static public void ActivateConsole(string text) { if (secondThreadFormHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { RotateWait form = new RotateWait(); form.HandleCreated += SecondFormHandleCreated; form.HandleDestroyed += SecondFormHandleDestroyed; form.RunInNewThread(true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } SendText(text); }
static public void ActivateConsole(string text) { if (form == null) { hideTimer = new Timer(); hideTimer.Interval = 3000; hideTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(hideTimer_Tick); form = new RotateWait(); form.WaitText = text; form.Show(); // form.SendToBack(); } else { hideTimer.Start(); } }
public DownloadRotateWait(string url, string destinationFile, string description) { this.DownloadUrl = url; this.Description = description; this.destinationFile = destinationFile; this.DownloadName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.destinationFile); this.tempFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + this.DownloadName + ".downloading"; if (File.Exists(this.tempFile)) { File.Delete(this.tempFile); } // To receive notification when the file is available, add an event handler to the DownloadFileCompleted event. rw = new RotateWait(); rw.ShowProgress = true; rw.Progress.Value = 0; rw.Progress.Maximum = 100; rw.Progress.Step = 1; // Create a new WebClient instance. WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient(); myWebClient.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(myWebClient_DownloadProgressChanged); myWebClient.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(myWebClient_DownloadFileCompleted); // Concatenate the domain with the Web resource filename. rw.WaitText = String.Format("Downloading \"{0}\"", this.Description); // Download the Web resource and save it into the current filesystem folder. rw.Hold = true; rw.Show(); myWebClient.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(this.DownloadUrl), tempFile); // myWebClient_DownloadFileCompleted(null, null); }
public MyNativeWindowListener(RotateWait parent) { parent.HandleCreated += new EventHandler(this.OnHandleCreated); parent.HandleDestroyed += new EventHandler(this.OnHandleDestroyed); this.parent = parent; }
static void hideTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { hideTimer.Stop(); form.Close(); form = null; }