public void GetVideoThumbnail(string inputFile, string outputFile, float?frameTime) { Media input = new Media { Filename = inputFile }; Media output = new Media { Filename = outputFile, Format = "mjpeg" }; ConvertSettings settings = new ConvertSettings { VideoFrameCount = 1, Seek = frameTime, MaxDuration = 1f }; this.ConvertMedia(input, output, settings); }
// Converts a folder of media files. // // \param path folder - The folder to be converted. // \param int toFormatcomboBoxIndex - The index of the format to be converted to. // \param int fromFormatcomboBoxIndex - The index of the format to be converted from. // \return bool - True if media file is converted correctly otherwise false. // public bool ConvertFolder(string folder, int toFormatcomboBoxIndex, int fromFormatcomboBoxIndex, bool deleteAll, bool subDir, ConvertSettings VideoSettings) { string[] mediaFiles = new string[1]; bool result = false; if (subDir) { mediaFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); } else { mediaFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folder); } // For loop to go through each file. foreach (string file in mediaFiles) { // If the file is a media file and it is not already the correct format. if (((fromFormatcomboBoxIndex == 0 && IsMediaFile(file)) || (fromFormatcomboBoxIndex != 0 && Path.GetExtension(file) == mediaExtensions[fromFormatcomboBoxIndex - 1])) && Path.GetExtension(file) != mediaExtensions[toFormatcomboBoxIndex]) { result = ConvertFile(file, toFormatcomboBoxIndex, fromFormatcomboBoxIndex, deleteAll, VideoSettings); } } return(result); }
// Converts a single media file. // // \param path file - The file to be converted. // \param int toFormatcomboBoxIndex - The index of the format to be converted to. // \param int fromFormatcomboBoxIndex - The index of the format to be converted from. // \return bool - True if media file is converted correctly otherwise false. // public bool ConvertFile(string file, int toFormatcomboBoxIndex, int fromFormatcomboBoxIndex, bool deleteAll, ConvertSettings VideoSettings) { // The array of supported file formats string[] formats = { Format.mp4, Format.matroska, Format.avi,, Format.mpeg, Format.ogg, Format.flv, Format.webm }; // If the file is a media file and it is not already the correct format. if (((fromFormatcomboBoxIndex == 0 && IsMediaFile(file)) || (fromFormatcomboBoxIndex != 0 && Path.GetExtension(file) == mediaExtensions[fromFormatcomboBoxIndex - 1])) && Path.GetExtension(file) != mediaExtensions[toFormatcomboBoxIndex]) { // Determine which file is currently being processed. VideoConverterForm.currentFile = "Currently Processing: " + Path.GetFileName(file); // Create the new file name. string newFile = file.Substring(0, file.Length - Path.GetExtension(file).Length) + mediaExtensions[toFormatcomboBoxIndex]; string format = formats[toFormatcomboBoxIndex]; string oldFormat = Path.GetExtension(file).Substring(1); if (oldFormat == "mkv") { oldFormat = Format.matroska; } try { // Converts the file to the selected format. ffMpeg.ConvertMedia(file, oldFormat, newFile, format, VideoSettings); // Deletes the files if the checkbox is checked. if (deleteAll) { File.Delete(file); } return(true); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error Detected in File " + Path.GetFileName(file) + " Skipping"); if (File.Exists(newFile)) { File.Delete(newFile); } return(false); } } return(false); }
protected string ComposeFFMpegCommandLineArgs(string inputFile, string inputFormat, string outputFile, string outputFormat, ConvertSettings settings) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (settings.AppendSilentAudioStream) { builder.Append(" -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 "); } if (settings.Seek.HasValue) { builder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " -ss {0}", new object[] { settings.Seek }); } if (inputFormat != null) { builder.Append(" -f " + inputFormat); } if (settings.CustomInputArgs != null) { builder.AppendFormat(" {0} ", settings.CustomInputArgs); } StringBuilder outputArgs = new StringBuilder(); this.ComposeFFMpegOutputArgs(outputArgs, outputFormat, settings); if (settings.AppendSilentAudioStream) { outputArgs.Append(" -shortest "); } return(string.Format(" -loglevel {4} {0} -i {1} {2} -y {3}", new object[] { builder.ToString(), this.CommandArgParameter(inputFile), outputArgs.ToString(), this.CommandArgParameter(outputFile), this.LogLevel })); }
private ConvertLiveMediaTask CreateLiveMediaTask(string toolArgs, Stream inputStream, Stream outputStream, ConvertSettings settings) { FFMpegProgress progress = new FFMpegProgress(new Action <ConvertProgressEventArgs>(this.OnConvertProgress), this.ConvertProgress != null); if (settings != null) { progress.Seek = settings.Seek; progress.MaxDuration = settings.MaxDuration; } return(new ConvertLiveMediaTask(this, toolArgs, inputStream, outputStream, progress)); }
public void ConvertMedia(string inputFile, string inputFormat, string outputFile, string outputFormat, ConvertSettings settings) { if (inputFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inputFile"); } if (outputFile == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("outputFile"); } if ((File.Exists(inputFile) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(inputFile))) && (inputFormat == null)) { throw new Exception("Input format is required for file without extension"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path.GetExtension(outputFile)) && (outputFormat == null)) { throw new Exception("Output format is required for file without extension"); } Media input = new Media { Filename = inputFile, Format = inputFormat }; Media output = new Media { Filename = outputFile, Format = outputFormat }; this.ConvertMedia(input, output, settings ?? new ConvertSettings()); }
internal void ConvertMedia(Media input, Media output, ConvertSettings settings) { this.EnsureFFMpegLibs(); string filename = input.Filename; if (filename == null) { filename = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { this.CopyStream(input.DataStream, stream, 0x40000); } } string path = output.Filename; if (path == null) { path = Path.GetTempFileName(); } if (((output.Format == "flv") || (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() == ".flv")) && !settings.AudioSampleRate.HasValue) { settings.AudioSampleRate = 0xac44; } try { string fFMpegExePath = this.GetFFMpegExePath(); if (!File.Exists(fFMpegExePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find ffmpeg tool: " + fFMpegExePath); } string arguments = this.ComposeFFMpegCommandLineArgs(filename, input.Format, path, output.Format, settings); ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(fFMpegExePath, arguments) { WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden, CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.FFMpegToolPath), RedirectStandardInput = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true }; this.InitStartInfo(startInfo); if (this.FFMpegProcess != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("FFMpeg process is already started"); } this.FFMpegProcess = Process.Start(startInfo); if (this.FFMpegProcessPriority != ProcessPriorityClass.Normal) { this.FFMpegProcess.PriorityClass = this.FFMpegProcessPriority; } string lastErrorLine = string.Empty; FFMpegProgress ffmpegProgress = new FFMpegProgress(new Action <ConvertProgressEventArgs>(this.OnConvertProgress), this.ConvertProgress != null); if (settings != null) { ffmpegProgress.Seek = settings.Seek; ffmpegProgress.MaxDuration = settings.MaxDuration; } this.FFMpegProcess.ErrorDataReceived += delegate(object o, DataReceivedEventArgs args) { if (args.Data != null) { lastErrorLine = args.Data; ffmpegProgress.ParseLine(args.Data); this.FFMpegLogHandler(args.Data); } }; this.FFMpegProcess.OutputDataReceived += delegate(object o, DataReceivedEventArgs args) { }; this.FFMpegProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); this.FFMpegProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); this.WaitFFMpegProcessForExit(); if (this.FFMpegProcess.ExitCode != 0) { throw new FFMpegException(this.FFMpegProcess.ExitCode, lastErrorLine); } this.FFMpegProcess.Close(); this.FFMpegProcess = null; ffmpegProgress.Complete(); if (output.Filename == null) { using (FileStream stream2 = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)) { this.CopyStream(stream2, output.DataStream, 0x40000); } } } catch (Exception) { this.EnsureFFMpegProcessStopped(); throw; } finally { if (((filename != null) && (input.Filename == null)) && File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } if (((path != null) && (output.Filename == null)) && File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } }
public ConvertLiveMediaTask ConvertLiveMedia(string inputSource, string inputFormat, Stream outputStream, string outputFormat, ConvertSettings settings) { this.EnsureFFMpegLibs(); string toolArgs = this.ComposeFFMpegCommandLineArgs(inputSource, inputFormat, "-", outputFormat, settings); return(this.CreateLiveMediaTask(toolArgs, null, outputStream, settings)); }
public ConvertLiveMediaTask ConvertLiveMedia(string inputFormat, Stream outputStream, string outputFormat, ConvertSettings settings) { return(this.ConvertLiveMedia((Stream)null, inputFormat, outputStream, outputFormat, settings)); }