private void SankeyExecutor([NotNull] SingleSankeyArrow arrow, [NotNull] FileInfo fi)
#pragma warning disable IDE0067 // Dispose objects before losing scope
#pragma warning disable CA2000  // Dispose objects before losing scope
            var process = new Process();
#pragma warning restore CA2000  // Dispose objects before losing scope
#pragma warning restore IDE0067 // Dispose objects before losing scope
            var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
                WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
                WorkingDirectory       = arrow.FullTargetDirectory(),
                FileName               = "c:\\python37\\python.exe",
                Arguments              = fi.Name,
                UseShellExecute        = false,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                RedirectStandardError  = true
            startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
            process.StartInfo     = startInfo;
            while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                var line = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                Info(line ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
                // do something with line

            while (!process.StandardError.EndOfStream)
                var line = process.StandardError.ReadLine();
                Info(line ?? throw new InvalidOperationException());
                // do something with line
        public void Run([NotNull] SingleSankeyArrow arrow)
            var fi = new FileInfo(arrow.FullPyFileName());

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fi.FullName)) {
                sw.WriteLine("import matplotlib.pyplot as plt");
                sw.WriteLine("from matplotlib.sankey import Sankey");
                sw.WriteLine("plt.rcParams[\"figure.figsize\"] = (16,10)");
                sw.WriteLine("sankey = Sankey(gap=" + arrow.TrunkLength / 2 + ")"); //head_angle = 180
                sw.WriteLine("# block A");
                sw.WriteLine("sankey.add(flows =[" + arrow.GetFlows() + "],");
                sw.WriteLine("orientations =[" + arrow.GetDirections() + "],");
                sw.WriteLine("labels =[" + arrow.GetNames() + "],");
                sw.WriteLine("pathlengths =[" + arrow.GetPathLengths() + "],");
                sw.WriteLine("trunklength = " + arrow.TrunkLength + ", alpha = 0.1)");

                sw.WriteLine("diagrams = sankey.finish()");
                sw.WriteLine("plt.savefig('" + arrow.ArrowName + ".png')");

            SankeyExecutor(arrow, fi);