// An array of this frame's parameters
        //  private VariableInformation[] m_parameters;

        // An array of this frame's locals
        // private VariableInformation[] m_locals;

        public AD7StackFrame(AD7Engine engine, DebuggedThread thread, SquirrelDebugContext ctx, SquirrelStackFrame squirrelsf)
            m_engine = engine;
            m_thread = thread;
            sqframe  = squirrelsf;
            this.ctx = ctx;
            //m_threadContext = threadContext;

            // Try to get source information for this location. If symbols for this file have not been found, this will fail.

            /*m_hasSource = m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetSourceInformation(
             *                                              m_threadContext.eip,
             *                                              ref m_documentName,
             *                                              ref m_functionName,
             *                                              ref m_lineNum,
             *                                              ref m_numParameters,
             *                                              ref m_numLocals);
             * // If source information is available, create the collections of locals and parameters and populate them with
             * // values from the debuggee.
             * if (m_hasSource)
             * {
             *  if (m_numParameters > 0)
             *  {
             *      m_parameters = new VariableInformation[m_numParameters];
             *      m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionArgumentsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_parameters);
             *  }
             *  if (m_numLocals > 0)
             *  {
             *      m_locals = new VariableInformation[m_numLocals];
             *      m_engine.DebuggedProcess.GetFunctionLocalsByIP(m_threadContext.eip, m_threadContext.ebp, m_locals);
             *  }
             * }*/
 internal string GetCurrentLocation()
     if (sqframes.Count > 0)
         SquirrelStackFrame sqsf = sqframes[0];
         string             ret  = sqsf.Function + ":" + sqsf.Line + " [" + sqsf.Source + "]";
        void BuildStackFrames(XmlNodeList xcalls, SquirrelDebugValue[] objstable, List <SquirrelStackFrame> frames)
            int nframe = 0;

            foreach (XmlElement call in xcalls)
                SquirrelStackFrame frame = new SquirrelStackFrame();
                frame.Address  = (ulong)nframe++;
                frame.Function = call.GetAttribute("fnc") + "()";
                frame.Source   = UnFixupPath(call.GetAttribute("src"));
                frame.Line     = Convert.ToInt32(call.GetAttribute("line"));
                if (frame.Source != "NATIVE")
                    foreach (XmlNode n in call.ChildNodes)
                        if (n.Name == "w")
                            SquirrelDebugObject watch = new SquirrelDebugObject();
                            XmlElement          loc   = (XmlElement)n;
                            watch.id   = Convert.ToUInt32(loc.GetAttribute("id"));
                            watch.Name = loc.GetAttribute("exp");
                            String             status = loc.GetAttribute("status");
                            SquirrelDebugValue theval;
                            if (status == "ok")
                                //String _typeof = loc.GetAttribute("typeof");
                                String type = loc.GetAttribute("type");
                                String val  = loc.GetAttribute("val");

                                if (type == "t" || type == "a" || type == "x" || type == "y")
                                    theval = objstable[Convert.ToInt32(val)];
                                    theval = new SquirrelDebugValue(val, UnpackType(type));
                                watch.Value = theval;
                                frame.Watches.Add(watch.Name, watch);

                             * {
                             *  theval = new SquirrelDebugValue("<cannot evaluate>", "<cannot evaluate>");
                             * }*/
                        if (n.Name == "l")
                            SquirrelDebugObject lvar = new SquirrelDebugObject();
                            XmlElement          loc  = (XmlElement)n;
                            lvar.Name = loc.GetAttribute("name");
                            String             type = loc.GetAttribute("type");
                            String             val  = loc.GetAttribute("val");
                            SquirrelDebugValue theval;
                            if (type == "t" || type == "a" || type == "x" || type == "y")
                                theval = objstable[Convert.ToInt32(val)];
                                theval = new SquirrelDebugValue(val, UnpackType(type));
                            lvar.Value = theval;