protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { navigationHelper.OnNavigatedTo(e); vm = e.Parameter as VisitorManager; // Debug.WriteLine("Hey, it's ScheduledVisit2. I see you've handed me a visitor '" + vm.firstname + " " + vm.lastname + ", ID: " + vm.ID); // Debug.WriteLine("Their bemsid is: " + vm.bemsid); thisID = vm.ID; if (vm.PreScreenedByInitials != "") { togPrescreened.IsOn = true; } if(vm.bemsid != 0){ togBoeing.IsOn = true; lblCompBems.Text = "BEMSID"; txtCompBems.Text = vm.bemsid.ToString(); } if (vm.companyrepresented != null && vm.companyrepresented != "" && vm.bemsid == 0) { txtCompBems.Text = vm.companyrepresented; } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { navigationHelper.OnNavigatedTo(e); vm = e.Parameter as VisitorManager; //default to no boeing emp RadBoeEmpNo.IsChecked = true; if (vm.bemsid != 0) { //togPrescreened.IsOn = true; //txtCompany.Text = vm.bemsid.ToString(); if (RadBoeEmpYes != null) { RadBoeEmpYes.IsChecked = true; } txtCompany.Text = vm.bemsid.ToString(); } else { if (vm.companyrepresented!=null) { txtCompany.Text = vm.companyrepresented; } } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { navigationHelper.OnNavigatedTo(e); vm = e.Parameter as VisitorManager; if (vm != null) { vm.prerecorded = true; //? } }
private async void btnSave_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFirstName.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastName.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHost.Text)) { MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("All fields are required.", "Problem..."); msgbox.Commands.Clear(); msgbox.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 }); var res = await msgbox.ShowAsync(); } else { VisitorManager vm = new VisitorManager(); vm.firstname = txtFirstName.Text; vm.lastname = txtLastName.Text; vm.boeinghostname = txtHost.Text; TimeSpan ts = dpTime.Time; Debug.WriteLine("the time is " + ts); DateTimeOffset dto = dpDate.Date; DateTime dt = dto.DateTime; DateTime date = new DateTime(dpDate.Date.Year, dpDate.Date.Month, dpDate.Date.Day, dpTime.Time.Hours, dpTime.Time.Minutes, 00); // Debug.WriteLine("the date is " + date); vm.timein = date; vm.EnteredByAdminDate = DateTime.Now; vm.EnteredByAdmin = 1; vm.prerecorded = true; if (!alreadyEntered) { // Debug.WriteLine("adding the node"); await vm.record("Scheduled Visit"); } else { vm.ID = thisID; vm.bemsid = thisBEMS; vm.companyrepresented = company; vm.PreScreenedByInitials = screenedby; Debug.WriteLine("updating bemsid: " + vm.bemsid); // Debug.WriteLine("updating node" + vm.ID); await vm.update("Scheduled Visit"); } this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(ScheduleVisit2), vm); } }
private async void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //record the sign out VisitorManager vm = new VisitorManager(); vm.parsePerson(this.person); await vm.record("Sign Out"); this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(VisitorSignOutConfirmation2)); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { navigationHelper.OnNavigatedTo(e); vm = e.Parameter as VisitorManager; if (vm != null) { txtFirstName.Text = vm.firstname; txtLastName.Text = vm.lastname; //txtCompany.Text = vm.companyrepresented; txtHost.Text = vm.boeinghostname; //how about hte date dpDate.Date = DateTimeOffset.Parse(vm.timein.ToString()); dpTime.Time = TimeSpan.Parse(vm.timein.TimeOfDay.ToString()); alreadyEntered = true; thisID = vm.ID; thisBEMS = vm.bemsid; company = vm.companyrepresented; screenedby = vm.PreScreenedByInitials; Debug.WriteLine("Hello from " + vm.firstname + " " + vm.lastname + ", ID:" + vm.ID + " bemsid: " + vm.bemsid); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { navigationHelper.OnNavigatedTo(e); vm = e.Parameter as VisitorManager; if(vm!=null){ vm.prerecorded = true; txtFirstName.Text = vm.firstname; txtLastName.Text = vm.lastname; //txtCompany.Text = vm.companyrepresented; txtHost.Text = vm.boeinghostname; } }
private async void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //do form verification //save visitor info if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFirstName.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLastName.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtHost.Text) ){ MessageDialog msgbox = new MessageDialog("All fields are required.", "Problem..."); msgbox.Commands.Clear(); msgbox.Commands.Add(new UICommand { Label = "Ok", Id = 0 }); var res = await msgbox.ShowAsync(); }else { if (vm == null) { vm = new VisitorManager(); vm.firstname = txtFirstName.Text; vm.lastname = txtLastName.Text; //vm.companyrepresented = txtCompany.Text; vm.boeinghostname = txtHost.Text; Debug.WriteLine("send to badge capture screen."); } else { vm.firstname = txtFirstName.Text; vm.lastname = txtLastName.Text; //vm.companyrepresented = txtCompany.Text; vm.boeinghostname = txtHost.Text; } this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(VisitorProcessPage2), vm); } }
private void AppBarButton_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ScheduledVisitTile thisTile = lvItems.SelectedItem as ScheduledVisitTile; if(thisTile!=null){ VisitorManager vm = new VisitorManager(); vm.parsePerson(thisTile.person); this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(VisitorProcessPage1), vm); } }
//private async void txtName_Copy_KeyUp(object sender, KeyRoutedEventArgs e) //{ // StorageFile file = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFileAsync("logdata.xml"); // lvItems.Items.Clear(); // // Debug.WriteLine("Attempting to read file " + file.Path + " into xdocument"); // XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file.Path); // var ps = ( // from actions in doc.Root.Elements("Action").Elements("Person") // select actions // ); // if (txtName_Copy.Text.Count() > 0) // { // IEnumerable<XElement> persons = ( // from actions in doc.Root.Elements("Action") // where (string)actions.Attribute("type") == "Scheduled Visit" // from person in actions.Elements("Person") // where (person.Element("Company-Represented").Value.ToUpper().Contains(txtName_Copy.Text.ToUpper())) // from dates in person.Elements("Date") // orderby DateTime.Parse(person.Element("Time-In").Value) ascending // where Convert.ToDateTime(dates.Value).Date == DateTime.Now.Date // select person // ); // foreach (XElement signin in persons) // { // ScheduledVisitTile tile = new ScheduledVisitTile(); // tile.person = signin; // tile.txtName.Text = signin.Element("Last-Name").Value.ToString() + ", " + signin.Element("First-Name").Value.ToString(); // tile.txtCompany.Text = signin.Element("Company-Represented").Value.ToString(); // var formatter = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("shortdate"); // var formatterTime = new Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DateTimeFormatter("shorttime"); // DateTime dateToFormat = Convert.ToDateTime(signin.Element("Time-In").Value.ToString()); // var thedate = formatter.Format(dateToFormat); // var thetime = formatterTime.Format(dateToFormat); // tile.txtDate.Text = thedate + " " + thetime; // lvItems.Items.Add(tile); // } // } //} private void AppBarButton_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ScheduledVisitTile thisTile = lvItems.SelectedItem as ScheduledVisitTile; if (thisTile != null) { VisitorManager vm = new VisitorManager(); vm.parsePerson(thisTile.person); // this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(VisitorProcessPage1), vm); if (Convert.ToBoolean(App.appman.localSettings.Values["UsePrivacyStatement"])) { this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(PrivacyStatement), vm); } else { this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(VisitorProcessPage1), vm); } } }