private void logOutBt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LogInPage logPage = new LogInPage(); logPage.Show(); this.Hide(); MesBox box = new MesBox(logPage, "Log-Out Successfull.. :)", true); box.Show(); }
private void loginBT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataBase DB = new DataBase(); if (DB.userAuth(unameTX.Text, passTX.Text)) { if (DB.getUserType(unameTX.Text) == Convert.ToBoolean(GenProperty.UserType.Teacher)) { Session.setTeacher(unameTX.Text); new TeacherHomePage().Show(); this.Hide(); Session.isTeacher = true; } else { Session.isTeacher = false; Session.setStudent(unameTX.Text); new StudentHomePage().Show(); this.Hide(); } } else { //MessageBox.Show("Wrong Username or Password.."); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Wrong Username or Password.. :(", false); box.Show(); } }
bool chkForm() { if (!stdnt.Checked && !techr.Checked) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Select Regester Type"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Select Register Type.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (nameBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (mailBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (IdBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (dateTime.Text.Equals(DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"))) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Select Your Dath of Birth"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Select Your Dath of Birth.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (!mle.Checked && !fmle.Checked) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Select Your Gender"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Select Your Gender.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (techr.Checked) { if (instBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (dptBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } } if (new DataBase().chkUser(IdBx.Text)) { //MessageBox.Show("Username Already Exist :("); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Sorry, Username Already Exist.. :(", false); box.Show(); IdBx.Text = ""; return(false); } if (!pass1Bx.Text.Equals(pass2Bx.Text) || pass1Bx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Password Did not matched..!"); if (pass1Bx.Text.Equals(pass2Bx.Text)) { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Sorry, Password can't be empty.. :(", false); box.Show(); } else { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Sorry, Password Did not matched.. :(", false); box.Show(); pass1Bx.Text = ""; pass2Bx.Text = ""; } return(false); } return(true); }
private void submtBT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (chkForm()) { if (techr.Checked) { bool gen = mle.Checked; Teacher aTeacher = new Teacher(IdBx.Text, nameBx.Text, mailBx.Text, dateTime.Value, gen, instBx.Text, dptBx.Text); aTeacher.getReg(pass1Bx.Text); } else { bool gen = mle.Checked; Student aStudent = new Student(IdBx.Text, nameBx.Text, mailBx.Text, dateTime.Value, gen); aStudent.getReg(pass1Bx.Text); } LogInPage logPage = new LogInPage(); logPage.Show(); this.Hide(); MesBox box = new MesBox(logPage, "Registation Successfull.. :)", true); box.Show(); } }
bool chkForm() { if (nameBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (mailBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (dateTime.Text.Equals(DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy"))) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Select Your Dath of Birth"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Select Your Dath of Birth.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (!mle.Checked && !fmle.Checked) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Select Your Gender"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Select Your Gender.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (instBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (dptBx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Please Fill-up All Fields"); MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please Fill-up All Fields.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (!pass1Bx.Text.Equals(pass2Bx.Text) || pass1Bx.Text.Equals("")) { //MessageBox.Show("Password Did not matched..!"); if (pass1Bx.Text.Equals(pass2Bx.Text)) { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Sorry, Password can't be empty.. :(", false); box.Show(); } else { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Sorry, Password Did not matched.. :(", false); box.Show(); pass1Bx.Text = ""; pass2Bx.Text = ""; } return(false); } return(true); }
bool chkForm() { if (nameBx.Text.Equals("")) { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please enter the Course Name.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (mxstudentBx.Text.Equals("")) { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please set the maximum student limit.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } if (descTexBx.Text.Equals("")) { MesBox box = new MesBox(this, "Please write some short description.. :(", false); box.Show(); return(false); } return(true); }