private VirtualObjectBox InstanceNewSemanticObject(SemanticObject _obj) { Transform obj_inst = Instantiate(prefDetectedObject, _obj.Position, _obj.Rotation).transform; obj_inst.parent = tfFrameForObjects; VirtualObjectBox result = obj_inst.GetComponentInChildren <VirtualObjectBox>(); result.InitializeSemanticObject(_obj); return(result); }
public Color32 GetColorObject(VirtualObjectBox vob) { Color32 newColor = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), (byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), (byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), 255); while (boxColors.ContainsKey(newColor)) { newColor = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), (byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), (byte)Random.Range(0f, 255f), 255); } boxColors[newColor] = vob; return(newColor); }
private VirtualObjectBox Matching(SemanticObject obj1, ICollection <VirtualObjectBox> listToCompare) { VirtualObjectBox match = null; float best_score = 999; foreach (VirtualObjectBox vob in listToCompare) { List <SemanticObject.Corner> order = YNN(vob.semanticObject.Corners, obj1.Corners); float score = CalculateMatchingScore(vob.semanticObject.Corners, order); if (((score < thresholdMatchSameSype && obj1.ObjectClass.Equals(vob.semanticObject.ObjectClass)) || (score < thresholdMatchDiffType && !obj1.ObjectClass.Equals(vob.semanticObject.ObjectClass))) && score < best_score) { obj1.SetNewCorners(order); match = vob; best_score = score; //Debug.Log("Union: " + obj1.Id+ " con: " + vob.semanticObject.Id + ", por distancia: " + score); }//else { Debug.Log("NO Union: " + obj1.Id+ " con: " + vob.semanticObject.Id + ", por distancia: " + score); } } return(match); }
private IEnumerator ProcessMsgs() { Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, 640, 480); Texture2D image = new Texture2D(640, 480, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); RenderTexture renderTextureMask = new RenderTexture(640, 480, 24); while (Application.isPlaying) { if (processingQueue.Count > 0) { DetectionArrayMsg _detections = processingQueue.Dequeue(); //Get view previous detections from bbCamera located in the origin bbCamera.transform.position = _detections.origin.GetPositionUnity(); bbCamera.transform.rotation = _detections.origin.GetRotationUnity() * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f); Dictionary <VirtualObjectBox, int> virtualObjectBoxInRange = new Dictionary <VirtualObjectBox, int>(); List <VirtualObjectBox> visibleVirtualObjectBox = new List <VirtualObjectBox>(); //int n = 0; bool newIteration = true; while (newIteration) { newIteration = false; bbCamera.targetTexture = renderTextureMask; bbCamera.Render(); = renderTextureMask; image.ReadPixels(rect, 0, 0); image.Apply(); var q = from x in image.GetPixels() group x by x into g let count = g.Count() orderby count descending select new { Value = g.Key, Count = count }; foreach (var xx in q) { if (boxColors.ContainsKey(xx.Value)) { var vob = boxColors[xx.Value]; vob.gameObject.SetActive(false); visibleVirtualObjectBox.Add(vob); var distance = Vector3.Distance(vob.semanticObject.Position, bbCamera.transform.position); if (deepRange.y >= distance && distance >= deepRange.x) { virtualObjectBoxInRange.Add(vob, xx.Count); } newIteration = true; //Debug.Log("Value: " + xx.Value + " Count: " + xx.Count); } } bbCamera.targetTexture = null; = null; //Clean //Destroy(renderTextureMask); //Free memory if (q.Count() == 1) { break; } //n++; } foreach (VirtualObjectBox vob in visibleVirtualObjectBox) { vob.gameObject.SetActive(true); } List <VirtualObjectBox> detectedVirtualObjectBox = new List <VirtualObjectBox>(); foreach (DetectionMsg detection in _detections.detections) { SemanticObject virtualObject = new SemanticObject(detection.GetScores(), detection.GetCorners(), detection.occluded_corners); //Check the type object is in the ontology if (!OntologySystem.instance.CheckInteresObject(virtualObject.ObjectClass)) { Log(virtualObject.ObjectClass + " - detected but it is not in the ontology", LogLevel.Error, true); continue; } //Checks the distance to the object var distance = Vector3.Distance(virtualObject.Position, bbCamera.transform.position); if (distance < deepRange.x || distance > deepRange.y) { Log(virtualObject.ObjectClass + " - detected but it is not in deep range. Distance: " + distance, LogLevel.Normal, true); continue; } //Insertion detection into the ontology virtualObject = OntologySystem.instance.AddNewDetectedObject(virtualObject); //Try to get a match VirtualObjectBox match = Matching(virtualObject, virtualObjectBoxInRange.Keys); //Match process if (match != null) { match.NewDetection(virtualObject); detectedVirtualObjectBox.Add(match); } else { Log("New object detected: " + virtualObject.ToString(), LogLevel.Developer); m_objectDetected.Add(virtualObject); VirtualObjectBox nvob = InstanceNewSemanticObject(virtualObject); detectedVirtualObjectBox.Add(nvob); } nDetections++; } List <VirtualObjectBox> inRange = virtualObjectBoxInRange.Keys.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < inRange.Count - 1; i++) { if (inRange[i] != null) { VirtualObjectBox match = null; match = Matching(inRange[i].semanticObject, inRange.GetRange(i + 1, inRange.Count - i - 1)); if (match != null) { match.NewDetection(inRange[i].semanticObject); inRange[i].RemoveVirtualBox(); } } } detectedVirtualObjectBox.ForEach(dvob => virtualObjectBoxInRange.Remove(dvob)); foreach (KeyValuePair <VirtualObjectBox, int> o in virtualObjectBoxInRange) { if (o.Value > minPixelsMask) { o.Key.NewDetection(null); } } } yield return(null); } }