/* BindingSource _bsTankOpen; GazOnDevEntities db2 = new GazOnDevEntities();*/ public TabkOpen() { InitializeComponent(); this.RightToLeft = Gizmox.WebGUI.Forms.RightToLeft.Yes; // _bsTankOpen = new BindingSource(typeof(Tank_Stocks), ""); txtTankNumber.Leave += new EventHandler(txtTankNumber_Leave); Tank_Stocks tanktofix; BindingList<invoiceitem> _currentinvoiceitems = new BindingList<invoiceitem>(); Invoice _currentinvoice = new Invoice(); using (GazOnDevEntities db= new GazOnDevEntities()) { dbconf= db.Configdbs.FirstOrDefault(); txtTankNumber.Text = dbconf.tanknumber; // must icrease id of invoice id ; } // textBox1.Leave += new EventHandler(textBox1_Leave); }
void txtinvoiceid_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (GazOnDevEntities db = new GazOnDevEntities()) { _currentinvoice = db.Invoices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.invoiceNumber == txtinvoiceid.Text); if ((null != _currentinvoice) && (_currentinvoice.id > 0)) { edit = true; MessageBox.Show("תעודת משלוח עם מספר כזה קיימת אתה עובר למצב עריכה"); // havetank = Convert.ToBoolean(_currentinvoice.havetank); // set buttun to disable //button1.Enabled = false; //btnReportPrint.Enabled = false; //btnPrint.Enabled = false; //btnupload.Enabled = false; //foreach (Control item in dataGridView1.Controls) //{ // item.Enabled = false; //} txtAddress.Text = _currentinvoice.address; txtTo.Text = _currentinvoice.C_to; txtCarNum.Text = _currentinvoice.carnum; DatetimePicker.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(_currentinvoice.date); txtinvoiceid.Text = _currentinvoice.invoiceNumber; txtCarTransporter.Text = _currentinvoice.transporter; txtTankNymber.Text = _currentinvoice.tankNumber; txtTankDescription.Text = _currentinvoice.tankDesc; // increase invoice id number var query = from p in db.invoiceitems where p.invoiceid == txtinvoiceid.Text orderby p.id ascending select p; _currentinvoiceitems = new BindingList<invoiceitem>(query.ToList<invoiceitem>()); bindingSource1.DataSource =_currentinvoiceitems; } else { // set buttns to enable edit = false; //btnReportPrint.Enabled = true; // btnPrint.Enabled = true; // btnupload.Enabled = true; // button1.Enabled = true; // havetank = false; // foreach (Control item in dataGridView1.Controls) // { // item.Enabled = true; // } } } }
private void btnReportPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (GazOnDevEntities db = new GazOnDevEntities()) { if (edit) { db.Attach(_currentinvoice); db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(_currentinvoice, EntityState.Modified); foreach (invoiceitem item in bindingSource1.List) { if (null != item.amount) { updateStockAmount(item); } db.Attach(item); db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(item, EntityState.Modified); } } else { foreach (invoiceitem item in bindingSource1.List) { //invoiceitem item = new invoiceitem(); ////stocklist. // item.invoiceid = txtinvoiceid.Text; if (null != item.amount) { updateStockAmount(item); } db.AddToinvoiceitems(item); } } //} dbconf.invoicelastid = (Convert.ToInt32(dbconf.invoicelastid) + 1).ToString(); db.Attach(dbconf); db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(dbconf, EntityState.Modified); if (edit) { } else { if (_currentinvoice == null) { _currentinvoice = new Invoice(); } _currentinvoice.address = txtAddress.Text; _currentinvoice.C_to = txtTo.Text; _currentinvoice.carnum = txtCarNum.Text; _currentinvoice.date = DatetimePicker.Value; _currentinvoice.invoiceNumber = txtinvoiceid.Text; _currentinvoice.tankNumber = tanktofix.TankNumber; _currentinvoice.tankDesc = txtTankDescription.Text; // increase invoice id number _currentinvoice.transporter = txtCarTransporter.Text; db.AddToInvoices(_currentinvoice); } if (db.SaveChanges() > 0) { // MessageBox.Show("פעולת ההוספה הצליחה"); frmReportTankRecipet tanko = new frmReportTankRecipet(Convert.ToInt32(_currentinvoice.invoiceNumber), "report3"); tanko.ShowDialog(); //btnOpenTank.Enabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("פעולת ההוספה נכשלה"); } } // btnOpenTank.Enabled = false; /* frmReportTankRecipet tanko = new frmReportTankRecipet(tanktofix.Id, "report3"); tanko.ShowDialog();*/ }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Invoice object. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Initial value of the id property.</param> public static Invoice CreateInvoice(global::System.Int32 id) { Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); invoice.id = id; return invoice; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the Invoices EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToInvoices(Invoice invoice) { base.AddObject("Invoices", invoice); }