static async Task <int> Main(string[] args) { // Load Settings. IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true).Build(); Settings = configuration.ReadSettings(); // Load Log4Net for net configuration. var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo("log4net.config")); log.Info($"\n{System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName}"); log.Info("\nPress 'q' to unregister file system and exit (simulate uninstall)."); log.Info("\nPress any other key to exit without unregistering (simulate reboot)."); log.Info("\n----------------------\n"); // Typically you will register sync root during your application installation. // Here we register it during first program start for the sake of the development convenience. if (!await Registrar.IsRegisteredAsync(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath); log.Info($"\nRegistering {Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root."); await Registrar.RegisterAsync(SyncRootId, Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, "My Virtual File System"); } else { log.Info($"\n{Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root already registered."); } ConsoleKeyInfo exitKey; try { engine = new VfsEngine(Settings.License, Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, log); RemoteStorageMonitorInstance = new RemoteStorageMonitor(Settings.RemoteStorageRootPath, log); syncService = new SyncService(Settings.SyncIntervalMs, Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, log); userFileSystemMonitor = new UserFileSystemMonitor(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, log); // Start processing OS file system calls. await engine.StartAsync(); // Start monitoring changes in remote file system. await RemoteStorageMonitorInstance.StartAsync(); // Start periodical synchronyzation between client and server, // in case any changes are lost because the client or the server were unavailable. //await syncService.StartAsync(); // Start monitoring pinned/unpinned attributes and files/folders creation in user file system. await userFileSystemMonitor.StartAsync(); #if DEBUG // Opens Windows File Manager with user file system folder and remote storage folder. ShowTestEnvironment(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, Settings.RemoteStorageRootPath); #endif // Keep this application running untill user input. exitKey = Console.ReadKey(); } finally { engine.Dispose(); RemoteStorageMonitorInstance.Dispose(); syncService.Dispose(); userFileSystemMonitor.Dispose(); } if (exitKey.KeyChar == 'q') { // Unregister during programm uninstall. await Registrar.UnregisterAsync(SyncRootId); log.Info($"\n\nUnregistering {Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root."); log.Info("\nAll empty file and folder placeholders are deleted. Hydrated placeholders are converted to regular files / folders.\n"); } else { log.Info("\n\nAll downloaded file / folder placeholders remain in file system. Restart the application to continue managing files.\n"); } return(1); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Load Settings. IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true).Build(); Settings = configuration.ReadSettings(); // Load Log4Net for net configuration. var logRepository = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepository, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), "log4net.config"))); // Enable UTF8 for Console Window Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; log.Info($"\n{System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName} {Settings.AppID}"); log.Info("\nPress 'Q' to unregister file system, delete all files/folders and exit (simulate uninstall with full cleanup)."); log.Info("\nPress 'q' to unregister file system and exit (simulate uninstall)."); log.Info("\nPress any other key to exit without unregistering (simulate reboot)."); log.Info("\n----------------------\n"); // Typically you will register sync root during your application installation. // Here we register it during first program start for the sake of the development convenience. if (!await Registrar.IsRegisteredAsync(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath)) { log.Info($"\nRegistering {Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root."); Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath); await Registrar.RegisterAsync(SyncRootId, Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, Settings.ProductName, Path.Combine(Settings.IconsFolderPath, "Drive.ico")); // Set root item ID. It will be passed to IEngine.GetFileSystemItemAsync() method // as itemId parameter when a root folder is requested. byte[] itemId = WindowsFileSystemItem.GetItemIdByPath(Settings.RemoteStorageRootPath); PlaceholderFolder.GetItem(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath).SetItemId(itemId); } else { log.Info($"\n{Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root already registered."); } // Log indexed state. StorageFolder userFileSystemRootFolder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath); log.Info($"\nIndexed state: {(await userFileSystemRootFolder.GetIndexedStateAsync())}\n"); ConsoleKeyInfo exitKey; try { Engine = new VirtualEngine(Settings.UserFileSystemLicense, Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, Settings.RemoteStorageRootPath, log); // Start processing OS file system calls. await Engine.StartAsync(); #if DEBUG // Opens Windows File Manager with user file system folder and remote storage folder. ShowTestEnvironment(); #endif // Keep this application running until user input. exitKey = Console.ReadKey(); } finally { Engine.Dispose(); } if (exitKey.KeyChar == 'q') { // Unregister during programm uninstall. await Registrar.UnregisterAsync(SyncRootId); log.Info($"\n\nUnregistering {Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root."); log.Info("\nAll empty file and folder placeholders are deleted. Hydrated placeholders are converted to regular files / folders.\n"); } else if (exitKey.KeyChar == 'Q') { log.Info($"\n\nUnregistering {Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath} sync root."); log.Info("\nAll files and folders placeholders are deleted.\n"); // Unregister during programm uninstall and delete all files/folder. await Registrar.UnregisterAsync(SyncRootId); try { Directory.Delete(Settings.UserFileSystemRootPath, true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"\n{ex}"); } } else { log.Info("\n\nAll downloaded file / folder placeholders remain in file system. Restart the application to continue managing files.\n"); } }