   {1}
     LIMIT @__maxRows
     OFFSET @__skipRows
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       //Build column list
       var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
       var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       string strOrderBy = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy); //might be empty
       var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectAllPaged, strColumns, table.FullName, strOrderBy);
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectAllPaged");
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, sql);
       cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
       return cmdInfo;
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     //Note: PgSql cuts-off some trailing spaces on lines, and the stored proc comparison might fail in
       // Db model comparer - identical procs are detected as different. So do not add trailing spaces anywhere
       const string SqlSelectAllPaged = @"
     SELECT {0}
     FROM   {1}
     OFFSET {3}__skipRows
     LIMIT {3}__maxRows;";
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       //Build column list
       var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
       var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       string strOrderBy = (table.DefaultOrderBy == null) ? "ORDER BY (SELECT 1)" : BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
       var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();
       var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectAllPaged, strColumns, table.FullName, strOrderBy, prmPrefix);
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectAllPaged");
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, sql);
       cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
       return cmdInfo;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
       var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql, descrTag);
       //Create parameters from entity command parameters
       var policy = DbModel.Config.NamingPolicy;
       var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();
       for(int i=0; i< entityCommand.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var entParam = entityCommand.Parameters[i];
     var paramName = prmPrefix + policy.ConstructDbParameterName(entParam.Name);
     DbParamInfo prmInfo;
     if (entParam.SourceMember != null) {
       var col = mainTable.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Member == entParam.SourceMember);
       Util.Check(col != null, "Failed to find Db column for member {0}, entity {1}.", entParam.SourceMember.MemberName, mainTable.Entity.Name);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, col, i);
     } else {
       var typeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(entParam.DataType, entParam.Size);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, typeInfo, i);
     // SQL CE does not support output parameters
     if (!this.DbModel.Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OutputParameters))
       prmInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
     if (prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
       cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((con, cmd, rec) => {
     var prm = (IDbDataParameter) cmd.Parameters[prmInfo.Name];
     rec.SetValueDirect(prmInfo.SourceColumn.Member, prm.Value);
       }//foreach entParam
       return cmdInfo;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSqlUpdateCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlUpdateTemplate =
     @"UPDATE {0}
       SET {1}
     WHERE {2};";
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       if (entityCommand == null)
     return null;
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "Update");
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.NonQuery, null);
       var pkParams = cmdInfo.Parameters.Where(p => p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.PrimaryKey));
       // find members to update. For partial update, with explicitly specified members to update, we ignore NoUpdate flag
       var excludeFlags = DbColumnFlags.PrimaryKey;
       if (entityCommand.Kind == EntityCommandKind.Update)
     excludeFlags |= DbColumnFlags.NoUpdate;
       var updateParams = cmdInfo.Parameters.Where(p => !p.SourceColumn.Flags.IsSet(excludeFlags));
       // Some tables (like many-to-many link entities) might have no columns to update
       if (!updateParams.Any())
     return null;
       //Build Where expression
       var whereExpr = BuildWhereClause(pkParams.ToList());
       //Build Update clause
       var qt = "\"";
       var updList = new StringList();
       foreach (var prm in updateParams)
     updList.Add(qt + prm.SourceColumn.ColumnName + qt + " = " + prm.Name);
       var strUpdates = string.Join(", ", updList);
       //Build SQL
       cmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlUpdateTemplate, table.FullName, strUpdates, whereExpr);
       return cmdInfo;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSqlInsertCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlInsertTemplate = "INSERT INTO {0} \r\n  ({1}) \r\n  VALUES \r\n    ({2});";
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       var idClause = string.Empty;
       var listColumns = new List<DbColumnInfo>();
       var listValues = new StringList();
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "Insert");
       var dbCmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.NonQuery, null);
       foreach (var prm in dbCmdInfo.Parameters) {
     var col = prm.SourceColumn;
     if (!col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.NoInsert)) {
       //build SQL
       var strColumns = listColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       var strValues = string.Join(", ", listValues);
       dbCmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlInsertTemplate, table.FullName, strColumns, strValues) + idClause;
       return dbCmdInfo;
 public IList<EntityRecord> ExecuteSelect(EntitySession session, EntityCommand command, object[] args)
     EntityInfo entInfo = command.TargetEntityInfo;
       var dbCommandInfo = GetDbCommandInfo(command);
       if (dbCommandInfo == null) {
     //check if it is request for SelectAllPaged and driver does not support paging - then substitute with SelecAll
     if (command == entInfo.CrudCommands.SelectAllPaged)
       dbCommandInfo = GetDbCommandInfo(entInfo.CrudCommands.SelectAll);
       if (dbCommandInfo == null)
     Util.Throw("Db command not found for entity command " + command.CommandName);
       var conn = GetConnection(session);
       try {
     var cmd = CreateDbCommand(dbCommandInfo, conn);
     if (dbCommandInfo.IsTemplatedSql)
       FormatTemplatedSql(dbCommandInfo, cmd, args);
       SetCommandParameterValues(dbCommandInfo, cmd, args);
     var records = new List<EntityRecord>();
     var result = ExecuteDbCommand(cmd, conn, DbExecutionType.Reader,
       (reader) => {
       records.Add(dbCommandInfo.EntityMaterializer.ReadRecord(reader, session));
     return records.Count;
     return records;
       } catch {
     ReleaseConnection(conn, true);
 internal void OnExecutedSelect(EntitySession session, EntityCommand command)
     if (ExecutedSelect != null)
     ExecutedSelect(session, new EntityCommandEventArgs(session, command));
 //Produces Descriptive tag that identifies the proc and its purpose. It is used to map proc in the database to CRUD entity command
 public string GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(EntityCommand command)
     var table =  DbModel.GetTable(command.TargetEntityType, throwIfNotFound: false);
       Util.Check(table != null, "Target Db table not found for entity command {0}", command);
       var tag = "CRUD/" + table.FullName + "/" + command.Kind;
       switch(command.Kind) {
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAll:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAllPaged:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKey:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyArray:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyManyToMany:
       var dbKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(command.SelectKey);
       tag += "/" + string.Join(",", dbKey.KeyColumns);
     case EntityCommandKind.CustomSelect:
     case EntityCommandKind.CustomInsert:
     case EntityCommandKind.CustomUpdate:
     case EntityCommandKind.CustomDelete:
       tag += "/" + command.CommandName;
     case EntityCommandKind.PartialUpdate:
       tag += "/" + string.Join(string.Empty, command.UpdateMemberNames);
       if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.Filter))
     tag += "/Filter:" + command.Filter;
       return tag;
 protected virtual string ProcessFilter(EntityCommand command, DbTableInfo table)
     var filter = command.Filter;
       if (filter == null || !filter.Contains('{'))
     return filter;
       foreach (var col in table.Columns) {
     var name = "{" + col.Member.MemberName + "}";
     if (!filter.Contains(name))
     var colRef = '"' + col.ColumnName + '"';
     filter = filter.Replace(name, colRef);
       filter = "(" + filter + ")";
       return filter;
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlInsertCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlInsertTemplate = @"
     INSERT INTO {0}
     {3} {4}
       const string SqlGetIdentityTemplate = "\r\nSET {0} = SCOPE_IDENTITY();";
       const string SqlGetRowVersionTemplate = "\r\nSET {0} = @@DBTS;";
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       var idClause = string.Empty;
       var rvClause = string.Empty;
       var listColumns = new List<DbColumnInfo>();
       var listValues = new StringList();
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "Insert");
       var dbCmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.NonQuery, null);
       foreach (var prm in dbCmdInfo.Parameters) {
     var col = prm.SourceColumn;
     if (col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity))
       idClause = string.Format(SqlGetIdentityTemplate, prm.Name);
     if (col.Member.Flags.IsSet(EntityMemberFlags.RowVersion))
       rvClause = string.Format(SqlGetRowVersionTemplate, prm.Name);
     if (!col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.NoInsert)) {
       //build SQL
       var strColumns = listColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       var strValues = string.Join(", ", listValues);
       dbCmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlInsertTemplate, table.FullName, strColumns, strValues, idClause, rvClause);
       return dbCmdInfo;
 // Paging is provider-specific.  Drivers should overwrite this method to implement paging.
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectAllPagedCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     return null;
 private void LogCommand(EntitySession session, EntityCommand command, object[] args, CacheType cachingType, long time, int rowCount)
     var logEntry = new CacheCommandLogEntry(session.Context, command.CommandName, args, _timeService.UtcNow, time, rowCount, cachingType);
 public DbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string commandName, DbTableInfo table, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql, string tag)
     : base(table.DbModel, table.Schema, DbObjectType.Command, entityCommand)
     EntityCommand = entityCommand;
       CommandName = commandName;
       Table = table;
       ExecutionType = executionType;
       Sql = sql;
       Description = EntityCommand.Description;
       DescriptiveTag = tag;
       //derived entities
       FullCommandName = Table.DbModel.Driver.GetFullName(Schema, CommandName);
       Kind = entityCommand.Kind;
       var dbModel = table.DbModel;
       if(Table != null)
       base.GlobalName = DbModelHelper.GetGlobalName(Schema, commandName);
        public bool TryExecuteSelect(EntitySession session, EntityCommand command, object[] args, out IList<EntityRecord> records)
            records = _empty;
              if(!Settings.CacheEnabled || session.CacheDisabled)
            return false;
              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.Filter))
            return false;
              var cachingType = command.TargetEntityInfo.CacheType;
              if(cachingType == CacheType.None)
            return false;
              switch(cachingType) {
            case CacheType.None: return false;
            case CacheType.FullSet:
              var start = _timeService.ElapsedMilliseconds;
              var result = _fullSetCache.TryExecuteSelect(session, command, args, out records);
              if(result) {
            var end = _timeService.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            var rowCount = records == null ? 0 : records.Count;
            LogCommand(session, command, args, cachingType, end - start, rowCount);
              return result;

            case CacheType.Sparse:
              var getByPk = command.Kind == EntityCommandKind.SelectByKey && command.SelectKey.KeyType.IsSet(KeyType.PrimaryKey);
              if(getByPk) {
            var pk = new EntityKey(command.SelectKey, args);
            var rec = _sparseCache.Lookup(pk, session);
            if(rec != null) {
              records = new EntityRecord[] { rec };
              LogCommand(session, command, args, cachingType, 0, 1);
              return true;
              return false;
              return false;
 public EntityCommandEventArgs(IEntitySession session, EntityCommand command)
     : base(session)
     Command = command;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectByKeyCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlSelectByFkTemplate = @"
     SELECT {0} {1}
       FROM {2}
       WHERE {3}
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       var dbKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(entityCommand.SelectKey);
       var keyCols = dbKey.KeyColumns.GetNames(removeUnderscores: true);
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectBy", keyCols);
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, null);
       //Build column list
       var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
       var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
       //build WHERE clause
       var whereExpr = BuildWhereClause(cmdInfo.Parameters);
       if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entityCommand.Filter))
     whereExpr = whereExpr + " AND " + ProcessFilter(entityCommand, table);
       string orderByExpr = null;
       if (dbKey.KeyType == KeyType.PrimaryKey)
     orderByExpr = null;
     orderByExpr = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
       string strTop = string.Empty;
       var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectByFkTemplate, strTop, strColumns, table.FullName, whereExpr, orderByExpr);
       //Damn postgres reformats the SQL in stored proc body and this screws up comparison; so we are careful here
       sql = sql.Trim() + ";";
       cmdInfo.Sql = sql;
       cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
       return cmdInfo;
 private DbCommandInfo GetDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     var cmd = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbCommandInfo>(entityCommand);
       if (cmd == null) {
     Util.Throw("Command {0} not implemented by the database. Most likely driver does not support this type of command.", entityCommand.CommandName);
       return cmd;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectManyToManyCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlTemplate = @"
     SELECT {0}
       FROM {1} L INNER JOIN {2} T ON {3}
       WHERE {4}
       var parentRefKey = entityCommand.SelectKey;
       var targetRefKey = entityCommand.SelectKeySecondary;
       var targetTable = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo);
       var dbParentRefKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(parentRefKey);
       var dbTargetRefKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(targetRefKey);
       var linkTable = dbParentRefKey.Table;
       var parentRefColNames = dbParentRefKey.KeyColumns.GetNames(removeUnderscores: true);
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, targetTable.TableName, "SelectBy", parentRefColNames);
       // var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, targetTable, DbExecutionType.Reader, null);
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, linkTable, DbExecutionType.Reader, null);
       var outColumns = targetTable.Columns.GetSelectable();
       var strOutColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList("T");
       var whereExpr = BuildWhereClause(cmdInfo.Parameters, "L");
       var orderByExpr = BuildOrderBy(linkTable.DefaultOrderBy, "L");
       string joinOnClause = BuildJoinClause(dbTargetRefKey, targetTable.PrimaryKey, "L", "T");
       cmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlTemplate, strOutColumns, linkTable.FullName, targetTable.FullName, joinOnClause, whereExpr, orderByExpr);
       cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(targetTable, outColumns);
       return cmdInfo;
 public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSqlDeleteCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
     const string SqlDeleteTemplate = "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1};";
       var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
       //Load by primary key
       var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "Delete");
       var cmdInfo = CreateDbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.NonQuery, null);
       var strWhere = BuildWhereClause(cmdInfo.Parameters);
       cmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlDeleteTemplate, table.FullName, strWhere);
       return cmdInfo;
 public void AddCommand(EntityCommand command)