GetParamValue() public method

public GetParamValue ( string paramName ) : string
paramName string
return string
 public void Play(Command command)
     if (command.ContainsParam("NodeId"))
         Guid id;
         if (Guid.TryParse(command.GetParamValue("NodeId"), out id))
             if (CurrentNode != null && CurrentNode.NodeId.Equals(id))
                 HandleCurrentNodePlay(command); //the current playing node is the same one this play command came from
                 HandleNonCurrentNodePlay(command, id); //it was a different node to the currently playing node that the command came from
         if (MediaPlayer.Source != null)
             MainUI.UrlControl.Data.Source = MediaPlayer.Source.ToString();
 public void Seek(Command seekCommand)
     if (seekCommand != null && seekCommand.Params != null)
         if (seekCommand.ContainsParam("Position"))
             TimeSpan seekPosition;
             if (TimeSpan.TryParse(seekCommand.GetParamValue("Position"), out seekPosition))