private void GetVnData() { try { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressText = "Processing"; LanguageCollection.Clear(); PlatformCollection.Clear(); OriginalLanguagesCollection.Clear(); VnInfoRelation.Clear(); VnInfoTagCollection.Clear(); VnInfoAnimeCollection.Clear(); TagDescription = String.Empty; using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { Globals.VnId = context.VnInfo.Where(t => t.Title == (_selectedVn)).Select(v => v.VnId).FirstOrDefault(); } if (Globals.VnId > 0) { UpdateViews(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Globals.Logger.Error(ex); Globals.StatusBar.ProgressText = String.Empty; throw; } }
private void ClearVnData() { TreeVnCategories.Clear(); LanguageCollection.Clear(); OriginalLanguagesCollection.Clear(); VnInfoRelation.Clear(); VnInfoTagCollection.Clear(); VnInfoAnimeCollection.Clear(); PlatformCollection.Clear(); VnMainModel.Name = String.Empty; VnMainModel.Original = String.Empty; VnMainModel.PlayTime = String.Empty; VnMainModel.LastPlayed = String.Empty; VnMainModel.Image = null; VnMainModel.Aliases = String.Empty; VnMainModel.Description = String.Empty; VnMainModel.Released = String.Empty; VnMainModel.Length = String.Empty; VnMainModel.VnIcon = null; VnMainModel.Popularity = 0; VnMainModel.Rating = 0; VnMainModel.Links = string.Empty; }
private void BindVnData() { IsMainBinding = true; try { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressText = "Loading Main Data"; double ProgressIncrement = 11.11111111111111; Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = 0; Globals.StatusBar.IsWorkProcessing = true; using (var context = new DatabaseContext()) { #region VnInfo foreach (VnInfo vnInfo in context.VnInfo.Where(t => t.Title == (_selectedVn))) { Globals.VnId = vnInfo.VnId; foreach (string language in GetLangauges(vnInfo.Languages)) { LanguageCollection.Add(new LanguagesCollection { VnMainModel = new VnMainModel { Languages = new BitmapImage(new Uri(language)) } }); } foreach (string platform in GetPlatforms(vnInfo.Platforms)) { PlatformCollection.Add(new PlatformCollection { VnMainModel = new VnMainModel { Platforms = new BitmapImage(new Uri(platform)) } }); } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } foreach (string language in GetLangauges(vnInfo.OriginalLanguage)) { OriginalLanguagesCollection.Add(new OriginalLanguagesCollection { VnMainModel = new VnMainModel { OriginalLanguages = new BitmapImage(new Uri(language)) } }); } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } VnMainModel.Description = ConvertTextBBcode.ConvertText(vnInfo.Description); if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } BindCoverImage(Convert.ToBoolean(vnInfo.ImageNsfw)); if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } VnMainModel.Name = vnInfo.Title; VnMainModel.Original = vnInfo.Original; VnMainModel.Released = vnInfo.Released; VnMainModel.Aliases = vnInfo.Aliases; switch (vnInfo.Length) { case "VeryShort": VnMainModel.Length = "Very short"; break; case "VeryLong": VnMainModel.Length = "Very long"; break; default: VnMainModel.Length = vnInfo.Length; break; } VnMainModel.Popularity = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(vnInfo.Popularity), 2); VnMainModel.Rating = Convert.ToInt32(vnInfo.Rating); break; } #endregion #region VnIcon VnMainModel.VnIcon = LoadIcon(); if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } #endregion #region VnAnime foreach (var anime in context.VnInfoAnime.Where(v => v.VnId == Globals.VnId)) { VnInfoAnimeCollection.Add( new VnInfoAnime { Title = anime.TitleEng, OriginalName = anime.TitleJpn, Year = anime.Year, AnimeType = anime.AnimeType, AniDb = $"{anime.AniDbId}", Ann = $"{anime.AnnId}", //TODO: AnimeNFo not added because of inconsistant url naming scheme }); } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } #endregion #region VnTags SetTags(); if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } #endregion #region VnLinks foreach (VnInfoLinks links in context.VnInfoLinks.Where(v => v.VnId == Globals.VnId)) { string wikipedia = String.Empty; string encubed = String.Empty; string renai = String.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(links.Wikipedia)) { wikipedia = $@"[url={links.Wikipedia}]Wikipedia[/url]"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(links.Encubed)) { encubed = $@"[url={links.Encubed}]Encubed[/url]"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(links.Renai)) { renai = $@"[url={links.Renai}]Renai[/url]"; } List <string> combinedList = new List <string> { wikipedia, encubed, renai }; string combined = string.Join(", ", combinedList.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))); VnMainModel.Links = combined; } #endregion #region VnRelations foreach (VnInfoRelations relation in context.VnInfoRelations.Where(v => v.VnId == Globals.VnId)) { VnInfoRelation.Add( new VnInfoRelation { Title = relation.Title, Original = relation.Original, Relation = relation.Relation, Official = relation.Official }); } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } #endregion #region VnUserData foreach (var userData in context.VnUserData.Where(v => v.VnId == Globals.VnId)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userData.LastPlayed)) { VnMainModel.LastPlayed = "Never"; } else { if ((Convert.ToDateTime(userData.LastPlayed) - DateTime.Today).Days > -7) //need to set to negative, for the difference in days { if (Convert.ToDateTime(userData.LastPlayed) == DateTime.Today) { VnMainModel.LastPlayed = "Today"; } else if ((Convert.ToDateTime(userData.LastPlayed) - DateTime.Today).Days > -2 && (Convert.ToDateTime(userData.LastPlayed) - DateTime.Today).Days < 0) { VnMainModel.LastPlayed = "Yesterday"; } else { VnMainModel.LastPlayed = Convert.ToDateTime(userData.LastPlayed).DayOfWeek.ToString(); } } else { VnMainModel.LastPlayed = userData.LastPlayed; } } string[] splitPlayTime = userData.PlayTime.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List <int> timeList = new List <int>(4); timeList.AddRange(splitPlayTime.Select(time => Convert.ToInt32(time))); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(timeList[0], timeList[1], timeList[2], timeList[3]); if (timeSpan < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1)) { VnMainModel.PlayTime = "Never"; } if (timeSpan < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 60)) { VnMainModel.PlayTime = "Less than 1 minute"; } else { string formatted = $"{(timeSpan.Duration().Days > 0 ? $"{timeSpan.Days:0} day{(timeSpan.Days == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")}, " : string.Empty)}" + $"{(timeSpan.Duration().Hours > 0 ? $"{timeSpan.Hours:0} hour{(timeSpan.Hours == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")}, " : string.Empty)}" + $"{(timeSpan.Duration().Minutes > 0 ? $"{timeSpan.Minutes:0} minute{(timeSpan.Minutes == 1 ? string.Empty : "s")} " : string.Empty)}"; VnMainModel.PlayTime = formatted; } } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = (double)Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage + ProgressIncrement; } #endregion } if (Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage != null) { Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = 100; } Globals.StatusBar.ProgressText = "Done"; Task.Delay(1500).Wait(); Globals.StatusBar.ProgressPercentage = null; Globals.StatusBar.IsDbProcessing = false; Globals.StatusBar.IsWorkProcessing = false; Globals.StatusBar.ProgressText = string.Empty; } catch (Exception exception) { Globals.Logger.Error(exception); throw; } finally { IsMainBinding = false; } }